smzp, neutral male human Tourist --------- ###........| |..@....| |....d..| |.......| -|------- #% # ## ---|----- |.{.....| |.......| |.....>.| --------- [Smzp the Rambler] St:13 Dx:12 Co:15 In:12 Wi:9 Ch:15 Neutral Dungeons of Doom:1 $:1103 HP:15(15) Pw:2(2) AC:10 Exp:2 T:668 Latest messages The jackal bites! You miss the jackal. The jackal bites! You miss the jackal. The jackal just misses! In what direction? You kill the jackal! a - an uncursed +2 dart (in quiver). There is a doorway here. You see here a jackal corpse. Pick an object. _ an iron chain or an altar (chaotic altar) There is a doorway here. You see here a jackal corpse. There is a jackal corpse here; eat it? [ynq] (n) This jackal corpse tastes terrible! You finish eating the jackal corpse. o - a scroll labeled FOOBIE BLETCH. What do you want to read? [ho or ?*] As you read the scroll, it disappears. A flood surges through the area! You fall into the water! You sink like a rock. You try to crawl out of the water. Pheew! That was close. You hear someone cursing shoplifters. Hit points restored. You feel wise! You must have been very observant. Beware, there will be no return! Still climb? [yn] (n) Your inventory Weapons a - 22 uncursed rusty +2 darts (in quiver)* m - an [uncursed] rusty [+0] mace (weapon in hand) Armor i - an uncursed +0 Hawaiian shirt (being worn)* Comestibles b - 6 uncursed food rations* d - an uncursed fortune cookie* Scrolls h - 4 uncursed unlabeled scrolls [of blank paper]* Potions g - 2 uncursed diluted potions of extra healing* Rings n - a [cursed] wooden ring [of fire resistance] Tools j - an uncursed expensive camera (0:72)* k - an uncursed credit card* Final Attributes You were stridently aligned. Hunger level was 464. Your alignment was 5 / 13. Monster difficulty range was 0 - 1. Level difficulty was 1. Your luck was zero. You survived. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a giant rat a jackal a fox a kobold a grid bug 2 newts (5 created) 7 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You were an atheist. You used a wielded weapon 1 time. You read items or engraved 1 time. You put on armor 1 time. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never engraved Elbereth. You never encountered a bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dart [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 3 Level 1: <- You were here a fountain Level 2: a weapon shop, a fountain Level 3: an altar Game information Seed: 3411392683 Started: 2016-06-04 14:25:11 Ended: 2016-06-04 14:27:29 Play time: PT00:02:18 Aloha smzp the Tourist... Youescaped from the dungeon with 466 points, and 1103 pieces of gold, after 668 moves. Killer: escaped You were level 2 with a maximum of 15 hit points when you escaped. 1 1419262 Tariru-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 217 [217] 2 1350922 Tariru-Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 280 [309] 3 1342772 Tariru-Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 292 [292] 99 4260 Eorgine-Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 7. Killed by a white unicorn. - [53] 100 3909 MissPrince-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in Sokoban on level 5 [max 9]. Killed by a snake. - [76]