Rohain, chaotic female orcish Rogue

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[Rohain the Footpad]    St:13 Dx:18 Co:17 In:10 Wi:10 Ch:7  Chaotic
Dungeons of Doom:3  $:498 HP:0(18) Pw:8(8) AC:7  Exp:2 T:1230

Latest messages
  You see here a large box (486 zorkmids).
  You see here a red spellbook (150 zorkmids).
  You see here a golden potion (225 zorkmids).
  You see here a scroll labeled VERR YED HORRE (39 zorkmids).
  You see here a golden potion (225 zorkmids).
  You see here a pearl ring (150 zorkmids).
  You see here a scroll labeled LOREM IPSUM (150 zorkmids).
  You see here a sparkling potion (399 zorkmids).
  You see here a carrot (10 zorkmids).
  You see here a large box (486 zorkmids).
  You see here a magenta potion (300 zorkmids).
  You see here an octagonal wand (262 zorkmids).
  You see here a crystal plate mail (1230 zorkmids).
  You see here an egg (13 zorkmids).
  You see here a scroll labeled VERR YED HORRE (30 zorkmids).
  You see here an octagonal wand (262 zorkmids).
  You see here a brown potion (75 zorkmids).
  Wait!  That's a small mimic!
  You hit the small mimic.
  You miss the small mimic.
  The small mimic hits!
  You hit the small mimic.
  You write "Elbereth" with your fingers into the dust.
  You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. (2x)
  The small mimic hits!
  You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. (2x)
  You hit the small mimic.
  You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust.
  The small mimic hits!
  You die...