Mandevil, lawful male human Samurai ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | .....| | | | < | | | | | ----- --- ----- | ----- ---.|.|.|.--- | | | | | --------- | | | | --- | --| | | | | | | |.......| H | | | | | | | | | | | ------| | | ----| --- --- |--.|%----- ------- | | | | |-------- |-- ----- | | | | | | | | | | |...|.... | | | | | | | | | | | | ----- |---- | --- | --- |.|.|q}}}}}}} | ----------- | | | | --- ------| | | | |...| | | | | |.|%`}---}} | | | | | | | | |-- | ----- |.| | --- | | ----|.|DH--V--} |- ----- | --- | ----- --| --- | | | | | |.| | | |....`q@X| |} | | | | | | | | | | | --------|.--- | -------.|.--|`w-- --} - |-- | ------| | | ------- |-- | | | | |..*| | ........|.. |.}}---}} | | | | | | | | | | --- | ----|.|.| -----.|.----- |.}}}}}}} | --- | ------- | |------ ----- | | | | | | |.|.| ..|...|.. | |.....| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |.-----.|.----- | |.----- | --- | ------- | --- | ------- | | | | | | | | | |...%>........ | | &| | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- ----- ----------------- --- | --| | --- ----- --- ------- | | ----| | | | |&& | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mandevil the Ryoshu Experience level: 17 Strength: 18/28 Dexterity: 19 Constitution: 18 Intelligence: 16 Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 13 Health: 0(150) Energy: 72(72) Def: 27 Gold: 1270 Moves: 39482 Dungeon seed: wDfgwTajV_w9wd2l Game ID: Mandevil_1464971592 Your Inventory: Coins $ - 1270 gold pieces Weapons a - the rustproof +6 Snickersnee (weapon in hand) b - a blessed +7 katana (wielded in other hand) c - the blessed +0 Tsurugi of Muramasa s - 20 +7 shuriken (in quiver) Armor j - a blessed burnt +4 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) q - a blessed +4 silver dragon scale mail (being worn) r - an uncursed +0 helm of telepathy (being worn) U - an uncursed thoroughly burnt +0 pair of yugake (being worn) Y - a blessed fireproof +4 pair of speed boots (being worn) Comestibles o - a cursed lizard corpse H - an uncursed egg Rings n - an uncursed ring of conflict v - an uncursed +1 ring of increase damage B - an uncursed ring of teleport control K - an uncursed +1 ring of increase damage (on left hand) L - a blessed ring of levitation M - a cursed ring of slow digestion X - an uncursed ring of free action (on right hand) Wands g - a wand of lightning (0:1) i - a wand of teleportation (0:5) l - a wand of cold (0:5) p - a blessed wand of digging (0:5) u - a wand of fire (0:6) w - a wand of magic missile (0:2) x - a wand of magic missile (0:8) A - a wand of magic missile (0:4) D - a wand of sleep (0:6) E - a blessed wand of lightning (0:6) G - a wand of digging (0:6) I - a blessed wand of digging (0:6) N - a wand of teleportation (0:5) P - a wand of death (0:3) Q - a blessed wand of magic missile (0:5) S - a wand of lightning (0:8) Tools e - a +0 pick-axe h - a blessed bag of holding k - an uncursed skeleton key m - an uncursed oil lamp (lit) (0:194) t - a blessed stethoscope y - a -4 unicorn horn R - a blessed blindfold T - the Bell of Opening (0:3) W - the uncursed Candelabrum of Invocation (7 candles attached) (0:200) Contents of the bag of holding: 6049 gold pieces an uncursed amulet of ESP a cursed amulet of life saving a cursed amulet of magical breathing an uncursed amulet of reflection an uncursed amulet of strangulation the +0 Grayswandir 10 poisoned +0 shuriken 100 blessed +7 shuriken 7 blessed +1 shuriken 8 +0 shuriken an uncursed +2 elven leather helm an uncursed +1 elven leather helm an uncursed +0 elven leather helm an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping an uncursed +3 pair of gauntlets of dexterity an uncursed +0 pair of jumping boots a cursed -1 pair of levitation boots an uncursed +0 pair of water walking boots an uncursed +0 pair of water walking boots 4 uncursed C-rations 2 uncursed K-rations an uncursed carrot 4 uncursed fortune cookies 49 uncursed gunyoki an uncursed lizard corpse an uncursed orange an uncursed