Fleur, neutral female sylph Wizard ------- $ * $ * |...... * $ * *-..(..| ----------- ###|.....| #......{....#### * # ----|-- #|.........| # * [## # #|......>..| ### -------- # # #----------- # |.......### ------------ ------# % # ###|......| # #(.{...[....| |.*..|# # # * #.......| ###|.)%.P@....| |....|# # * # $ $ $ -------- # #..[_[[.....| |....|# # # ### ------------ |....|# # # # |....%% # # # $ `## |..<.| --|--|-----# $ # ------ |.[.......-# * ### * |.......(.| # $ * * |.........-#####%##[##%####(######## * * * |.........| $ * * ----------- $ Fleur the Magician Experience level: 10 Strength: 15 Dexterity: 10 Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 5 Health: 0(75) Energy: 115(155) Def: 1 Gold: 60 Moves: 17244 Dungeon seed: bgyzQHiC8JclUwwP Game ID: Fleur_1485468951 Your Inventory: Coins $ - 60 gold pieces Amulets K - an uncursed amulet of reflection (being worn) Weapons c - a +0 sling t - the rustproof +0 Magicbane (weapon in hand) Armor x - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) Comestibles F - 5 uncursed food rations G - 2 uncursed tripe rations I - 5 uncursed figues Scrolls b - an uncursed scroll of identify Potions l - a blessed potion of booze P - 2 uncursed potions of object detection Wands j - a wand of digging (0:6) k - a blessed wand of speed monster (0:0) J - a blessed wand of lightning (0:6) Tools e - a -3 unicorn horn h - a +0 pick-axe q - an uncursed stethoscope r - a +0 unicorn horn M - an uncursed stethoscope Gems n - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of blue glass w - an uncursed luckstone Spells and supernatural/magical abilities: Name Level Category Fail Memory a - force bolt 1 attack 0% 14% k - knock 1 matter 0% 14% m - magic missile 2 attack 0% 21% v - clairvoyance 3 divination 0% 44% B - cure blindness 2 healing 0% 73% C - cancellation 7 matter 100% 67% G - detect treasure 4 divination 0% 70% O - create monster 2 clerical 0% 26% U - detect unseen 3 divination 0% 22% W - pray for help -- divine ? -- Your skills at the end: Miscellaneous Skills wands [Basic] Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] quarterstaff [Basic] sling [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Basic] divination spells [Skilled] enchantment spells [Basic] clerical spells [Basic] matter spells [Basic] Final Attributes: You were fervently aligned. You were cold resistant. You were magic-protected. Your writing hand was thoroughly cramped from overuse. You saw invisible. You had infravision. You were displaced. You were very stealthy. You were protected. You were protected from shape changers. You had reflection. You were extremely lucky. You had extra luck. Bad luck did not time out for you. Good luck did not time out for you. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a titan a skeleton an aligned priest 3 ghosts 2 giant mimics a stalker a warg a winter wolf 3 quantum mechanics a small mimic a glass piercer 2 xans an ettin mummy 2 large dogs 3 freezing spheres 2 tigers 6 tengu 2 crocodiles a chameleon 2 leocrottas 2 elf mummies a human mummy a red naga 8 Grey-elves 4 cobras a wraith 3 ettin zombies 3 soldiers an incubus 4 giant beetles 3 cockatrices 7 wolves 2 winter wolf cubs 4 lynxes 3 panthers 75 leprechauns 3 quivering blobs 3 spotted jellies 3 lizards 4 mountain nymphs 3 scorpions 3 iron piercers 2 ice vortices 15 vampire bats 4 gnome kings an orc mummy a dwarf mummy 3 ogres 4 brown puddings 7 Green-elves 2 rust monsters 4 owlbears a yeti 3 gold golems 4 werewolves a piranha a giant eel 4 dogs 2 dingos 3 housecats 3 jaguars 3 dwarf lords 4 blue jellies 2 water nymphs 3 white unicorns 2 ravens a plains centaur 3 gnome mummies 3 Woodland-elves 2 snakes an ape 3 human zombies 2 rope golems 9 soldier ants a fire ant 4 yellow lights 3 bugbears 2 quasits 3 wood nymphs 13 Mordor orcs 3 Uruk-hai 3 orc shamans 4 rock moles 6 rock piercers 4 ponies 3 fog clouds a shrieker 5 violet fungi 13 gnome lords 3 gnomish wizards 4 kobold mummies a black naga hatchling a golden naga hatchling 5 gray oozes 3 elf zombies 3 ghouls 3 paper golems 5 jellyfish 18 giant ants a puppy 4 floating eyes 2 kittens 23 dwarves 2 homunculi a kobold lord 3 kobold shamans 11 iguanas 19 hill orcs 8 rothes 2 rabid rats a centipede 4 jitterbugs 5 giant bats an orc zombie 4 dwarf zombies a wererat 11 killer bees 15 coyotes 3 gas spores 14 hobbits 5 acid blobs 6 large kobolds 6 geckos 5 hobgoblins 7 giant rats 17 cave spiders 5 brown molds 2 yellow molds a red mold 28 gnomes 18 garter snakes 18 manes 9 jackals 2 foxes 4 kobolds 13 newts 8 goblins 8 sewer rats 22 grid bugs 2 bats 16 lichens 3 kobold zombies 735 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You were vegetarian. You did not cause conflict. You were not invisible. You used a wielded weapon 506 times, starting on turn 241. You did not use plumbed fixtures. You read items or engraved 124 times, starting on turn 329. