spork, lawful male human Archeologist
[Spork the Exhumer] St:18 Dx:11 Co:17 In:18 Wi:18 Ch:12 Lawful
Home 6 $:166 HP:0(120) Pw:74(74) AC:-4 Exp:12 T:29450 Satiated
Latest messages
You feel completely healed.
The incubus misses.
The incubus hits!
The Minion of Huhetotl hits! (2x)
The Minion of Huhetotl casts a spell at you!
You feel as if you need some help.
The Minion of Huhetotl hits!
"Tiring yet, spork? I draw my power from my master and cannot
You miss the Minion of Huhetotl. (2x)
The incubus hits! (2x)
The Minion of Huhetotl hits! (2x)
The Minion of Huhetotl points all around, then curses.
The Minion of Huhetotl hits!
The invisible Ernest bites the Minion of Huhetotl.
The Minion of Huhetotl hits the invisible Ernest. (3x)
The Minion of Huhetotl hits! (2x)
The Minion of Huhetotl points at you, then curses.
The Minion of Huhetotl hits!
What do you want to use or apply? [acfgjknq-su-wAG-IKLOS-UYZ or ?*]
In what direction?
Status of the Minion of Huhetotl (chaotic): Level 16 HP 32(91) AC -6, fast.
You miss the Minion of Huhetotl.
The incubus hits!
The incubus misses.
The Minion of Huhetotl hits! (2x)
The Minion of Huhetotl casts a spell!
The Minion of Huhetotl suddenly becomes transparent!
The invisible Minion of Huhetotl hits!
You die...
Your inventory
m - a cursed amulet of flying (being worn)
a - an uncursed +2 bullwhip*
b - the uncursed +6 Sting (weapon in hand)
h - a cursed [-3] elven dagger
p - an uncursed +6 silver dagger (wielded in other hand)
D - 3 [uncursed +0] elven daggers
J - an uncursed +1 mummy wrapping
M - an [uncursed] +0 leather hat [elven leather helm] (being worn)
N - an uncursed +0 robe (being worn)
P - an uncursed burnt +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)
V - an uncursed burnt +0 pair of speed boots (being worn)
W - a cursed [-1] oilskin cloak
X - an [uncursed] +0 studded leather armor (being worn)
d - an [uncursed] lichen corpse
l - an [uncursed] lichen corpse
x - 2 [uncursed] lizard corpses
t - an uncursed potion of full healing
R - an [uncursed] greasy potion [of polymorph]
e - an uncursed ring of invisibility
i - a cursed [-2] opal ring [of increase accuracy]
o - an uncursed ring called shock [of shock resistance]
F - a cursed pearl ring [of aggravate monster]
Q - an uncursed engagement ring [of see invisible]
f - an [uncursed] wand of sleep [0:5]
g - an [uncursed] wand of striking [0:8]
j - a [cursed] wand of striking [0:6]
n - a cursed wand of teleportation (0:2)
v - an [uncursed] rusty wand [of nothing (0:3)]
A - an [uncursed] mithril wand [of cancellation (0:4)]
K - an [uncursed] alabaster wand [of locking (0:5)]
L - an [uncursed] alabaster wand [of locking (0:5)]
O - an [uncursed] rusty wand [of nothing (0:5)]
S - an [uncursed] wand of digging [0:5]
T - an [uncursed] wand of digging [0:6]
U - an [uncursed] alabaster wand [of locking (0:4)]
Y - an [uncursed] wand of digging [0:7]
Z - an [uncursed] wand of magic missile [0:4]
c - a cursed stethoscope
k - an uncursed key [skeleton key]
q - an uncursed [magic] lamp called magic (lit)
r - an uncursed blindfold
s - a blessed bag of holding
u - an uncursed [+0] unicorn horn
w - a cursed magic whistle
G - an uncursed horn of plenty [0:12]
I - an uncursed towel
C - 2 [uncursed] rubies
E - 2 [cursed] amethyst stones
H - a blessed luckstone
Contents of the bag of holding:
The sack is empty.
Final Attributes
- You were piously aligned.
- Hunger level was 1391.
- Your alignment was 156 / 157.
- Monster difficulty range was 3 - 15.
- Level difficulty was 18.
- You were sleep resistant.
- You were poison resistant.
- You saw invisible.
- You were telepathic.
- You were aware of the presence of orcs.
- You had automatic searching.
- You were stealthy.
- You could fly.
- You were protected.
- You were very fast.
- You were wielding two weapons at once.
- You were lucky (3).
- You had extra luck.
- Good luck timed out slowly for you.
- You are dead.
Spells known in the end
Name | Level | Category | Fail | Memory |
cure sickness | 3 | healing | 44% | 22% |
extra healing | 3 | healing | 44% | 47% |
stone to flesh | 3 | healing | 44% | 47% |
detect unseen | 3 | divination | 44% | 68% |
cause fear | 3 | enchantment | 44% | 71% |
magic missile | 2 | attack | 0% | 73% |
confuse monster | 2 | enchantment | 0% | 77% |
detect treasure | 4 | divination | 82% | 78% |
Vanquished creatures
871 creatures vanquished.
Voluntary challenges
- You used a wielded weapon 1465 times.
- You read items or engraved 31 times.
- You put on armor 117 times.
- You never genocided any monsters.
- You never polymorphed an object.
- You never changed form.
- You used no wishes.
- You engraved Elbereth 4 times.
- You encountered 1 bones level.
- You used Sokoban shortcuts 9 times.
Your skills at the end
Fighting Skills |
two weapon combat | [Basic] |
Weapon Skills |
dagger | [Basic] |
pick-axe | [Basic] |
sling | [Basic] |
whip | [Basic] |
Spellcasting Skills |
(none) |
Dungeon overview
- The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 14
- Level 2:
- a potion shop
- Level 3:
- a tool shop
- Level 4:
- a general store
- Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
- Level 5:
- a fountain
- Level 6:
- a fountain
- Level 7: [oracle]
- many fountains
- Level 8:
- Stairs up to Sokoban, level 7
- Level 9:
- a general store
- Stairs up to Town, level 8
- Level 12:
- Portal to Fort Ludios
- Level 13:
- Portal to The Quest
- The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 12
- Level 8: [minetn]
- some shops, a temple, some fountains, many trees
- Town: levels 7 to 8
- Level 7: [town]
- many shops, many fountains
- The Quest: levels 1 to 6
- Level 1: [Arc-strt]
- a throne
- Level 6: [Arc-goal] <- You were here
- a temple
Game information
Seed: 3492851894
Started: 2017-09-28 13:45:57
Ended: 2017-10-02 21:52:51
Play time: PT02:17:00
Goodbye spork the Archeologist...
You died in The Quest on dungeon level 6 with 48700 points,
and 166 pieces of gold, after 29450 moves.
Killer: the invisible Minion of Huhetotl
You were level 12 with a maximum of 120 hit points when you died.
1 2464780 mightydog-Kni-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to
demigoddess-hood. 513 [546]
2 2416289 mightydog-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to
demigoddess-hood. 508 [657]
3 2105442 tertium-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 750 [750]
99 69212 mo-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on
level 17. Killed by an umber hulk. - [77]
100 68540 merget-Ran-Hum-Fem-Cha died in The Quest on level 13
[max 14]. Killed by a minotaur. - [96]