wheals, neutral female incantifier Anachrononaut

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Wheals the Trooper               St:17 Dx:13 Co:14 In:18 Wi:9 Ch:10  Neutral S:63782
Dlvl:12 $:84 HP:0(76) Pw:248(1028) AC:-11 Xp:11/13445 T:9336 Stun

Your inventory
  c - an uncursed +0 bodyglove (being worn)
  e - an uncursed +1 robe (being worn)
  m - an uncursed +0 droven cloak
  y - an uncursed +0 pair of gauntlets of dexterity (being worn)
  F - a blessed +3 gnomish pointy hat (being worn)
  T - an uncursed +1 pair of jumping boots
  W - a blessed +3 dwarvish mithril-coat (being worn)
  X - a blessed +2 pair of iron shoes (being worn)
  C - an uncursed carrot
  V - an uncursed tripe ration
  Y - 2 uncursed cloves of garlic
  g - a cursed scroll of earth
  n - 2 uncursed scrolls of teleportation
  u - 2 cursed scrolls of teleportation
  I - an uncursed scroll of remove curse
  J - an uncursed scroll of cartouche of the Cat Lord
  O - an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon
  Q - an uncursed scroll of blank paper
  l - an uncursed potion of invisibility
  H - an uncursed potion of levitation
  L - an uncursed potion of full healing
  N - a blessed potion of full healing
  Z - a cursed potion of healing
  f - a cursed ring of aggravate monster
  o - an uncursed engraved ring of stealth
  t - an uncursed ring of polymorph control
  w - a blessed +2 ring of adornment
  b - an uncursed wand of striking (0:4)
  i - an uncursed wand of undead turning (0:0)
  k - an uncursed wand of light (0:11)
  s - a blessed wand of enlightenment (0:13)
  K - an uncursed wand of light (0:12)
  P - an uncursed wand of fire (0:5)
  a - an uncursed +3 red lightsaber (lit) (weapon in hand)
  h - 5 uncursed power packs
  j - an uncursed bag of holding
  z - an uncursed bag of holding
  E - an uncursed magic whistle
  M - an uncursed +0 unicorn horn
  S - an uncursed bag of tricks (0:11)

Contents of the bag of holding:
  9318 gold pieces
  an uncursed amulet of ESP
  an uncursed amulet versus curses
  an uncursed amulet versus poison
  an uncursed scroll of magic mapping
  an uncursed scroll of create monster
  an uncursed scroll of food detection
  an uncursed scroll of confuse monster
  an uncursed scroll of teleportation
  3 uncursed scrolls of identify
  an uncursed scroll of light
  an uncursed scroll of enchant armor
  a cursed scroll of create monster
  a blessed scroll of create monster
  a cursed scroll of magic mapping
  an uncursed spellbook of healing
  an uncursed spellbook of teleport away
  2 uncursed potions of object detection
  an uncursed potion of confusion
  an uncursed potion of blindness
  an uncursed potion of booze
  an uncursed potion of monster detection
  an uncursed potion of levitation
  a blessed potion of invisibility
  an uncursed potion of healing
  an uncursed potion of oil
  a blessed potion of object detection
  an uncursed potion of water
  an uncursed potion of speed
  a cursed potion of polymorph
  a blessed potion of booze
  a blessed +1 ring of gain constitution
  an uncursed ring of alacrity

The bag of holding is empty.

Final attributes
  You were piously aligned
  Your alignment was  56
  You carried 0 sins
  You had a hod wantedness of 0
  You had a gevurah wantedness of 0
  You had a chokhmah wantedness of 0
  You had 12 weakness from being studied
  You were magic-protected
  You were immune to sickness
  You were stunned
  You had a carrying capacity of 52 remaining
  You had 248 points of nutrition remaining
  You were fast
  You are dead 

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail
  a - detect monsters        1    divination     0%
  b - jumping                1    escape         0%
  c - force bolt             1    attack         0%
  d - healing                1    healing        0%
  e - haste self             3    escape        75%
  f - confuse monster        2    enchantment    0%
  g - extra healing          3    healing        0%
  h - magic missile          2    attack         0%
  i - magic mapping          5    divination   100%
  j - create monster         6    clerical     100%
  k - cause fear             3    enchantment   75%
  l - teleport away          6    escape       100%

