Yev-Ruu, chaotic female vampiric Wizard --- --.-- |....-------.-----------------.. |..)....).@G...[.[...)............. --...%.....G..----------------...%... ...... ---.%... ---..- --.| |.| |.| ---.| |...| ---.--- --...--- |.....<| --.--..| Yev-Ruu the Thaumaturge Experience level: 7 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 15 Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 9 Health: 0(47) Energy: 87(87) AC: 5 Gold: 39 Moves: 1577 Your Inventory: Coins $ - 39 gold pieces Weapons a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands) Armor b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) n - an [uncursed] +1 iron skull cap [orcish helm] (being worn) q - an [uncursed] +0 pair of hard shoes [iron] (being worn) Spellbooks l - a blessed spellbook of force bolt m - an uncursed spellbook of slow monster Potions f - an uncursed potion of water g - an uncursed potion of levitation h - an uncursed potion of paralysis o - an [uncursed] orange potion [of gain ability] p - an [uncursed] black potion [of invisibility] y - an [uncursed] puce potion [of full healing] Rings d - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand) e - an uncursed +4 ring of increase accuracy (on left hand) v - a [cursed] jacinth ring [of aggravate monster] Wands c - an uncursed wand of speed monster (0:5) Tools r - 7 [uncursed tallow] candles s - 3 [uncursed wax] candles t - an [uncursed] towel u - an [uncursed +0] pick-axe x - an [uncursed] looking glass [mirror] Spells known in the end: Name Level Category Fail Memory a - force bolt 1 attack 4% [||||||||] b - slow monster 2 enchantment 4% [||||||||] Your skills at the end: Fighting Skills Weapon Skills quarterstaff [Basic / Expert] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Basic / Expert] enchantment spells [Basic / Skilled] Final Attributes: You were devoutly aligned. Hunger level was 1008. Your alignment was 17 / 17. Monster difficulty range was 0 - 6. Level difficulty was 5. You were immune to level-drain. You were magic-protected. You could fly. You could survive without air. You had a +4 bonus to hit. You had slower digestion. You regenerated. Your luck was zero. Anhur was angry with you (1). You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a gnome king a white unicorn a rock piercer 3 gnome lords a kobold mummy 6 dwarves a gas spore 3 hobbits a green mold 32 gnomes a gnome zombie a jackal a goblin a grid bug a lichen a newt 56 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You were an atheist. You went without food. You were illiterate. You used a wielded weapon 55 times. You put on armor 3 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You abstained from Elbereth's help. You never encountered a bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Dungeon overview: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 2 Level 1 an altar to Anhur, some fountains a long staircase Level 2 stairs to The Gnomish Mines The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 5 Level 3 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 5 <- You were here History has recorded: On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor! On T:245 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:306 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:309 you advanced to experience level 2. On T:319 you advanced to experience level 3. On T:327 you advanced to experience level 4. On T:353 you advanced to experience level 5. On T:701 you reached level 2 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:706 you advanced to experience level 6. On T:1206 you advanced to experience level 7. On T:1493 you reached level 3 of The Gnomish Mines. Latest messages: You bite the white unicorn. The white unicorn butts! The white unicorn kicks! The white unicorn butts! The white unicorn kicks! [HP-16=8] You kill the white unicorn! The gnome misses. [HP+1=9] [HP+1=10] The hobbit hits! You are hit by a dart. Wizard is about to die. [HP-8=2] [HP+1=3] You are almost hit by a dart. [HP+1=4] [HP+1=5] It is hit. It is destroyed! The gnome lord hits! You die... Final status: Goodbye Yev-Ruu the Wizard... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 5 with 1680 points, and 39 pieces of gold, after 1577 moves. You were level 7 with a maximum of 47 hit points when you died.