# This is an example nethackrc file. You should edit this to suit your needs # Here are some examples of reasonable defaults: OPTIONS=showexp,showscore,time,color,!autopickup OPTIONS=autodig,fruit:slime mold,boulder:0 OPTIONS=msg_window:reversed OPTIONS=number_pad:1 OPTIONS=suppress_alert:3.4.3 OPTIONS=lit_corridor OPTIONS=hilite_pet ## http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Autopickup_exceptions # Uses globbing, unless you set OPTIONS=apexception_regex ## Always pick these: #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="<*magic lamp*" #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="<*wand of wishing*" #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="<*wand of death*" #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="<*wand of polymorph*" ## Don't pick these: #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">*worthless piece of*" #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">*loadstone*" #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">*flint stone*" ## The following are options not in vanilla NetHack: # ## Use the dark gray color. Might not work on all terminals. #OPTIONS=use_darkgray # ## Try to hilight stairs under items with red background. ## Try to hilight piles of objects with blue background. ## Might not work on all terminals. #OPTIONS=hilite_hidden_stairs #OPTIONS=hilite_obj_piles # ## In dumplog, display the number of each type of monster created, ## rather than just the number killed #OPTIONS=showborn # ## Disable the generic item use menu (select an item to use directly ## from inventory) #OPTIONS=!item_use_menu # ## Say in the message line whenever you walk against a wall. ## Useful for blind players. #OPTION=msg_wall_hits # ## Show item glyphs (color and symbol) in tty menus. #OPTION=menu_glyphs # ## Name and rank background correspond to statuscolor HP colors. #OPTIONS=hitpointbar # ## Colored status lines. See http://bilious.alt.org/?142 OPTIONS=statuscolors ## HP STATUSCOLOR=hp%100=green,hp%66=yellow,hp%50=orange STATUSCOLOR=hp%33=red&bold,hp%15:red&inverse,hp%0:red&inverse&blink ## Pw #STATUSCOLOR=pw%100=green,pw%66=yellow,pw%50:orange,pw%33=red&bold ## HP & Pw also support exact numbers, for example: #STATUSCOLOR=hp.1:red&inverse,hp<8:red,hp>50:grey ## Carry #STATUSCOLOR=burdened:yellow,stressed:orange,strained:red&bold #STATUSCOLOR=overtaxed:red&inverse,overloaded:red&inverse&blink ## Hunger #STATUSCOLOR=satiated:yellow,hungry:orange,weak:red&bold #STATUSCOLOR=fainting:red&inverse,fainted:red&inverse&blink ## Mental #STATUSCOLOR=hallu:yellow,conf:orange,stun:red&bold ## Health #STATUSCOLOR=ill:red&inverse,foodpois:red&inverse,slime:red&inverse # # ## Colored menus. Regular expressions allowed. OPTIONS=menucolors MENUCOLOR=" blessed "=green MENUCOLOR=" holy "=green MENUCOLOR=" cursed "=red MENUCOLOR=" unholy "=red MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* (being worn)"=orange&underline # ## Require you to type "yes" instead of just "y" #OPTIONS=paranoid_hit,paranoid_quit,paranoid_remove # ## Sort items by name. One of "none", "loot", or "full" #OPTIONS=sortloot:full # ## Always show BUC status? #OPTIONS=showbuc # ## Always show windows starting from left edge of screen? #OPTIONS=win_edge # ## Show object class symbol in menus where it acts as a hotkey #OPTIONS=show_obj_sym # ## If off, you never load bones files. #OPTIONS=!bones # ## If on, you'll quiver items if you fire 'em. #OPTIONS=!quiver_fired # # # To make playing with a screen-reader such as JAWS easier: # Prevent status lines from updating. use extended command # #updatestatus to force an update. #OPTIONS=!botl_updates # Notify HP changes in the message lines. #OPTIONS=hp_notify # Optionally, change HP notify format. Accepts following codes: # %a = HP adjustment since last notification. No + or - sign. # %c = HP adjustment sign ('+' or '-') # %h = Current HP # %m = Max. HP # %H = Current HP, or "max" if hp=maxhp #OPTIONS=hp_notify_fmt:[HP%c%a=%H] # # # Configurable dungeon feature colors: http://bilious.alt.org/?17 #DUNGEONCOLOR= 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 \ # 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 6 2 7 \ # 0 7 15 15 3 3 7 7 11 7 \ # 4 4 6 1 3 3 3 3 6 7 \ # 4 #TRAPCOLORS= 6 6 7 3 6 1 7 12 4 9 0 0 3 3 5 5 13 7 7 12 12 10 # # ``DUNGEONCOLOR'' are in the same order as ``DUNGEON'', and # ``TRAPCOLORS'' as ``TRAPS'' # # # Configurable monster colors #MONSTERCOLOR=floating eye:yellow #MONSTERCOLOR=master mind flayer:lightmagenta # # #Key rebinding and extended command autocomplete: # 1) All commands are now extended commands. Use the ext command name # for binding and autocompleting. # 2) Key to bind can be: # "x" for regular key x, # "mx" or "m-x" for meta-x, # "cx" or "c-x" or "^x" for ctrl-x, # "<enter>", "<space>" or "<esc>" #BINDINGS=!:inventory,v:untrap # binding a key to "nothing" will remove the binding. # #AUTOCOMPLETE=save,!quit # prefixing the command name with '!' will prevent it from being autocompleted. # # Messagetype patch: http://bilious.alt.org/?397 # Uses globbing, unless you set OPTIONS=msgtype_regex ## displacing pets. hide the message. #MSGTYPE=hide "You displaced *" ## items on floor. don't repeat the message. #MSGTYPE=norep "You see here a *" #MSGTYPE=norep "You see here an *" ## delayed instadeaths. always prompt for -more- #MSGTYPE=stop "You are slowing down." #MSGTYPE=stop "You find it hard to breathe." #MSGTYPE=stop "You are turning a little *" # # See http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Curses_interface #OPTIONS=windowtype:curses # For more information on what you can set in your nethackrc file, refer to: # http://www.nethack.org/v343/Guidebook.html#_TOCentry_42 # or http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options # Happy hacking!