slime mold 4 uncursed sprigs of wolfsbane 7 uncursed tripe rations 10 uncursed scrolls of blank paper a blessed scroll of charging an uncursed scroll of charging a blessed scroll of create monster 7 uncursed scrolls of create monster 3 cursed scrolls of create monster an uncursed scroll of identify 2 cursed scrolls of identify 2 blessed scrolls of magic mapping 2 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping a blessed scroll of remove curse an uncursed scroll of remove curse an uncursed scroll of scare monster 3 blessed scrolls of teleportation 11 uncursed scrolls of teleportation 3 cursed scrolls of teleportation 3 uncursed scrolls of wishing an uncursed potion of blindness a cursed potion of confusion an uncursed potion of extra healing 4 uncursed potions of full healing a blessed potion of gain level an uncursed potion of healing a cursed potion of healing 6 potions of holy water 3 uncursed potions of invisibility an uncursed potion of paralysis a cursed potion of paralysis 2 uncursed potions of speed a cursed ring of aggravate monster an uncursed ring of cold resistance an uncursed ring of free action an uncursed ring of free action an uncursed ring of free action a blessed +1 ring of gain constitution a cursed -3 ring of gain strength an uncursed ring of hunger a cursed ring of hunger a cursed ring of hunger a cursed -1 ring of increase damage an uncursed ring of invisibility a cursed ring of invisibility a cursed ring of invisibility a cursed ring of invisibility an uncursed ring of poison resistance an uncursed ring of poison resistance a cursed -1 ring of protection an uncursed ring of protection from shape changers an uncursed ring of regeneration an uncursed ring of searching an uncursed ring of see invisible a cursed ring of see invisible an uncursed ring of slow digestion a wand of cold (0:7) a wand of cold (0:7) a blessed wand of cold (0:6) a wand of cold (0:5) a wand of cold (0:1) a wand of create monster (0:15) a blessed wand of create monster (0:13) a wand of create monster (0:13) a wand of create monster (0:12) a wand of create monster (0:11) a wand of create monster (0:11) a wand of create monster (0:3) a wand of death (0:8) a wand of death (0:6) a wand of death (0:6) a wand of death (0:3) a wand of death (0:3) a wand of digging (0:8) a wand of digging (0:8) a wand of digging (0:8) a wand of digging (0:8) a cursed wand of digging (0:8) a wand of digging (0:7) a wand of digging (0:7) a wand of digging (0:7) a wand of digging (0:7) a wand of digging (0:6) a wand of digging (0:6) a wand of digging (0:6) a cursed wand of digging (0:6) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of digging (0:3) a wand of digging (0:3) a wand of digging (0:2) a wand of enlightenment (0:6) a wand of fire (0:6) a wand of fire (0:5) a wand of fire (0:4) a wand of fire (0:1) a blessed wand of light (0:12) a wand of lightning (0:8) a wand of lightning (0:5) a wand of lightning (0:4) a wand of locking (0:4) a wand of magic missile (0:7) a wand of magic missile (0:7) a wand of magic missile (0:6) a wand of magic missile (0:5) a wand of magic missile (0:5) a wand of magic missile (0:4) a wand of magic missile (0:4) a wand of magic missile (0:4) a wand of magic missile (0:4) a wand of magic missile (0:2) a wand of magic missile (0:2) a wand of magic missile (0:1) a wand of make invisible (0:8) a wand of make invisible (0:7) a wand of make invisible (0:6) a wand of make invisible (0:5) a wand of make invisible (0:0) a wand of make invisible (0:0) a wand of nothing (0:7) a wand of polymorph (0:6) a wand of probing (0:3) a wand of sleep (0:8) a wand of sleep (0:8) a cursed wand of sleep (0:8) a wand of sleep (0:6) a wand of sleep (0:5) a wand of sleep (0:5) a wand of sleep (0:0) a wand of slow monster (0:8) a wand of slow monster (0:5) a wand of speed monster (0:6) a wand of striking (0:8) a wand of striking (0:8) a wand of striking (0:7) a wand of striking (0:7) a wand of striking (0:7) a wand of striking (0:7) a wand of striking (0:6) a wand of