noty2, chaotic male elven Troubadour --------- --------- ------------- |.......| |.......| |...........| |.......| |.......| # |............`# ------- |.......| |.......| ### |...........| # |*....| |.......| |....{^..# # #.............######-.....| |..>...|| |.......|# ######---.---------# |.....| ---.--.-- -----.---# # # # # -----.- # # # # ###### # ## #### # # # # # # # ## # # ###### # ### ### # # # # # # ## # ######### # #### #` # #-----# # -@- #### # #|....# # ..... # # ------.- #|.._| -....... -.--.--- ##........#####-..^| |.......| |......| # |......| ----- +.......| |.<.....#### |.......#### |....$..| -------- -------- --------- Noty2 the Lyrist St:8 Dx:18 Co:14 In:10 Wi:12 Ch:18 Chaotic S:1455 Dlvl:4 $:745 HP:30(30) Pw:32(32) Br:4 AC:-5 Xp:4/115 T:3701 Your inventory Armor b - an uncursed +1 elven cloak (being worn) l - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat m - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn) n - an uncursed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) o - an uncursed +0 dwarvish mithril-coat (being worn) Comestibles c - 4 uncursed apples d - 3 uncursed oranges Wands E - a wand of magic missile (0:4) Tools a - an uncursed wooden harp f - an uncursed tin whistle p - an uncursed blindfold q - an uncursed oilskin sack t - an uncursed leash x - a +0 grappling hook y - an uncursed magic whistle A - an uncursed leather drum B - an uncursed magic lamp (lit) Contents of the oilskin sack: a blessed scroll of enchant armor a cursed potion of booze an uncursed potion of healing 5 uncursed potions of booze Final attributes You last prayed 513 turns ago That prayer was well recieved You were fervently aligned Your alignment was 10 You carried 0 sins You had a hod wantedness of 0 You had a gevurah wantedness of 0 You had a chokhmah wantedness of 0 You had 0 weakness from being studied You were sleep resistant You saw invisible You had a carrying capacity of 137 remaining You had 336 points of nutrition remaining You were stealthy You survived You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures an imp a fog cloud 4 gnome lords a black naga hatchling 10 dwarves 2 iguanas an acid blob 6 coyotes a hobbit a large kobold 2 giant rats a yellow mold 28 gnomes 3 gnome zombies 3 geckos a baby cave lizard 5 jackals 4 goblins 3 sewer rats 3 grid bugs 2 bats 2 lichens 2 kobold zombies 8 newts 95 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never hit with a wielded weapon You were illiterate You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item You never magically identified an item Your skills at the end Fighting Skills bare handed combat [Basic] beast mastery [Basic] Weapon Skills (none) Spellcasting Skills musicalize spell [Skilled] Latest messages You hear scraping in the distance. You hear scraping in the distance. You hear scraping in the distance. You displaced your gnome lord. You displaced your dwarf. You stop. Your dwarf is in the way! You displaced your dwarf. You see here a blindfold. E - a blindfold. # What do you want to adjust? [a-dfl-qtxyABE or ?*] Adjust letter to what [eg-krsu-wzC-Z]? Swapping: p - a blindfold. The door opens. The bat just misses! You kill the bat! Unknown command '!'. In what direction? # Really quit? [yn] (n) Goodbye noty2 the Troubadour... You quit in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 4 with 1455 points, and 745 pieces of gold, after 3701 moves. Killer: quit You were level 4 with a maximum of 30 hit points when you quit. You reached the 942nd place on the top 2000 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 44341634 DarthBane-Ana-Inc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 980 [1266] 2 40810416 Snips-Wiz-Inc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 214728 [228326] 3 14331416 Khor-Wiz-Inc-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 3836 [4130] *942 1455 noty2-Brd-Elf-Mal-Cha quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 4 [max 6]. 30 [30]