lillian, chaotic female human Rogue --- --.--- |....| --- |....---.-- ---- |.. ---.......----..| |..- ---......--...---..| --...............- |................. ----............. |...).......| ---- --.%---.....-- |..- |.[.|---.---- --...| |...||...| |..)- |..---.--- --...| |[-|...| |..----------.--.--| |............)...|.-- ---------- -------------..--...----.....@@.. |..............------ -------.|..--..| ---------- lillian the Rogue Experience level: 6 Strength: 11 Dexterity: 18 Constitution: 18 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 10 Health: 0(48) Energy: 26(26) Def: 6 Gold: 34 Moves: 4171 Dungeon seed: B0u6-SOOmmnNIOGN Game ID: lillian_1534380479 Your Inventory: Coins $ - 34 gold pieces Weapons a - an uncursed +0 dagger named Sharptooth (weapon in hand) b - 5 uncursed +0 daggers (in quiver) j - 2 uncursed +0 elven daggers l - a cursed -1 orcish dagger Q - 9 uncursed +0 daggers R - an uncursed +1 dagger Armor c - an uncursed +0 dwarvish cloak (being worn) r - an uncursed +0 dwarvish iron helm y - an uncursed +0 elven mithril-coat (being worn) z - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) N - an uncursed +0 dwarvish cloak Comestibles i - 6 uncursed food rations o - an uncursed fortune cookie I - an uncursed sprig of wolfsbane Wands P - an uncursed wand of speed monster (0:2) Tools k - an uncursed skeleton key m - a cursed tallow candle (0:200) u - an uncursed brass lantern (lit) (0:774) v - an uncursed tallow candle (0:200) A - an uncursed towel B - an uncursed sack Gems e - an uncursed worthless piece of yellow glass n - an uncursed jade stone q - an uncursed jet stone Contents of the sack: 777 gold pieces a blessed scroll of enchant weapon a cursed scroll of enchant weapon named cursed a blessed scroll of genocide an uncursed scroll of light Spells and supernatural/magical abilities: Name Level Category Fail Memory W - pray for help -- divine ? -- Your skills at the end: Fighting Skills Weapon Skills dagger [Expert] short sword [Basic] Spellcasting Skills Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were telepathic. You were stealthy. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a leprechaun a gnome king a raven a pony a yellow light 2 gnome lords a gnomish wizard 3 elf zombies 3 paper golems 2 little dogs a floating eye a kitten 8 dwarves a homunculus a kobold shaman 2 rothes 2 rabid rats a centipede 4 dwarf zombies an iguana an acid blob 3 hobbits 2 large kobolds a hobgoblin 2 giant rats a cave spider a green mold a red mold 21 gnomes a gecko 9 jackals a fox a kobold 4 goblins 4 sewer rats 7 grid bugs 2 lichens a kobold zombie 8 newts 109 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You had been an atheist until turn 3527. You used a wielded weapon 152 times, starting on turn 5. You read items or engraved 101 times, starting on turn 522. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never split a pudding. You wrote Elbereth's name 91 times, starting on turn 522. You never violated your personal moral code. Dungeon overview: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 5 Level 1 a fountain a long staircase Level 2 a fountain Level 3 a general store, a fountain Level 4 a general store stairs to The Gnomish Mines Level 5 The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 9 Level 5 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 6 (stash) Level 7 Level 9 <- You were here History has recorded: On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor! On T:344 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:444 you reached level 3 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:552 you advanced to experience level 2. On T:878 you reached level 4 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:883 you advanced to experience level 3. On T:1590 you advanced to experience level 4. On T:1903 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1954 you reached level 5 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:2413 you advanced to experience level 5. On T:2570 you reached level 2 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:3116 you advanced to experience level 6. On T:3617 you reached level 3 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:3765 you reached level 5 of The Gnomish Mines. Score breakdown: Gold: 811 ( 9897 points) Experience: 6 levels (12456 points) Exploration: 9 levels ( 18.00%) (12121 points) Discoveries: 5 items ( 1.68%) ( 3885 points) Valuables value: (no points given unless you survive) Artifact value: 0 ( 0 points) Variety of kills: 39 monsters ( 10.24%) ( 9598 points) Turncount: 4171 turns (-1086 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 80%) Total score: 37496 Latest messages: The ice vortex turns to flee! The giant ant turns to flee! (6x) You finish searching. (2x) You kill the giant rat! You hit the Elvenking. The Elvenking hits! (2x) You write in the dust with your fingers. The Elvenking hits! (2x) You wrest one last charge from the worn-out wand. The magic missile hits the Elvenking. The wand of magic missile turns to dust. The Elvenking hits! (2x) You throw 4 daggers. The 1st dagger hits the Elvenking. The 2nd dagger hits the Elvenking! The 3rd dagger hits the Elvenking. The 4th dagger hits the Elvenking. The Elvenking hits! (2x) You die... Final status: Goodbye lillian the Rogue, killed by an Elvenking... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 9 with 37496 points, and 811 pieces of gold, after 4171 moves. You were level 6 with a maximum of 48 hit points when you died.