striking (0:6) a wand of striking (0:5) a wand of striking (0:5) a wand of striking (0:5) a wand of striking (0:4) a wand of striking (0:4) a wand of striking (0:1) a wand of striking (0:1) a wand of striking (0:0) a wand of teleportation (0:5) a wand of teleportation (0:4) a cursed wand of teleportation (0:4) a wand of undead turning (0:6) a wand of undead turning (0:6) a wand of undead turning (0:5) a wand of wishing (2:2) a can of grease (0:18) a frost horn (0:2) a magic marker (0:94) a blessed fireproof magic marker (0:62) an uncursed magic whistle an uncursed pair of lenses an uncursed tallow candle (0:200) a tinning kit (0:56) an uncursed towel a +0 unicorn horn 3 uncursed agate stones 4 uncursed amethyst stones an uncursed aquamarine stone 4 uncursed black opals an uncursed chrysoberyl stone an uncursed citrine stone 3 uncursed emeralds an uncursed fluorite stone 5 uncursed garnet stones 3 uncursed jade stones 9 uncursed jasper stones 2 uncursed jet stones 2 uncursed luckstones an uncursed obsidian stone an uncursed opal 2 uncursed sapphires an uncursed topaz stone a cursed touchstone 24 uncursed worthless pieces of blue glass 9 uncursed worthless pieces of green glass 8 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass Spells and supernatural/magical abilities: Name Level Category Fail Memory a - force bolt 1* attack 71% 0% d - dig 5 matter 100% 34% e - charm monster 3 enchantment 100% 86% f - fireball 4* attack 100% 0% h - healing 1 healing 71% 35% j - jumping 1 escape 71% 34% m - magic missile 2 attack 73% 34% o - cone of cold 4 attack 100% 34% r - remove curse 3 clerical 100% 36% s - slow monster 2* enchantment 73% 0% u - confuse monster 2 enchantment 73% 34% w - wizard lock 2 matter 73% 86% z - sleep 1 enchantment 71% 34% E - detect food 2 divination 73% 74% K - cure sickness 3 healing 100% 34% O - create monster 2* clerical 73% 0% T - turn undead 6 clerical 100% 35% W - pray for help -- divine ? -- Your skills at the end: Miscellaneous Skills martial arts [Basic] two weapon combat [Skilled] wands [Skilled] Weapon Skills short sword [Basic] long sword [Skilled] two-handed sword [Basic] bow [Basic] shuriken [Expert] Spellcasting Skills Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were fire resistant. You were cold resistant. You were sleep resistant. You were disintegration-resistant. You were shock resistant. You were poison resistant. You were magic-protected. You saw invisible. You were telepathic. You were invisible to others. You were stealthy. You had a +1 damage bonus. You were protected. You were very fast. You had reflection. You had free action. You were wielding two weapons at once. You were extremely lucky. You had extra luck. Good luck did not time out for you. You are dead (2nd time!). Vanquished creatures: Yeenoghu Juiblex 3 arch-liches 2 mammoths Vlad the Impaler Medusa a kraken 3 iron golems 2 master liches 4 storm giants a titan a deep ettin 3 glass golems 4 balrogs 5 purple worms 3 gray dragons 8 silver dragons 7 red dragons 3 white dragons 4 black dragons 3 blue dragons a green dragon 14 minotaurs 5 jabberwocks Ashikaga Takauji 6 baluchitheria 7 demiliches 2 stone golems 3 master mind flayers 3 Olog-hai 3 Nazgul 7 pit fiends 11 sandestins a hell hound 4 titanotheres 4 trappers a baby gray dragon a baby red dragon a baby orange dragon a baby black dragon a baby yellow dragon 9 disenchanters 13 vampire lords 5 shades 4 skeletons 2 captains 7 liches 4 water trolls 3 clay golems 11 nurses 11 ice devils 7 nalfeshnees 2 lurkers above 3 frost giants 5 black puddings 26 vampires 33 ghosts an ettin 2 lieutenants 10 samurai a queen bee 6 winged gargoyles 2 mind flayers 10 giant mimics a fire giant 7 ogre kings 6 ice trolls 12 rock trolls 9 umber hulks 2 flesh golems 6 Elvenkings 6 doppelgangers 19 hezrous 32 bone devils 2 salamanders 7 large mimics 4 wumpuses a fire vortex 2 baby long worms 4 long worms a couatl 36 stalkers 4 air elementals 5 fire elementals 8 water elementals 9 hill giants 3 giant mummies a black naga 