rainyrat, chaotic male human Wizard

  ------------             |.....|#       #        ##
  |...........#############|.>...|#       #
  |..........|            #|...%..#########
  |..<.......-##          #|.....|#
  ----|------- #          #|.....|#
      #####    ###         |.....|#
          #      #         -------#
          ###    ##################

[Rainyrat the Thaumaturge]  St:11 Dx:14 Co:11 In:18 Wi:14 Ch:11  Chaotic
Dungeons of Doom:7  $:3144 HP:0(47) Pw:54(72) AC:6  Exp:7 T:3376 Satiated Burde

Latest messages
  There is a blue jelly corpse here; eat it? [ynq] (n) 
  This blue jelly corpse tastes terrible!
  You finish eating the blue jelly corpse.
  You are now more skilled in attack spells.
  You see here a fortune cookie.
  Magic energy restored.
  The giant spider bites! (3x)
  The giant spider's bite was poisoned!
  The little dog just misses!
  In what direction? 
  The spell hits the little dog!
  You kill the little dog!
  The giant spider bites!
  In what direction? 
  The spell hits the giant spider!
  The giant spider bites!
  The homunculus bites!
  The giant spider bites! (2x)
  The homunculus bites!
  In what direction? 
  The spell hits the giant spider!
  You kill the giant spider!
  The spell hits it.
  You kill it!
  In what direction? 
  The spell hits the giant rat!
  You kill the giant rat!
  The large cat bites!
  You die...

Your inventory
  i - a [cursed] spiked amulet [of ESP]
  a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands)*
  v - an [uncursed] +0 hard hat [dwarvish iron helm] (being worn)
  w - an [uncursed] +0 pair of hard shoes [iron] (being worn)
  x - a [cursed +0] Hawaiian shirt
  y - a [cursed +0] ornamental cope [cloak of displacement]
  A - a [cursed -1] pair of buckled boots [jumping]
  o - 9 [cursed] food rations
  j - an uncursed scroll of earth*
  k - an uncursed scroll of scare monster*
  F - a [cursed] scroll labeled FOOBIE BLETCH [of enchant weapon]
  G - a [cursed] scroll labeled GHOTI [of create monster]
  H - 2 [cursed] scrolls labeled HZLRC KSTSBD MPFNG [of enchant armor]*
  I - a [cursed] scroll of destroy armor*
  l - a blessed spellbook of force bolt*
  m - an uncursed spellbook of extra healing*
  n - an [uncursed] spellbook of sleep
  g - an uncursed potion of water*
  h - a blessed potion of speed*
  q - an [uncursed] muddy potion [of object detection]
  r - 2 [cursed] muddy potions [of object detection]
  t - a [cursed] murky potion [of healing]
  u - a [cursed] squishy potion [of blindness]
  D - a [cursed] orange potion [of oil]
  d - an uncursed ring of free action*
  e - an uncursed ring of sustain ability*
  c - an uncursed wand of slow monster (0:7)*
  z - an [uncursed] key [skeleton key]
  C - an [uncursed] white gem [worthless glass]

Final Attributes
  You were piously aligned.
  Hunger level was 1032.
  Your alignment was 26 / 26.
  Monster difficulty range was 1 - 7.
  Level difficulty was 7.
  Seed was u2npz3js.
  You were lucky (1).
  You are dead.

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail  Memory
  a - force bolt             1    attack         4%    84%
  b - extra healing          3    healing       91%    84%
  c - sleep                  1    enchantment    4%    87%
  d - detect food            2    divination    68%    87%

Vanquished creatures
  2 ghosts
  a small mimic
  a tengu
  a leprechaun
  an iron piercer
  2 giant spiders
  an owlbear
  a blue jelly
  a snow ant
  a straw golem
  2 little dogs
  a kitten (2 created)
  2 homunculi
  an orc zombie
  a werejackal
  2 iguanas
  a gas spore
  a manes (5 created)
  a giant rat (5 created)
  3 cave spiders
  2 gnomes
  a gnome zombie
  a gecko
  a jackal (2 created)
  a fox
  a kobold
  3 goblins
  12 grid bugs
  5 lichens
  a kobold zombie (2 created)
  3 newts
  58 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You were an atheist.
  You used a wielded weapon 71 times.
  You read items or engraved 6 times.
  You put on armor 6 times.
  You never genocided any monsters.
  You never polymorphed an object.
  You never changed form.
  You used no wishes.
  You never engraved Elbereth.
  You encountered 1 bones level.
  You never used any Sokoban shortcuts.

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    quarterstaff       [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    attack spells      [Skilled]
    enchantment spells [Basic]

Dungeon overview
  The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 7
     Level 1:
        a fountain
     Level 2:
        a general store, a fountain
     Level 3:
        a general store, a fountain
     Level 6:
        some fountains
     Level 7: <- You were here

Game information
  Seed: u2npz3js
  Started: 2020-01-09 19:47:00
  Ended:   2020-01-09 20:04:01
  Play time: PT00:07:00

Goodbye rainyrat the Wizard...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 7 with 7278 points,
and 3144 pieces of gold, after 3376 moves.
Killer: large cat
You were level 7 with a maximum of 47 hit points when you died.

  1    2512964  richards-Val-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to
                demigoddess-hood.                                     698 [707]
  2    2120298  tertium-Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu defied the Gods and escaped
                the dungeon .                                         631 [631]
  3    2029342  tertium-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu defied the Gods and escaped
                the dungeon .                                         533 [533]

 99      65001  bhaak-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in Fort Ludios.  Killed by
                a bolt of lightning.                                    -  [99]
 100      64608  ettin-Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha turned to stone in Town on
                level 8 [max 13].  Petrified by tasting cockatrice
                meat.                                                 118 [118]