Markus, neutral female human Tourist ---- --- |..| ---.-- . --- |..- -------- --....| ---- ---- -.-- |.| |.. ......|--------------|.-...| |..| |..| ...- .| |.. .....|.%.|..|...|...|....- ---..--- |..| -...- -.| +..- ...|"..|..|...|...|....| |....>.| |.-- .....-- | |.| |..| -----..|[.[|..|-|---|--....--|......| --.-- ..... |. |.-----..| |((.|..--|---|-.........|...--......---...| -.....|.- |... ....| |](.-...[.........-----..--...............| --........-|.. ....|---- |((.|......--+-...|...|..|.....--........-- |..........|.- -...|(.(|+------..{...| |...-...|........---..--..-- .........| +...|(((|.............| |...|...|.........|-------- |.......| |...|...|-+-..%..---.-------------.|....--.--- -...<..----...--|-| |.[-..|..................-----|...-- - |......|........| |.%|..|----di..---------.| ---..| |......|..#.....----..|..|.%.-..%.|......||.| |..| ---....|-....{%)......|..|...|.Y..-...._.||.| ---- --...--..|....#.....--------.@..|......||.| |.......|-.....................|---------- ------..|--..------------------- ---- ---- Markus the Excursionist St:11 Dx:12 Co:17 In:17 Wi:10 Ch:16 Neutral S:7864 Dlvl:6 $:1356 HP:0(60) Pw:29(29) AC:0 Xp:8/1581 T:6135 Burdened Your inventory Weapons a - 17 blessed +2 darts (in quiver) m - 15 +0 darts q - a +0 dwarvish short sword x - 15 +0 daggers S - a +1 dagger named +1 (weapon in hand) Armor b - an uncursed +0 leather cloak (being worn) g - an uncursed +0 Hawaiian shirt (being worn) k - an uncursed +0 pair of gauntlets of dexterity (being worn) r - an uncursed +0 dwarvish cloak t - an uncursed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) C - an uncursed +1 leather armor (being worn) E - an uncursed +0 small shield (being worn) P - a blessed +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn) Comestibles e - an uncursed lembas wafer A - 2 uncursed food rations R - an uncursed lizard corpse T - an uncursed orange U - an uncursed tripe ration Scrolls d - 2 cursed scrolls of blank paper f - 4 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping l - an uncursed scroll of identify u - an uncursed scroll of remove curse G - 4 uncursed scrolls of blank paper Spellbooks o - an uncursed spellbook of light L - an uncursed spellbook of magic missile Potions X - an uncursed potion of object detection Wands s - a wand of undead turning (0:4) Tools h - an expensive camera (0:84) i - an uncursed credit card n - an uncursed skeleton key y - a cursed magic lamp (lit) J - a magic marker (0:98) M - an uncursed tin whistle Gems c - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass j - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of white glass B - an uncursed worthless piece of black glass F - 3 uncursed worthless pieces of green glass H - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of violet glass K - 3 uncursed worthless pieces of yellow glass Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 39 You were lucky (1) You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - light 1 divination 61% b - magic missile 2 attack 95% Vanquished creatures a small mimic a human mummy 3 watchmen a giant beetle a quivering blob a leprechaun 2 orc mummies a lizard a dingo a water nymph 2 rock moles a yellow light 10 gnome lords a kobold mummy 2 gray oozes 2 elf zombies a ghoul 2 straw golems 2 paper golems 2 giant ants a floating eye 11 dwarves 2 homunculi a kobold lord 2 hill orcs a rothe a centipede a giant bat an orc zombie a dwarf zombie a wererat 2 iguanas a coyote 5 hobbits 2 giant rats 5 cave spiders 2 brown molds a red mold 25 gnomes 3 gnome zombies 2 geckos 3 jackals a fox a kobold 4 goblins 4 sewer rats 2 grid bugs 2 bats 8 lichens 7 newts 141 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Skilled] dart [Skilled] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages You hear some noises. You hear some noises in the distance. You hear some noises. You hear some noises in the distance. You see here a human corpse. The priestess of The Lady intones: "Pilgrim, you enter a sacred place!" You experience a strange sense of peace. Snert bites the quasit. The yeti hits! The yeti hits! The yeti misses. The yeti hits! The yeti hits! The yeti bites! What do you want to zap? [s or ?*] In what direction? The yeti hits! The yeti hits! You die... Aloha Markus the Tourist... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 6 with 7738 points, and 1356 pieces of gold, after 6135 moves. Killer: yeti You were level 8 with a maximum of 60 hit points when you died. You didn't beat your previous score of 35563 points. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 164584531 cheothah-Kni-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 1017 [1017] 2 105929748 Khor-Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 1050 [1050] 3 77230894 Khor-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 1287 [1287] 4 63561946 Khor-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 481 [930] 5 41354012 Khor-Pri-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 425 [425] 6 37628804 Khor-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 311 [358] 7 37187336 BHec6b274-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 332 [335] 8 29494134 bot1-Val-Dwa-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 273 [326] 9 29371030 Barbara-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 219 [219] 10 29316678 Khor-Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 608 [608] 39 14993600 Markus-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 1206 [1227] 45 14275644 Markus-Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 735 [741] 52 11776966 Markus-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 998 [998] 53 11681766 Markus-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 928 [928] 63 10307912 Markus-Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 852 [852] 65 9818898 Markus-Val-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 678 [678] 67 9747636 Markus-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 744 [744] 72 9411910 Markus-Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 696 [696] 76 8661846 Markus-Val-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 662 [662] 202 558064 Markus-Bar-Hum-Fem-Neu turned to stone in Fort Ludios [max 25]. Petrified by a soldier. 144 [168] 235 217849 Markus-Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 21 [max 23]. Drowned in a pool of water by an electric eel. 114 [127] *351 35563 Markus-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 13. Killed by a leocrotta. - [85] * 7738 Markus-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 6. Killed by a yeti. - [60] 378 25713 Markus-Hea-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 11. Killed by a white dragon. - [93] 418 15914 Markus-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law was poisoned in The Gnomish Mines on level 6. Poisoned by a soldier ant. - [87] 474 9885 Markus-Pri-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 7. Killed by an Uruk-hai. - [66] 604 3878 Markus-Hea-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 7. Killed by a human mummy, while praying. - [60] 722 1826 Markus-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 6. Killed by a killer bee. - [45] 962 489 Markus-Pri-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 3. Killed by a hallucinogen-distorted jackal, while fainted from lack of food. - [21] 1205 44 Markus-Kni-Hum-Fem-Law quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 1. 16 [16] 1253 19 Markus-Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 1. 15 [15]