5 xorns 15 giant zombies 13 elf-lords 11 sergeants 2 water demons 12 vrocks 17 wargs 3 winter wolves 5 hell hound pups 14 small mimics an island nymph 5 glass piercers 7 warhorses 5 steam vortices 15 xans 8 ettin mummies 7 ogre lords 11 quantum mechanics 5 trolls 2 sasquatches 3 wood golems 13 mariliths 2 sharks 2 pyrolisks 2 large dogs 4 freezing spheres 8 flaming spheres 5 shocking spheres 5 large cats 3 tigers 6 gargoyles a tengu 5 gelatinous cubes 4 ochre jellies 6 chameleons 2 crocodiles 8 leocrottas 2 energy vortices 3 mountain centaurs a giant 6 elf mummies 2 human mummies 8 red nagas 4 green slimes 2 pit vipers 4 pythons 8 cobras 29 wraiths 13 ettin zombies 2 leather golems 18 Grey-elves 55 soldiers a horned devil 13 succubi 9 incubi 5 giant beetles 18 cockatrices 61 wolves 12 winter wolf cubs 6 lynxes a panther 17 gremlins 6 leprechauns 3 quivering blobs 4 spotted jellies 10 lizards 12 mountain nymphs an orc-captain a mumak 9 giant spiders 6 scorpions 5 iron piercers 4 horses 6 black lights 6 vampire bats 6 forest centaurs 4 gnome kings 2 orc mummies 6 dwarf mummies 5 ogres 8 rust monsters 9 owlbears 4 yetis 2 gold golems 9 werewolves 9 Green-elves 2 giant eels 19 ninja a roshi 2 chickatrices 2 dogs 5 dingos 3 housecats 2 jaguars a dwarf lord 2 blue jellies 3 water nymphs 2 gray unicorns 6 black unicorns 11 dust vortices 6 ravens 2 plains centaurs 5 gnome mummies 9 snakes 13 apes 14 human zombies a rope golem 15 Woodland-elves 12 soldier ants 10 fire ants 5 bugbears 2 imps 7 quasits a baby crocodile 4 wood nymphs 11 Mordor orcs 9 Uruk-hai an orc shaman 3 rock moles 4 rock piercers 5 ponies 3 fog clouds 12 yellow lights 2 shriekers 7 violet fungi 24 gnome lords 5 gnomish wizards 12 kobold mummies a black naga hatchling 2 golden naga hatchlings a guardian naga hatchling 5 gray oozes 6 barrow wights 15 elf zombies 22 ghouls a straw golem a paper golem a jellyfish 11 giant ants 3 little dogs 8 floating eyes 2 kittens 4 dwarves 7 homunculi 4 kobold lords 3 kobold shamans 12 iguanas 17 hill orcs 13 rothes 7 rabid rats 4 centipedes 4 giant bats 3 monkeys 17 orc zombies 9 dwarf zombies 6 wererats 6 werejackals 29 killer bees 5 gas spores 6 acid blobs 2 large kobolds 10 geckos 7 hobgoblins 23 giant rats 10 cave spiders 3 brown molds 4 yellow molds 2 green molds 3 red molds 54 gnomes 20 garter snakes 12 manes 15 gnome zombies 16 jackals 5 foxes 7 kobolds 11 newts 4 goblins 15 sewer rats 14 grid bugs 7 bats 4 lichens 12 kobold zombies 1941 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You used a wielded weapon 3232 times, starting on turn 67. You read items or engraved 336 times, starting on turn 918. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You completed Sokoban on turn 7947, according to the rules. You used 3 wishes, starting on turn 23430. You did not wish for any artifacts. You split 3 puddings, starting on turn 23829. You wrote Elbereth's name 120 times, starting on turn 918. You violated your moral code, losing 16 points of alignment, starting on turn 10052. Dungeon overview: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 29 Level 1 some fountains, a sink a long staircase Level 2 Level 3 stairs to The Gnomish Mines Level 4 a fountain Level 5 a general store, a fountain Level 6 an altar to Amaterasu Omikami, a fountain Level 7 a sink Level 8 a fountain Level 9 many fountains Level 10 a fountain stairs to Sokoban Level 11 Level 12 some fountains Level 13 Level 14 a weapon shop Level 15 Level 16 a throne portal to The Quest Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20 a fountain Level 21 Level 22 Level 23 Level 24 Level 25 Level 26 Level 27 Level 28 some fountains Level 29 a magic chest, a fountain Gehennom: levels 30 to 56 Level 30 a temple to Moloch, a magic chest stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 31 Level 32 Level 33 Level 34 a magic chest, a fountain Level 35 Level 36 Level 37 a fountain Level 38 Level 39 Level 40 Level 41 Level 42 a magic chest stairs to Vlad's Tower Level 43 some shops, an