dnn, neutral female automatic Flame Mage -------- --- --- ------- --- |......| . . ..... . |......| |.--------------------.--------..-----.--------- |<.....+ |.|......|???%.?|....|.|......|..-../|.|.).))))| |..>...| |.|......|????.?|....|.| ....|..|...|.|)[)))))| ------.- |.|......|??????| ...|.| ...|..|...|.|[))))[)| # |.|......|......|--|--.-----|--..-----.|)......| #### |.--|---------|--......................---|----- | # |....................{...........................| ## ..-----|---|-----......---------|--..............| ----|---### |.|......|!.....|-----.|.......@%.|...---%----- .| |.......`# |.|......|!!!!!!|....|.|....m.....|...|..... | |......|### |.|......|!!!!!!|...%-%|...].]@...|...|....... |......|# # |.|......|!!!!!!|....|.|......@]*.|...|.......| |......+ ####..--------------------.------------...--------- | |......| |................................................| -------- -------------------------------------------------- Dnn the Igniter St12 Dx17 Co11 In18 Wi10 Ch7 FlaClkFemNeu Dlvl:6 $:193 HP:68(78) Pw:79(79) AC:1 MC:1 Xp:5/595 Wt:647/1450 T:1125 Your inventory Weapons a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff {16} e - an uncursed -1 orcish short sword {12} m - 20 blessed +0 arrows {10} s - an uncursed +0 elven short sword {12} Armor y - a cursed -1 leather armor {60} z - an uncursed +0 banded mail {160} B - an uncursed +0 pair of water walking boots (being worn) {8} C - an uncursed +0 chain mail {120} H - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) {12} N - an uncursed +0 studded leather armor (being worn) {80} Comestibles k - 2 uncursed tripe rations {2} w - an uncursed tin of covetous Mordor orc meat {1} E - an uncursed carrot {1} F - a blessed gecko corpse {10} G - an uncursed fortune cookie {1} J - an uncursed sprig of wolfsbane {1} Q - an uncursed tin of large spider meat {1} Scrolls r - an uncursed scroll of taming {1} v - an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon {1} x - a blessed scroll of enchant weapon {1} K - a cursed scroll of enchant armor {1} P - a cursed scroll of identify {1} Potions l - a blessed potion of booze {1} p - an uncursed potion of restore ability {1} Rings u - an uncursed ring of shock resistance {1} D - an uncursed +2 ring of increase damage {1} M - a cursed ring of aggravate monster {1} Wands f - an uncursed wand of fire (0:8) {1} o - an uncursed wand of cold (0:11) {1} q - an uncursed wand of digging (0:9) {1} I - an uncursed wand of secret door detection (0:14) {1} Tools b - a blessed chest {92} t - an uncursed large box {30} Gems A - an uncursed obsidian stone {1} L - 2 uncursed citrine stones {2} O - an uncursed worthless piece of blue glass {1} Contents of the chest: an uncursed spellbook of healing (0:2) {1} 2 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass {2} 2 uncursed worthless pieces of yellow glass {2} a blessed oilskin sack {5} an uncursed magic marker (0:81) {1} a cursed potion of booze {1} an uncursed potion of oil {1} a blessed spellbook of light (0:3) {1} a blessed spellbook of fireball (0:2) {1} a blessed spellbook of flame sphere (0:2) {1} an uncursed scroll of acquirement {1} an uncursed scroll of genocide {1} 4 uncursed cream pies {2} an uncursed orange {1} 2 uncursed food rations {2} an uncursed +0 sling {2} an uncursed +0 metal club {7} an uncursed scroll of destroy armor {1} The oilskin sack is empty. The large box is empty. Final attributes You were devoutly aligned Your alignment was 14 Your max alignment was 15 You carried 0 sins Number of artifacts generated was 0 Your leg damage was 0 Monster spawn increase would have started at turn 44574 Monster spawn increase would have reached its maximum at turn 154821 Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 4148 Strength training was 2 Dexterity training was 2 Wisdom training was 24 Constitution training was 6 You were fire resistant You were shock resistant You were poison resistant You were immune to sickness You were petrification resistant You had 437 points of nutrition remaining You could walk on water You could survive without air You were wielding two weapons at once You were lucky (1) You survived Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - flame sphere 1 matter 0% b - fireball 4 matter 0% c - light 1 divine 0% d - healing 1 healing 0% Voluntary challenges You went without food You were an atheist You never prayed to the gods You hit with a wielded weapon 4 times You read items or engraved 3 times You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You remained celibate Your skills at the end Fighting Skills bare-handed combat [Basic] two-handed combat [Basic] Weapon Skills quarterstaff [Basic] Spellcasting Skills divination spells [Basic] matter spells [Basic] Latest messages "For you, esteemed creature; only 112 for this chain mail." C - a chain mail (unpaid, 112 zorkmids) {120}. "For you, esteemed creature; only 12 for this carrot." E - a carrot (unpaid, 12 zorkmids) {1}. "For you, esteemed creature; only 10 for this fortune cookie." G - a fortune cookie (unpaid, 10 zorkmids) {1}. "For you, esteemed creature; only 10 for this sprig of wolfsbane." J - a sprig of wolfsbane (unpaid, 10 zorkmids) {1}. "For you, esteemed creature; only 120 for this scroll labeled KTTDLWRGT." K - a scroll labeled KTTDLWRGT (unpaid, 120 zorkmids) {1}. "For you, good creature; only 2250 per yellow gem." L - 2 yellow gems (unpaid, 4500 zorkmids) {2}. "For you, honored creature; only 225 for this lighting ring." M - a lighting ring (unpaid, 225 zorkmids) {1}. "For you, good creature; only 30 for this scroll called id." P - a scroll called id (unpaid, 30 zorkmids) {1}. "For you, esteemed creature; only 7 for this tin." Q - a tin (unpaid, 7 zorkmids) {1}. # Really quit [yes/no]? Goodbye dnn the Flame Mage... You didn't beat your previous score of 257508 points.