dans, chaotic female doppelganger Wizard

     ---.-----             -----
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     |.......|            #|...|#         |...-## ##`####
     |.......|            #--.--#         |...|# #   ---+------------
     |.......|            # ### #         |...|# ### -..............|
     --|----+-              # # #         -+---#   # |..............|
       #######          ##### #  ##### #########   ##...............|
           # #          # #       #        #         |..............|
          #######   ########      #  #               ----------------
      ----.---*---    #---------+----#     #
      |....>.....|  ###|............|#     #
      |...........###  |............|###   #
      |..........|###  |.............# # --.--
      |..........+# ###|............|####....|
      ------------    #.............|  # |...|
                       ----.---------  # +...|
                           #             -----

Dans the Thaumaturge  St8 Dx14 Co17 In20 Wi11 Ch13 WizDopFemCha 
Dlvl:2  $:0  HP:96(96) Pw:31(182) AC:5 MC:3 Xp:9/7171  Wt:282/1750 T:5396 Satiated

Final attributes
  You were piously aligned
  Your alignment was 33
  Your max alignment was 33
  You carried 3 sins
  Number of artifacts generated was 1
  Your leg damage was 0
  Monster spawn increase would have started at turn 17689
  Monster spawn increase would have reached its maximum at turn 51164
  Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 10197
  Strength training was 28
  Dexterity training was 9
  Wisdom training was 19
  Constitution training was 2
  You were cold resistant
  You were sleep resistant
  You were poison resistant
  You were magic-protected
  You saw invisible
  You were telepathic
  You had 1525 points of nutrition remaining
  You were invisible to others
  You were stealthy
  You were polymorphing
  You were fast
  You were very lucky (9)
  You had extra luck
  Bad luck did not time out for you
  Good luck did not time out for you
  You survived 

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail
  a - sleep                  1    enchant        0%
  b - resist sleep           1    protect        0%
  c - detect monsters        1     divine        0%
  d - confuse monster        2    enchant        0%
  e - dig                    5     matter       66%
  f - endure cold            2    protect        0%
  g - healing                1    healing        0%
  h - identify               5     divine        0%
  i - drain life             3     attack        0%
  j - magic missile          2     attack        0%
  k - polymorph              6       body       98%
  l - command undead         5     attack        0%

Voluntary challenges
  You ate 24 times.
  You ate food with animal by-products 12 times.
  You ate meat 11 times.
  You communicated with the gods 242 times
  You prayed 4 times
  You hit with a wielded weapon 476 times
  You read items or engraved 14 times
  You never genocided any monsters
  You never polymorphed an object
  You changed form 12 times
  You used 1 wish
  You did not wish for any artifacts
  You remained celibate

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    quarterstaff       [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    attack spells      [Basic]
    divination spells  [Skilled]
    enchantment spells [Basic]
    protection spells  [Basic]

Latest messages
  Restoring save file...
  You return to level 2 in The Dungeons of Doom.
  Hello dans, the doppelganger Wizard, welcome back to SlashTHEM!
  What do you want to use or apply? [bfhk-msvRZ or ?*] 
  There's some graffiti on the floor here.
  Use "r." to read it.
  You see here an uncursed ice box {90}.
  There is an uncursed ice box {90} here, loot it? [ynq] (q) 
  You carefully open the ice box...
  Really quit [yes/no]? 

Goodbye dans the Wizard...

You didn't beat your previous score of 262342 points.