altar to Moloch, a magic chest Level 44 Level 45 (WizTower Top) Level 46 Level 47 Level 48 Level 49 Level 50 Level 51 Level 52 Level 53 Level 54 Level 55 <- You were here Level 56 The Gnomish Mines: levels 4 to 11 Level 4 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 many shops, a temple to Amaterasu Omikami, a magic chest, some fountains Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 a magic chest, some fountains The Quest: levels 1 to 6 Level 1 a magic chest portal to The Dungeons of Doom Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Sokoban: levels 6 to 9 Level 6 a magic chest Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 a magic chest stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Vlad's Tower: levels 39 to 41 Level 39 Level 40 an altar to Amaterasu Omikami Level 41 stairs to Gehennom History has recorded: On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor! On T:308 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:426 you advanced to experience level 2. On T:622 you reached level 3 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:652 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:699 you advanced to experience level 3. On T:794 you advanced to experience level 4. On T:969 you reached level 2 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1034 you reached level 3 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1047 you advanced to experience level 5. On T:1221 you reached level 4 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1249 you entered the Minetown temple On T:1264 you opened a magic chest. On T:1268 you opened a magic chest. On T:1269 you opened a magic chest. On T:1269 you opened a magic chest. On T:1609 you opened a magic chest. On T:1611 you opened a magic chest. On T:1648 you advanced to experience level 6. On T:2024 you opened a magic chest. On T:2025 you opened a magic chest. On T:2043 you opened a magic chest. On T:2044 you opened a magic chest. On T:2119 you opened a magic chest. On T:2227 you received Snickersnee from Amaterasu Omikami. On T:2232 you opened a magic chest. On T:2378 you advanced to experience level 7. On T:2761 you reached level 4 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:3103 you reached level 5 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:3421 you reached level 6 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4063 you reached level 7 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4486 you reached level 8 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4751 you reached level 9 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4793 you advanced to experience level 8. On T:4948 you reached level 10 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:5323 you reached level 4 of Sokoban. On T:5647 you opened a magic chest. On T:5652 you opened a magic chest. On T:5652 you opened a magic chest. On T:5655 you opened a magic chest. On T:5657 you opened a magic chest. On T:5659 you opened a magic chest. On T:5669 you advanced to experience level 9. On T:5725 you opened a magic chest. On T:5725 you opened a magic chest. On T:5730 you reached level 3 of Sokoban. On T:6219 you reached level 2 of Sokoban. On T:6943 you reached level 1 of Sokoban. On T:7947 you advanced to experience level 10. On T:7947 you entered the Sokoban zoo. On T:8038 you opened a magic chest. On T:8475 you opened a magic chest. On T:8476 you opened a magic chest. On T:8916 you opened a magic chest. On T:8916 you opened a magic chest. On T:8925 you opened a magic chest. On T:8928 you opened a magic chest. On T:8964 you opened a magic chest. On T:8984 you opened a magic chest. On T:8987 you opened a magic chest. On T:8993 you opened a magic chest. On T:8998 you opened a magic chest. On T:8998 you opened a magic chest. On T:9062 you opened a magic chest. On T:9062 you opened a magic chest. On T:9109 you reached level 5 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:9399 you reached level 6 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:9554 