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You cheated 1 time but completed Sokoban on turn 7668. You used no wishes. You split 1 pudding, starting on turn 17230. You wrote Elbereth's name 14 times, starting on turn 329. You violated your moral code, losing 9 points of alignment, starting on turn 2344. Dungeon overview: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 14 Level 1 a fountain a long staircase Level 2 stairs to The Gnomish Mines Level 3 a fountain Level 4 a sink Level 5 a fountain Level 6 many fountains Level 7 stairs to Sokoban Level 8 Level 9 a sink Level 10 <- You were here some altars to Ptah and Thoth, some fountains Level 11 a delicatessen, a fountain portal to Fort Ludios Level 12 a fountain Level 13 a fountain portal to The Quest Level 14 a fountain The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 10 Level 3 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 many shops, a temple to Thoth, a magic chest, some trees Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 a magic chest, a fountain The Quest: Level 1 portal to The Dungeons of Doom Sokoban: levels 3 to 6 Level 3 a magic chest Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 a magic chest stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Fort Ludios: Level 1 portal to The Dungeons of Doom History has recorded: On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor! On T:41 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:243 you advanced to experience level 2. On T:579 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:607 you advanced to experience level 3. On T:734 you prayed to Thoth. On T:749 you advanced to experience level 4. On T:951 you reached level 2 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:970 you reached level 4 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:980 you advanced to experience level 5. On T:1002 you reached level 5 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1010 you reached level 3 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1299 you advanced to experience level 6. On T:1320 you entered the Minetown temple On T:1326 you opened a magic chest. On T:1372 you prayed to Thoth. On T:1913 you advanced to experience level 7. On T:2439 you advanced to experience level 8. On T:2652 you prayed to Thoth. On T:2909 you prayed to Thoth. On T:3006 you advanced to experience level 9. On T:3194 you prayed to Thoth. On T:3348 you received Magicbane from Thoth. On T:4198 you reached level 3 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4409 you reached level 4 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4688 you prayed to Thoth. On T:4741 you reached level 5 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4820 you reached level 6 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:5291 you reached level 7 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:5322 you reached level 4 of Sokoban. On T:5702 you reached level 3 of Sokoban. On T:5788 you prayed to Thoth. On T:5971 you reached level 2 of Sokoban. On T:6737 you reached level 1 of Sokoban. On T:7272 you prayed to Thoth. On T:7668 you entered the Sokoban zoo. On T:7893 you prayed to Thoth. On T:8622 you prayed to Thoth. On T:9040 you advanced to experience level 10. On T:9069 you reached level 6 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:9121 you prayed to Thoth. On T:9159 you reached level 7 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:9671 you reached level 8 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:9671 you reached the bottom of the Mines. On T:9884 you prayed to Thoth. On T:10960 you received Dragonbane from Thoth. On T:11180 you received Cleaver from Thoth. On T:12359 you prayed to Thoth. On T:12552 you reached level 8 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:12723 you reached level 9 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:12804 you prayed to Thoth. On T:13374 you reached level 10 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:13511 you advanced to experience level 11. On T:13644 you prayed to Thoth. On T:13890 you reached level 11 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:14363 you reached Fort Ludios. On T:14570 you prayed to Thoth. On T:14591 you reached level 12 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:14706 you reached level 13 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15069 you reached level 1 of The Quest. On T:15156 you prayed to Thoth. On T:15188 you reached level 14 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15793 you prayed to Thoth. On T:16555 you prayed to Thoth. On T:17010 you prayed to Thoth. Score breakdown: Gold: 60 ( 6 points) Experience: 10 levels ( 900 points) Exploration: 19 levels ( 540 points) Discoveries: 42 items ( 2000 points) Variety of kills: 142 monsters ( 2000 points) Major goal: Sokoban/Mines ( 1500 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 3) Total score: 20838 Latest messages: You kill the brown pudding! The blood pudding bites! <What do you want to use or apply? [, ehj-lqrwJMP or ?*]: q> <In what direction?: southwest> Status of the blood pudding (neutral): Level 24 HP 125(125) Def 20. You are beginning to feel hungry. You see here a brown pudding corpse. <What do you want to eat? [, FGI or ?*]: ,> You have a very bad case of stomach acid. This brown pudding corpse tastes terrible! You are beginning to feel hungry. The blood pudding bites! <Choose which spell to cast: magic missile 2 attack 0% 21%> <In what direction?: west> The magic missile misses the blood pudding. The magic missile bounces! The magic missile misses the blood pudding. The magic missile hits you! But it reflects from your medallion! The blood pudding bites! (2x) Goodbye level 11. You die... <Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq]: y> <Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq]: y> <Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynq]: y> <Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq]: y> <Do you want to see a breakdown of your score? [ynq]: y> <Untitled menu: no selections> <Spells and supernatural/magical abilities:: (none selected)> <Dungeon overview:: (none selected)> Final status: Goodbye Fleur the Wizard, killed by a blood pudding... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 10 with 20838 points, and 60 pieces of gold, after 17244 moves. You were level 10 with a maximum of 75 hit points when you died.