Pacra, neutral male human Tourist

                                                                  --- - -
                                                         --.    ...........|
                                                         ....   ..........-
                                                        ......  ...G......|
                                                        ....     .iih---
                                                        ..       ..).|

Pacra the Peregrinator      St:15 Dx:13 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:16  Neutral S:29576
Dlvl:8  $:159 HP:0(56) Pw:49(49) Br:4 AC:-4 Xp:10/6926 T:9075 Hungry   Burdened

Your inventory
  g - a +2 dwarvish short sword
  j - 2 poisoned +0 darts (in quiver)
  O - a blessed +1 dwarvish spear (weapon in hand)
  T - a blessed +1 dwarvish short sword
  c - a blessed +1 orcish helm (being worn)
  f - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  i - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  k - an uncursed +0 Hawaiian shirt (being worn)
  m - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  n - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  p - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  q - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  r - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  u - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  w - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  x - an uncursed +0 chain mail (being worn)
  y - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  z - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  A - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  B - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  C - an uncursed +0 pair of elven boots
  D - an uncursed +1 pair of low boots (being worn)
  G - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  H - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  I - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  J - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  K - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  S - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  U - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  V - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  W - a blessed +1 dwarvish cloak (being worn)
  X - an uncursed +0 dwarvish roundshield (being worn)
  Y - a cursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  Z - an uncursed +0 gnomish pointy hat
  d - an uncursed food ration
  t - 4 uncursed food rations
  F - an uncursed scroll of sketch of the wings of Garuda
  R - an uncursed scroll of remove curse
  Q - an uncursed potion of booze
  M - an uncursed +0 ring of gain strength
  N - an uncursed ring of conflict
  a - a wand of magic missile (0:0)
  e - a wand of magic missile (0:0)
  h - a wand of teleportation (1:0)
  s - a wand of make invisible (0:1)
  L - a wand of digging (0:3)
  l - an expensive camera (0:24)
  o - an uncursed towel
  v - an uncursed lock pick

Final attributes
  You were piously aligned
  Your alignment was  55
  You carried 0 sins
  You had a hod wantedness of 0
  You had a gevurah wantedness of 0
  You had a chokhmah wantedness of 0
  You had 0 weakness from being studied
  You had automatic searching
  You had a carrying capacity of -59 remaining
  You had 109 points of nutrition remaining
  You were invisible
  You are dead 

You didn't know any spells.

Vanquished creatures
  a large dog
  a flaming sphere
  an ogre
  a hedrow zombie
  9 imps
  a dryad
  6 Uruk-hai
  9 orc shamans
  2 ponies
  a fog cloud
  4 shriekers
  4 gnome lords
  10 gnome ladies
  3 tinker gnomes
  2 gnomish wizards
  a red naga hatchling
  a ghoul
  a paper golem
  a small cave lizard
  12 floating eyes
  3 dutons
  10 dwarves
  2 homunculi
  a kobold lord
  a kobold shaman
  12 hill orcs
  a rothe
  a centipede
  3 giant bats
  2 parrots
  10 iguanas
  4 killer bees
  4 acid blobs
  2 coyotes
  2 gas spores
  9 monotons
  a hobbit
  11 manes
  a large kobold
  a hobgoblin
  3 giant rats
  6 yellow molds
  a red mold
  57 gnomes
  a peasant
  a gecko
  5 jackals
  a fox
  2 kobolds
  2 goblins
  2 sewer rats
  8 grid bugs
  3 lichens
  5 clockwork soldiers
  2 clockwork dwarves
  2 faberge spheres
  7 newts
  260 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You never genocided any monsters
  You never polymorphed an object
  You never changed form
  You used no wishes
  You paid to have 2 items identified
  You magically identified 4 items

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    two-handed sword   [Basic]
    spear              [Basic]
    dart               [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills

Latest messages
  The gnome throws a small thonged club.
  You are hit by a small thonged club!
  The imp hits!
  The imp misses.
  The imp misses.
  The imp hits!
  The dwarf swings her axe.
  The dwarf hits!
  The gnome throws a small thonged club.
  You are almost hit by a small thonged club.
  The imp misses.
  The imp misses.
  The imp hits!
  The imp casts aspersions on your ancestry.
  The imp misses.
  The dwarf swings her axe.
  The dwarf hits!
  The gnome throws a small thonged club.
  You are hit by a small thonged club.
  You die...

Aloha Pacra the Tourist...
You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 8 with 29576 points,
and 159 pieces of gold, after 9075 moves.
Killer: a small aklys
You were level 10 with a maximum of 56 hit points when you died.

You reached the 622nd place on the top 2000 list.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1   44341634  DarthBane-Ana-Inc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.   980 [1266]
  2   40810416  Snips-Wiz-Inc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.    214728 [228326]
  3   14835510  Lo-Bar-Hlf-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.          499 [532]

*622      29576  Pacra-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on             
                level 8.  Killed by a small aklys.                      -  [56]