you opened a magic chest. On T:9555 you opened a magic chest. On T:9648 you opened a magic chest. On T:9925 you opened a magic chest. On T:9928 you opened a magic chest. On T:9932 you opened a magic chest. On T:9934 you opened a magic chest. On T:9935 you opened a magic chest. On T:9935 you opened a magic chest. On T:9936 you opened a magic chest. On T:9939 you opened a magic chest. On T:9939 you opened a magic chest. On T:9940 you opened a magic chest. On T:9941 you opened a magic chest. On T:10048 you opened a magic chest. On T:10764 you reached level 7 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:11296 you reached level 8 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:11296 you reached the bottom of the Mines. On T:11718 you opened a magic chest. On T:11720 you opened a magic chest. On T:11721 you opened a magic chest. On T:11723 you opened a magic chest. On T:11723 you opened a magic chest. On T:12001 you opened a magic chest. On T:12002 you opened a magic chest. On T:12002 you opened a magic chest. On T:12602 you received Sunsword from Amaterasu Omikami. On T:13029 you opened a magic chest. On T:13032 you opened a magic chest. On T:13033 you opened a magic chest. On T:13497 you advanced to experience level 11. On T:13820 you opened a magic chest. On T:13821 you opened a magic chest. On T:13830 you opened a magic chest. On T:13832 you opened a magic chest. On T:13834 you opened a magic chest. On T:13838 you opened a magic chest. On T:13839 you opened a magic chest. On T:13839 you opened a magic chest. On T:13840 you opened a magic chest. On T:13842 you opened a magic chest. On T:13843 you opened a magic chest. On T:13844 you opened a magic chest. On T:13845 you opened a magic chest. On T:13847 you opened a magic chest. On T:13848 you opened a magic chest. On T:13850 you opened a magic chest. On T:13851 you opened a magic chest. On T:13852 you opened a magic chest. On T:13853 you opened a magic chest. On T:13854 you opened a magic chest. On T:13854 you opened a magic chest. On T:13855 you opened a magic chest. On T:13858 you opened a magic chest. On T:13859 you opened a magic chest. On T:13860 you opened a magic chest. On T:13860 you opened a magic chest. On T:13861 you opened a magic chest. On T:13864 you opened a magic chest. On T:13864 you opened a magic chest. On T:13873 you opened a magic chest. On T:13874 you opened a magic chest. On T:13874 you opened a magic chest. On T:14101 you opened a magic chest. On T:14116 you opened a magic chest. On T:14376 you opened a magic chest. On T:14376 you opened a magic chest. On T:14377 you opened a magic chest. On T:14377 you opened a magic chest. On T:14379 you opened a magic chest. On T:14447 you advanced to experience level 12. On T:14585 you reached level 11 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:14804 you reached level 12 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15110 you reached level 13 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15154 you reached level 14 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15579 you reached level 15 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15767 you reached level 16 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15922 you reached level 17 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:16131 you reached level 18 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:16529 you reached level 19 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:16638 you reached level 20 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:17175 you reached level 21 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:17800 you reached level 22 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:18493 you reached level 23 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:18528 you reached level 24 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:18671 you reached level 25 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:19493 you killed Medusa on level 23 