Vanquished creatures
  a lich
  4 giant mimics (5 created)
  a stalker
  a giant zombie (0 created)
  2 small mimics (3 created)
  a xan
  an ogre lord
  a freezing sphere
  5 flaming spheres (4 created)
  7 shocking spheres
  a tengu
  a raven
  a mountain centaur (0 created)
  an elf mummy
  a python
  a hedrow warrior (0 created)
  a chameleon
  4 giant beetles (3 created)
  a quivering blob
  a cockatrice
  4 wolves
  2 quinons
  a lynx
  4 leprechauns (0 created)
  an iron piercer (0 created)
  a mumak
  a scorpion (2 created)
  a vampire bat
  a gnome king (0 created)
  an orc mummy (0 created)
  3 dwarf mummies
  4 drow zombies
  a gold golem
  a lizard
  a dingo
  5 quatons (2 created)
  2 jaguars (3 created)
  a black unicorn
  12 crows (10 created)
  2 plains centaurs (0 created)
  3 gnome mummies
  2 snakes (0 created)
  an ape (2 created)
  4 human zombies (20 created)
  7 garos (14 created)
  2 soldier ants (1 created)
  24 tritons (8 created)
  11 Mordor orcs
  6 Uruk-hai (4 created)
  an orc shaman
  2 rock piercers
  a pony
  a fog cloud (0 created)
  2 yellow lights
  2 shriekers
  5 gnome lords (7 created)
  4 gnomish wizards
  11 kobold mummies
  2 red naga hatchlings (1 created)
  a barrow wight (0 created)
  a giant ant
  13 dutons (4 created)
  13 dwarves
  4 hill orcs
  a rothe
  2 rabid rats (1 created)
  a parrot
  11 orc zombies (8 created)
  14 dwarf zombies
  3 iguanas (2 created)
  8 killer bees
  an acid blob
  17 monotons (18 created)
  a hobbit
  a large kobold
  a giant rat
  a cave spider
  3 yellow molds (2 created)
  a green mold
  a red mold
  51 gnomes
  3 garter snakes
  10 gnome zombies (11 created)
  3 geckos
  4 jackals (9 created)
  2 foxes (1 created)
  a kobold
  2 goblins (3 created)
  12 grid bugs (11 created)
  4 lichens (3 created)
  9 kobold zombies (10 created)
  7 newts (6 created)
  384 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You followed a strict vegan diet
  You never genocided any monsters
  You never polymorphed an object
  You never changed form
  You used no wishes
  You paid to have 1 item identified
  You magically identified 45 item

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
    form I: Shii-Cho   [Basic]
    form II: Makashi   [Basic]
    form V: Djem So    [Basic]
    form V: Shien      [Basic]
  Weapon Skills
    saber              [Expert]
  Spellcasting Skills
    healing spells     [Basic]

Latest messages
  The quaton hits!
  The quaton kicks!
  The air crackles around the quaton.
  You can move again.
  You miss the quaton.
  You are frozen by the quaton's gaze!
  The quaton studies you with a level stare.
  The quaton misses.
  The quaton kicks!
  You stagger...
  The quaton points at you, then curses.
  You can move again.
  What do you want to use or apply? [$abh-kmoswzEFKMPS or ?*] 
  Nothing seems to happen.
  The quaton studies you with a level stare.
  The quaton hits!
  The quaton kicks!
  You die...

Goodbye wheals the Anachrononaut...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 12 with 62842 points,
and 9402 pieces of gold, after 9336 moves.
Killer: quaton
You were level 11 with a maximum of 76 hit points when you died.

You reached the 278th place on the top 2000 list.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1   44341634  DarthBane-Ana-Inc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.   980 [1266]
  2   40810416  Snips-Wiz-Inc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.    214728 [228326]
  3   14331416  Khor-Wiz-Inc-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood.   3836 [4130]

*278      62842  wheals-Ana-Inc-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom            
                on level 12.  Killed by a quaton.                       -  [76]