daanr, neutral female automatic Flame Mage

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                           ---                  ---         -------      ----

Daanr the Broiler  St10 Dx17 Co13 In18 Wi14 Ch10 FlaClkFemNeu 
Dlvl:5  $:2949 HP:50(82) Pw:107(107) AC:2 MC:3 Xp:6/1274  Wt:452/1500 T:1731

Your inventory
  a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff {16}
  d - 10 uncursed +0 daggers {40}
  D - 11 uncursed +0 rockets {6}
  g - an uncursed +0 orcish helm {12}
  A - a blessed +0 leather armor (being worn) {60}
  H - a blessed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) {16}
  K - an uncursed +0 poisonous cloak (being worn) {4}
  L - an uncursed -2 pair of levitation boots {7}
  X - an uncursed +0 orcish helm {12}
  p - an uncursed scroll of enchant armor {1}
  u - an uncursed scroll of genocide {1}
  v - an uncursed scroll of fire {1}
  G - an uncursed scroll of taming {1}
  R - an uncursed ring of regeneration (on left hand) {1}
  t - an uncursed wand of teleportation (0:11) {1}
  F - an uncursed wand of fire (0:7) {1}
  b - an uncursed large box {211}
  c - 3 uncursed +0 torches {60}
  k - a cursed skeleton key {1}

Contents of the large box:
  an uncursed potion of extra healing {1}
  an uncursed potion of healing {1}
  a blessed scroll of teleportation {1}
  16 cursed -1 gas grenades {8}
  27 blessed +0 shotgun shells {14}
  20 uncursed +0 frag grenades {10}
  57 uncursed +0 gas grenades {29}
  14 cursed -5 gas grenades {7}
  an uncursed +0 dwarvish mattock {48}
  an uncursed aquamarine stone {1}
  a cursed scroll of teleportation {1}
  4 uncursed cream pies {2}
  an uncursed worthless piece of yellow glass {1}
  a blessed potion of enlightenment {1}
  an uncursed scroll of teleportation {1}
  an uncursed food ration {1}
  an uncursed magic whistle {1}
  an uncursed ring of protection from shape changers {1}
  an uncursed spellbook of turn undead (0:3) {1}
  2 uncursed lichen corpses {40}
  2 uncursed worthless pieces of black glass {2}
  an uncursed magic marker (0:79) {1}
  2 uncursed potions of booze {2}
  an uncursed potion of sleeping {1}
  a blessed spellbook of light (0:2) {1}
  a blessed spellbook of fireball (0:2) {1}
  a blessed spellbook of flame sphere (0:3) {1}
  an uncursed scroll of identify {1}
  2 uncursed food rations {2}
  1775 gold pieces {0}
  an uncursed potion of sleeping {1}

Final attributes
  You were devoutly aligned
  Your alignment was 18
  Your max alignment was 18
  You carried 0 sins
  Number of artifacts generated was 0
  Your leg damage was 0
  Monster spawn increase would have started at turn 101350
  Monster spawn increase would have reached its maximum at turn 128615
  Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 3358
  Strength training was 18
  Dexterity training was 2
  Wisdom training was 8
  Constitution training was 3
  You were fire resistant
  You were shock resistant
  You were poison resistant
  You were immune to sickness
  You were petrification resistant
  You had 240 points of nutrition remaining
  You could survive without air
  You regenerated
  You were wielding two weapons at once
  Your luck was zero
  You survived 

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail
  a - flame sphere           1     matter        0%
  b - fireball               4     matter        0%
  c - light                  1     divine        0%
  d - turn undead            6    protect      100%

Voluntary challenges
  You went without food
  You communicated with the gods 1 time
  You prayed 1 time
  You never hit with a wielded weapon
  You read items or engraved 26 times
  You never genocided any monsters
  You never polymorphed an object
  You never changed form
  You used no wishes
  You remained celibate

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
    bare-handed combat [Basic]
    two-handed combat  [Basic]
  Weapon Skills
    quarterstaff       [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    divination spells  [Basic]
    matter spells      [Basic]

Latest messages
  The mugger hits you!
  [1 pts.]
  The mugger misses.
  The mugger misses.
  Your leather armor blocks the mugger's attack.
  The mugger misses.
  "Hello, daanr!  Welcome to Upernavik's general store!"
  The gnome zaps a kukui wood wand!
  The sleep ray hits you!
  The sleep ray bounces!
  The gnome hits you!
  [3 pts.]
  The mugger just misses!
  The mugger hits you!
  [4 pts.]
  The mugger hits you!
  [4 pts.]
  The combat suddenly awakens you.
  Really quit [yes/no]? 

Goodbye daanr the Flame Mage...

You didn't beat your previous score of 257508 points.