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:19561 you reached level 26 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:19801 you reached level 27 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:20246 you reached level 28 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:20484 you reached The Castle. On T:20524 you advanced to experience level 13. On T:21121 you opened a magic chest. On T:21123 you opened a magic chest. On T:21126 you opened a magic chest. On T:21131 you opened a magic chest. On T:21369 you opened a magic chest. On T:21834 you opened a magic chest. On T:21834 you opened a magic chest. On T:21870 you opened a magic chest. On T:21872 you opened a magic chest. On T:21892 you opened a magic chest. On T:21906 you reached The Valley of the Dead. On T:22010 you killed Yeenoghu in The Valley of the Dead. On T:22038 you advanced to experience level 14. On T:23430 you wished for "blessed fixed ring of levitation". On T:23489 you opened a magic chest. On T:23492 you opened a magic chest. On T:23493 you opened a magic chest. On T:23493 you opened a magic chest. On T:23568 you wished for "2 cursed scrolls of genocide". On T:23609 you wished for "blessed fixed magic marker". On T:24903 you reached level 1 of The Quest. On T:25802 you opened a magic chest. On T:25812 you opened a magic chest. On T:25812 you opened a magic chest. On T:25839 you opened a magic chest. On T:25980 you received Grayswandir from Amaterasu Omikami. On T:26052 you opened a magic chest. On T:26057 you opened a magic chest. On T:26058 you opened a magic chest. On T:26067 you opened a magic chest. On T:26067 you opened a magic chest. On T:26069 you opened a magic chest. On T:26083 you opened a magic chest. On T:26231 you opened a magic chest. On T:26233 you opened a magic chest. On T:26269 you opened a magic chest. On T:26272 you opened a magic chest. On T:26272 you opened a magic chest. On T:26273 you opened a magic chest. On T:26279 you opened a magic chest. On T:26362 you opened a magic chest. On T:26367 you opened a magic chest. On T:26370 you opened a magic chest. On T:26370 you opened a magic chest. On T:26373 you opened a magic chest. On T:26374 you opened a magic chest. On T:26394 you opened a magic chest. On T:26474 you opened a magic chest. On T:26475 you opened a magic chest. On T:26532 you received Werebane from Amaterasu Omikami. On T:26540 you opened a magic chest. On T:26542 you opened a magic chest. On T:26568 you opened a magic chest. On T:26634 you opened a magic chest. On T:26653 you opened a magic chest. On T:26655 you opened a magic chest. On T:26669 you opened a magic chest. On T:26670 you opened a magic chest. On T:26671 you opened a magic chest. On T:26672 you opened a magic chest. On T:26673 you opened a magic chest. On T:26674 you opened a magic chest. On T:26675 you opened a magic chest. On T:27189 you embarked upon an epic quest. On T:27197 you reached level 2 of The Quest. On T:27221 you reached level 3 of The Quest. On T:27529 you reached level 4 of The Quest. On T:27650 you reached level 5 of The Quest. On T:28081 you reached level 6 of The Quest. On T:28299 you killed Ashikaga Takauji on level 6 of The Quest. On T:28614 you completed the quest! On T:29350 you opened a magic chest. On T:29351 you opened a magic chest. On T:29353 you opened a magic chest. On T:29354 you opened a magic chest. On T:29478 you opened a magic chest. On T:29497 you opened a magic chest. On T:29498 you opened a magic chest. On T:29510 you opened a magic chest. On T:29510 you opened a magic chest. On T:29522 you opened a magic chest. On T:29523 you opened a magic chest. On T:29524 you opened a magic chest. On T:29525 you opened a magic chest. On T:29526 you opened a magic chest. On T:29527 you opened a magic chest. On T:29528 you opened a magic chest. On T:29531 you opened a magic chest. On T:29538 you opened a magic chest. On T:29540 you opened a magic chest. On T:29540 you opened a magic chest. On T:29542 you opened a magic chest. On T:29543 you opened a magic chest. On