tourn, chaotic female orcish Barbarian .....................).( .....................*........... ............:d.d....d................. .......u..}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..F....... ......}}}p}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..... ...}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}... ...}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}a}}}}}}}}}}v}}... ...}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}... ......}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}8.... l ..........}}}}e}}}}}}}}}}}}}......?... ............xS..............^....>.... ........:@M(y.....a............i. ..T...IG................. %<. f.... ..... }}} ... [Tourn the Brigand] St:18 Dx:15 Co:18 In:7 Wi:8 Ch:8 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:11 $:59 HP:0(107) Pw:19(19) AC:4 Exp:11 Wt:815/850 T:9123 Latest messages What do you want to drop? [$acdi-km-uzA-DF-KNRT-XZ or ?*] You drop an uncursed pick-axe {100}. Your movements are now unencumbered. The gnomish wizard points at you, then curses. The snake bites! The xan pricks your right leg! The orc mummy hits! The killer bee stings! You see here a newt corpse {10}. The orc mummy hits! The hobbit plays a fire horn! The bolt of fire hits you! You kill the hobbit! A snake was hidden under a newt corpse {10}! The snake bites! The orc mummy hits! It hits! The snake bites! The xan pricks your left leg! You don't know any spells right now. What do you want to zap? [mAKNUV or ?*] In what direction? The bolt of lightning hits the orc mummy! You kill the killer bee! The bolt of lightning hits the yellow light. The air crackles around the gnomish wizard. The snake bites! The xan pricks your left leg! The orc mummy hits! You die... Your inventory Weapons a - an uncursed rustproof [+0] battle-axe named Cleaver [Cleaver] (weapon in hands) {120} c - an uncursed [+0] dwarvish spear {35} Armor j - an [uncursed +0] pair of hiking boots [jumping] {20} r - an uncursed +0 pair of boots called waterwalk? [water walking] {20} s - an uncursed +0 pair of levitation boots {15} F - an uncursed +0 dwarvish mithril-coat (being worn) {130} W - a [cursed -1] mummy wrapping {3} X - an [uncursed +0] mummy wrapping {3} Comestibles d - 2 uncursed food rations {40}* D - an uncursed tripe ration {10} G - an [uncursed] cram ration {15} H - 4 [uncursed] food rations {80} Rings n - an uncursed ring of cold resistance {3} p - an [uncursed +3] chrysoberyl ring [of protection] {3} q - an uncursed ridged ring [of aggravate monster] {3} t - an [uncursed] glass ring [of warning] {3} C - an [uncursed] porcelain ring [of poison resistance] {3} I - a [cursed] citrine ring [of conflict] {3} R - an [uncursed] porcelain ring [of poison resistance] {3} Z - a [cursed] ridged ring [of aggravate monster] {3} Wands m - an [uncursed] wand called cancel [of cancellation (0:6)] {7} A - an [uncursed] wand called ? [of opening (0:4)] {7} K - an [uncursed] wand of striking [0:4] {7} N - an uncursed wand of lightning [0:1] {7} U - an uncursed wand of striking [0:3] {7} V - an [uncursed] wand of polymorph [0:5] {7} Tools i - an uncursed [tallow] candle {2} k - an uncursed key [skeleton key] {3} o - an [uncursed] bag of holding {227} u - an uncursed [+0] unicorn horn {20} B - an uncursed towel {2} T - an uncursed magic marker [0:59] {2} Gems J - an uncursed green gem [worthless glass] {1} Contents of the bag of holding: 1238 gold pieces {12} an [uncursed] scroll called earth [of earth] {5} a [cursed] scroll called earth [of earth] {5} a blessed scroll labeled ANDOVA BEGARIN [of enchant weapon] {5} an [uncursed] scroll labeled ANDOVA BEGARIN [of enchant weapon] {5} a [cursed] scroll labeled ELBIB YLOH [of remove curse] {5} an [uncursed] scroll labeled ELBIB YLOH [of remove curse] {5} an uncursed scroll labeled HAPAX LEGOMENON [of food detection] {5} an [uncursed] scroll labeled HZLRC KSTSBD MPFNG [of stinking cloud] {5} a [cursed] scroll labeled KIRJE [of fire] {5} a blessed scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA [of destroy armor] {5} a [cursed] scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA [of destroy armor] {5} an [uncursed] scroll labeled SODALG [of taming] {5} 2 [uncursed] scrolls labeled VE FORBRYDERNE [of create monster] {10} a [blessed] scroll labeled VERR YED HORRE [of enchant armor] {5} an [uncursed] scroll of identify {5} a blessed scroll of teleportation {5} a [blessed] scroll of teleportation {5} 2 [uncursed] scrolls of teleportation {10} a [cursed] scroll of teleportation {5} an uncursed unlabeled scroll [of blank paper] {5} an [uncursed] clear potion [of water] {20} an [uncursed] cloudy potion [of booze] {20} 2 [uncursed] milky potions [of hallucination] {40} an [uncursed] potion of gain level {20} 3 [uncursed] potions of object detection {60} a [blessed] potion of object detection {20} an uncursed tinning kit [0:45] {100} an uncursed [+0] unicorn horn {20} Final Attributes You were piously aligned. Hunger level was 428. Your alignment was 55 / 55. Monster difficulty range was 1 - 11. Level difficulty was 11. You were cold resistant. You were poison resistant. You had wounded legs. You had infravision. You were fast. Your luck was zero. You are dead. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a vampire lord 2 giant mimics 4 wargs 4 small mimics (7 created) an ettin mummy 2 pyrolisks 2 large dogs a freezing sphere 3 flaming spheres (4 created) 2 tigers a dwarf king 3 enormous rats 2 elf mummies a carnivorous ape an ettin zombie (2 created) 2 chameleons a giant beetle a quivering blob (2 created) a wolf (4 created) a lynx 2 leprechauns (3 created) an iron piercer 2 giant spiders a horse 3 vampire bats 2 orc mummies (3 created) 2 brown puddings (1 created) 2 rust monsters 2 yetis (4 created) a gold golem (2 created) 2 werewolves a Green-elf 2 dogs 2 jaguars a dwarf lord a white unicorn a gray unicorn 2 dust vortices (3 created) a gnome mummy (2 created) a snake (2 created) 2 apes 4 human zombies (5 created) a rope golem 4 soldier ants 6 wood nymphs (7 created) 5 water nymphs (8 created) 4 mountain nymphs (6 created) 5 Mordor orcs (8 created) 2 rock piercers (4 created) 2 rock moles a woodchuck a pony (2 created) 3 fog clouds (4 created) 3 yellow lights (4 created) a shrieker 15 gnome lords (16 created) 5 gnomish wizards (6 created) 2 kobold mummies (6 created) a red naga hatchling a golden naga hatchling 3 white naga hatchlings (4 created) a barrow wight 2 elf zombies 2 ghouls 2 paper golems a wax golem a giant ant (2 created) 2 little dogs 2 kittens (5 created) 18 dwarves 5 rothes (7 created) 2 rabid rats (3 created) a monkey 3 orc zombies (5 created) 3 dwarf zombies 3 iguanas 4 killer bees (7 created) 2 acid blobs a gas spore (2 created) 5 hobbits 10 manes (11 created) a giant rat 4 cave spiders a brown mold (2 created) a yellow mold (2 created) 3 red molds 72 gnomes (75 created) 3 geckos (6 created) 5 jackals a goblin (2 created) 5 sewer rats 8 grid bugs 2 lichens (4 created) 2 kobold zombies (3 created) 6 newts (8 created) 323 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You used a wielded weapon 434 times. You read items or engraved 7 times. You put on armor 18 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You changed form 1 time. You used no wishes. You engraved Elbereth 5 times. You encountered 1 bones level. You used Sokoban shortcuts 1 time. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills bare handed combat [Basic] Weapon Skills axe [Skilled] two-handed sword [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 11 Level 2: a potion shop, a fountain Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines Level 3: a fountain Level 4: a weapon shop Level 7: [oracle] many fountains Level 8: some fountains, many trees Stairs up to Sokoban, level 7 Level 9: a fountain Level 10: (Guivre) a fountain, many trees Level 11: [bigrm] <- You were here The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 11 Level 5: [minetn] many shops, a temple to Set, some fountains Game information Seed: -1386218704 Started: 2014-11-13 12:41:54 Ended: 2014-11-27 08:13:25 Play time: PT00:46:20 Goodbye tourn the Barbarian... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 11 with 27724 points, and 1297 pieces of gold, after 9123 moves. Killer: orc mummy You were level 11 with a maximum of 107 hit points when you died. You reached the 35th place on the top 100 list. 1 1784186 tourn-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 225 [347] 2 561107 tourn-Ran-Elf-Fem-Cha quit in Gehennom on level 49 [max 50]. 22 [215] 3 303488 jente-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 9 [max 26]. Killed by a fire ant. - [211] 33 29084 Haudegen-Val-Hum-Fem-Law turned to stone in Sokoban on level 5 [max 9]. Petrified by a chickatrice corpse. 59 [104] 34 28825 tourn-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 12. Caught herself in her own fireball. - [75] *35 27724 tourn-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 11. Killed by an orc mummy. - [107] 36 26544 tourn-Ran-Elf-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 10 [max 12]. Killed by a fire ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze. - [64] 37 26192 jente-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 14 [max 15]. Killed by a tiger. - [80]