muahdib, chaotic male human Wizard

                                     #..............|    -----       -----
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      ----- ############......|    #  |.............|    -.....|f    |...|
      |..<| #           |.....-#######........{.....|    |......@####....|
      |....##   ########......|  #    ---------------###*......|#    -----
      |...|     #       |.....|###               `####   -------#
      -.-.-   ###       |.....|#                    #  ##########
       # #    #         |.....|#                  ###  #
       # ####`#         -------#                  #  ###
       #   ##               ####                  #  #
      ##  ###############################         ####
 -------- #               #            -.---------##
 |......-##             ###            |.........-##
 |......|               #              |.......*.|#
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 --------                              -----------

[Muahdib the Thaumaturge]  St:14 Dx:13 Co:17 In:17 Wi:10 Ch:9  Chaotic
Dungeons of Doom:8  $:1570 HP:0(68) Pw:8(81) AC:9  Xp:9/2921 Wt:671/825 T:7828 0:46

Latest messages
  You finish eating the rust monster corpse.
  You see here a raven corpse {40}.
  The cockatrice blocks your way.
  You write "Elbereth" with your fingers into the dust.
  The cockatrice turns to flee!
  You hear some noises.
  Something is written here in the dust.
  You read: "Elbere?hElzUretP"lbere?NEv?er& 7Elb`]QjiF??eKPtJ?l8erethElbereth".
  You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.
  You hit the tiger!
  The tiger hits! (2x)
  The tiger bites!
  In what direction? 
  The spell misses the tiger.
  The tiger hits! (2x)
  The tiger bites!
  You write "Elbereth" with your fingers into the dust.
  The tiger hits! (2x)
  The tiger bites!
  You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust.
  The tiger hits! (2x)
  You die...

Your inventory
  a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands) {40}*
  o - a [blessed +1] war hammer {50}
  b - a blessed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) {10}*
  I - an [uncursed +0] pair of walking shoes [low] {10}
  v - an [uncursed] carrot {2}
  F - 2 [uncursed] pancakes {4}
  H - an [uncursed] food ration {20}
  K - an [uncursed] orange {2}
  i - an uncursed scroll of create monster {5}*
  j - an uncursed scroll of identify {5}*
  s - an [uncursed] stamped scroll [of mail] {5}
  E - an [uncursed] scroll labeled GARVEN DEH [of enchant weapon] {5}
  M - an [uncursed] scroll labeled DAIYEN FOOELS [of earth] {5}
  O - an [uncursed] scroll labeled MAPIRO MAHAMA DIROMAT [of teleportation] {5}
  W - an [uncursed] scroll labeled EIRIS SAZUN IDISI [of stinking cloud] {5}
  k - a blessed spellbook of force bolt {50}*
  l - an uncursed spellbook of knock {50}*
  w - an [uncursed] spellbook of cure blindness {50}
  z - an uncursed spellbook of levitation {50}
  A - an [uncursed] spellbook of cause fear {50}
  S - an [uncursed] spellbook of remove curse {50}
  g - an uncursed potion of water {20}*
  h - an uncursed potion of water {20}*
  q - an uncursed potion of levitation {20}
  C - a [cursed] soapy potion [of extra healing] {20}
  N - an [uncursed] potion of water {20}
  d - an uncursed +4 ring of protection {3}*
  e - an uncursed ring of regeneration {3}*
  u - an uncursed ring of poison resistance {3}
  c - an uncursed wand of cold (0:7) {7}*
  L - an [uncursed] wand of striking [0:4] {7}
  Q - an [uncursed] wand of magic missile [0:0] {7}
  R - an [uncursed] iridium wand [of nothing (0:5)] {7}
  t - an [uncursed] leash {12}
  G - an [uncursed oil] lamp {20}
  V - an [uncursed] lock pick {4}
  X - an [uncursed] tin opener {4}
  r - an uncursed worthless piece of yellow glass {1}
  x - an [uncursed] orange gem [worthless glass] {1}
  B - an [uncursed] yellowish brown gem [worthless glass] {1}
  D - an [uncursed] red gem [garnet] {1}
  T - an [uncursed] black gem [worthless glass] {1}

Final Attributes
  You were piously aligned.
  Hunger level was 992.
  Your alignment was 32 / 49.
  Monster difficulty range was 1 - 8.
  Level difficulty was 8.
  You were fire resistant.
  You were sleep resistant.
  You were poison resistant.
  You were magic-protected.
  You were telepathic.
  Your luck was zero.
  You are dead.