T:29546 you opened a magic chest. On T:29546 you opened a magic chest. On T:29863 you opened a magic chest. On T:29865 you opened a magic chest. On T:29866 you opened a magic chest. On T:29866 you opened a magic chest. On T:29868 you opened a magic chest. On T:29869 you opened a magic chest. On T:29869 you opened a magic chest. On T:29869 you opened a magic chest. On T:29872 you opened a magic chest. On T:29873 you opened a magic chest. On T:29876 you opened a magic chest. On T:29877 you opened a magic chest. On T:29879 you opened a magic chest. On T:29880 you opened a magic chest. On T:29883 you opened a magic chest. On T:29883 you opened a magic chest. On T:29886 you opened a magic chest. On T:29908 you reached level 2 of Gehennom. On T:30052 you reached level 3 of Gehennom. On T:30076 you advanced to experience level 15. On T:30225 you opened a magic chest. On T:30227 you opened a magic chest. On T:30643 you reached level 4 of Gehennom. On T:30820 you reached level 5 of Gehennom. On T:31401 you opened a magic chest. On T:31402 you reached level 6 of Gehennom. On T:31712 you advanced to experience level 16. On T:31781 you reached level 7 of Gehennom. On T:31912 you reached level 8 of Gehennom. On T:32013 you killed Juiblex on level 8 of Gehennom. On T:32109 you reached level 9 of Gehennom. On T:32330 you reached level 10 of Gehennom. On T:32669 you reached level 11 of Gehennom. On T:33079 you reached level 12 of Gehennom. On T:33110 you reached level 13 of Gehennom. On T:33417 you opened a magic chest. On T:33632 you reached level 3 of Vlad's Tower. On T:33864 you reached level 2 of Vlad's Tower. On T:34066 you reached level 1 of Vlad's Tower. On T:34189 you killed Vlad the Impaler on level 1 of Vlad's Tower. On T:34444 you received Demonbane from Amaterasu Omikami. On T:34495 you advanced to experience level 17. On T:35282 you reached level 15 of Gehennom. On T:35653 you opened a magic chest. On T:35653 you opened a magic chest. On T:35801 you opened a magic chest. On T:36060 you reached level 16 of Gehennom. On T:36591 you reached level 17 of Gehennom. On T:36631 you reached level 18 of Gehennom. On T:36820 you reached level 19 of Gehennom. On T:37323 you reached level 20 of Gehennom. On T:37470 you were saved from death by your amulet of life saving! On T:37695 you reached level 21 of Gehennom. On T:37910 you reached level 22 of Gehennom. On T:38053 you reached level 24 of Gehennom. On T:38577 you reached level 23 of Gehennom. On T:38586 you reached level 25 of Gehennom. On T:38850 you reached level 27 of Gehennom. On T:39347 you reached level 26 of Gehennom. Score breakdown: Gold: 7319 ( 731 points) Experience: 17 levels ( 1600 points) Exploration: 56 levels ( 1650 points) Discoveries: 115 items ( 2000 points) Variety of kills: 271 monsters ( 2000 points) Major goal: killed Vlad the Impaler ( 2500 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 3) Total score: 31443 Latest messages: The invisible deep ettin hits you! The invisible deep ettin swings his club. The invisible deep ettin hits you! The invisible deep ettin points at you, then curses. The invisible deep ettin swings his club. The invisible deep ettin hits you! The invisible deep ettin swings his club. The invisible deep ettin hits you! The invisible deep ettin casts a spell! Monsters suddenly arrive from nowhere! Monsters appear from nowhere! You hack the invisible deep ettin! (2x) The green dragon bites! The green dragon claws you! (2x) The minotaur punches you! (2x) The minotaur butts! The purple worm bites! The purple worm misses. The leocrotta bumps right into you! The invisible deep ettin swings his club. The invisible deep ettin hits you! The invisible deep ettin swings his club. The invisible deep ettin hits you! You die... Final status: Sayonara Mandevil the Samurai, killed by an invisible deep ettin... You died in Gehennom on dungeon level 55 with 31443 points, and 7319 pieces of gold, after 39482 moves. You were level 17 with a maximum of 150 hit points when you died.