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail  Memory
  a - force bolt             1    attack         0%    61%
  b - knock                  1    matter         0%    61%
  c - cure blindness         2    healing        0%    70%
  d - cause fear             3    enchantment    0%    75%
  e - remove curse           3    clerical      77%    90%

Vanquished creatures
  a gelatinous cube
  a carnivorous ape (2 created)
  a Grey-elf
  2 cockatrices (4 created)
  a black light
  an orc mummy
  a brown pudding
  a rust monster
  a lizard
  3 chickatrices
  a housecat
  2 ravens
  a Woodland-elf (2 created)
  a soldier ant
  2 snow ants
  a wood nymph
  9 Mordor orcs
  2 woodchucks
  a pony
  a gnome lord (2 created)
  a gnomish wizard
  a kobold mummy
  a guardian naga hatchling
  a gray ooze
  a wax golem
  2 floating eyes (3 created)
  a kitten
  a rothe (2 created)
  a centipede
  a giant bat
  2 dwarf zombies
  a wererat
  2 werejackals (3 created)
  2 iguanas
  12 killer bees (20 created)
  an acid blob
  a coyote
  2 large kobolds
  a hobgoblin
  a giant rat
  2 cave spiders
  a brown mold
  2 yellow molds
  5 gnomes (14 created)
  a gnome zombie (2 created)
  a gecko
  8 jackals (11 created)
  a fox
  a kobold
  2 goblins (3 created)
  7 grid bugs
  3 lichens (6 created)
  3 kobold zombies
  6 newts
  113 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You used a wielded weapon 45 times.
  You read items or engraved 118 times.
  You put on armor 1 time.
  You never genocided any monsters.
  You never polymorphed an object.
  You never changed form.
  You used no wishes.
  You engraved Elbereth 133 times.
  You never encountered a bones level.
  You never used any Sokoban shortcuts.

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    quarterstaff       [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    attack spells      [Expert]
    enchantment spells [Basic]

Dungeon overview
  The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 9
     Level 2:
        a fountain
     Level 3:
        some fountains
     Level 4:
        a fountain
        Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
     Level 5: [oracle]
        many fountains
     Level 6:
        Stairs up to Sokoban, level 5
     Level 7:
        Stairs up to Town, level 6
     Level 8: (<Heat,SLeep,Pois>) <- You were here
        a fountain

Game information
  Seed: 4002039348
  Started: 2017-06-17 10:11:50
  Ended:   2017-06-17 11:09:03
  Play time: PT00:46:00

Goodbye muahdib the Wizard...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 8 with 9963 points,
and 1570 pieces of gold, after 7828 moves.
Killer: tiger
You were level 9 with a maximum of 68 hit points when you died.

You didn't beat your previous score of 39732 points.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    1813906  Yordi-Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.       423 [455]
  2    1756847  zHz-Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.         267 [272]
  3    1474196  partlyeate-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to
                demigoddess-hood.                                     491 [492]

 54      40941  smzp-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Quest on level 14
                [max 16].  Killed by a ninja.                           - [126]
 55      40337  k2-Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level
                12.  Killed by a minotaur.                              - [100]
*56      39732  muahdib-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on           
                level 6 [max 12].  Killed by a bolt of lightning.       - [101]
*         9963  muahdib-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom           
                on level 8 [max 9].  Killed by a tiger.                 -  [68]
 57      36834  demonzero-Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu died in Town on level 5
                [max 11].  Killed by a watch captain.                   -  [77]
 58      35906  smzp-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Quest on level 17
                [max 15].  Killed by a death ray.                      53 [116]