spork, neutral male human Healer
| ------------------------------..............--
|................ --------..---------------....|.---|.....|
---- |.))----- --- --........|.|..---
|.......... -- -----[.).|..----..-- --.......|.|-...|
|..............................b..F.....q.........| --.....-|.|-...|
---- | | -------- --------..F.@........--- |-....-|.|....|
---.|.-|-..............-- |......|.--..--
|......|................| -..........---
|.......(..[....)......-- ....------.-----
---....................| -..-- |.....|
|....................| ---- --<)..|
|..........>..---....| --...-
--........----- .--- ---...|
--....---- -- |...|
-....-- --.--
|..... --
[Spork the Empiric] St:10 Dx:11 Co:14 In:10 Wi:15 Ch:16 Neutral
Gnomish Mines:5 $:2025 HP:0(47) Pw:1(32) AC:2 Exp:5 T:2749
Latest messages
What do you want to use or apply? [cgoV or ?*]
In what direction?
Status of the rothe (neutral): Level 2 HP 4(13) AC 7.
You miss the rothe.
The rothe hits!
The rothe misses. (2x)
In what direction?
You feel better.
The rothe misses.
The rothe bites! (2x)
You hit the rothe.
The rothe is horribly wounded.
You miss the rothe.
The rothe hits!
The rothe misses.
The rothe bites!
You hit the rothe.
The rothe is almost dead.
The rothe hits!
The rothe bites! (2x)
In what direction?
You feel better.
The rothe hits!
The rothe bites! (2x)
You miss the rothe.
You hit the rothe.
The rothe is almost dead.
The rothe hits!
The rothe bites! (2x)
You die...
Your inventory
P - an [uncursed] amulet of flying (being worn)
a - an uncursed +0 scalpel (alternate weapon; not wielded)*
l - a [blessed +0] runed dagger [elven]
m - 3 [blessed +1] daggers
A - an [uncursed +0] runed dagger [elven] (weapon in hand)
b - an uncursed +1 pair of leather gloves (being worn)*
q - an [uncursed] +1 hooded cloak [dwarvish] (being worn)
x - an [uncursed] +0 iron skull cap [orcish helm] (being worn)
B - a [blessed] +1 studded leather armor (being worn)
k - 5 uncursed apples*
s - 2 [uncursed] lichen corpses
E - 2 [uncursed] fortune cookies
W - an [uncursed] medlar
Z - an [uncursed] food ration
h - a [cursed] scroll labeled ELBIB YLOH [of confuse monster]
r - an [uncursed] scroll labeled VENZAR BORGAVVE [of destroy armor]
Q - 2 [uncursed] scrolls labeled ETAOIN SHRDLU [of enchant armor]
T - an [uncursed] scroll labeled YUM YUM [of genocide]
X - an [uncursed] scroll labeled AQUE BRAGH [of earth]
Y - an [uncursed] scroll labeled DAIYEN FOOELS [of fire]
d - 4 uncursed potions of healing*
e - 2 uncursed potions of extra healing*
g - an uncursed wand of sleep (0:5)*
c - an uncursed stethoscope*
o - an [uncursed] magic marker [0:39]
V - an [uncursed] towel
i - an [uncursed] white gem [worthless glass]
p - an [uncursed] green gem [worthless glass]
R - an [uncursed] orange gem [worthless glass]
Final Attributes
- You were piously aligned.
- Hunger level was 655.
- Your alignment was 23 / 23.
- Monster difficulty range was 0 - 5.
- Level difficulty was 5.
- You were poison resistant.
- You could fly.
- Your luck was zero.
- You are dead.
Spells known in the end
Name | Level | Category | Fail | Memory |
healing | 1 | healing | 0% | 87% |
extra healing | 3 | healing | 17% | 87% |
stone to flesh | 3 | healing | 36% | 87% |
Vanquished creatures
66 creatures vanquished.
Voluntary challenges
- You were illiterate.
- You used a wielded weapon 57 times.
- You put on armor 7 times.
- You never genocided any monsters.
- You never polymorphed an object.
- You never changed form.
- You used no wishes.
- You never engraved Elbereth.
- You never encountered a bones level.
- You never used any Sokoban shortcuts.
Your skills at the end
Fighting Skills |
(none) |
Weapon Skills |
knife | [Basic] |
Spellcasting Skills |
healing spells | [Basic] |
Dungeon overview
- The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 4
- Level 1:
- a fountain
- Level 3:
- a potion shop
- Level 4:
- Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
- The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 6
- Level 5: <- You were here
Game information
Seed: 3990937869
Started: 2017-04-26 23:12:09
Ended: 2017-04-26 23:49:30
Play time: PT00:08:32
Goodbye spork the Healer...
You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 5 with 1053 points,
and 2025 pieces of gold, after 2749 moves.
Killer: rothe
You were level 5 with a maximum of 47 hit points when you died.
You didn't beat your previous score of 56050 points.
1 2416289 mightydog-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to
demigoddess-hood. 508 [657]
2 2105442 tertium-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 750 [750]
3 2034602 rail-Pri-Hum-Fem-Law defied the Gods and escaped the
dungeon . 575 [575]
93 60756 blub-Mon-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
level 17. Killed by a trickery. 72 [72]
94 58753 Akhelar-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu quit in The Dungeons of Doom
on level 15 [max 21]. 85 [101]
*95 56050 spork-Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Quest on level 16
* [max 15]. Disintegrated by a blast of
disintegration. 95 [145]
* 1053 spork-Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
level 5 [max 6]. Killed by a rothe. - [47]
96 54978 mightyquin-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Quest on level
17 [max 14]. Killed by a soldier. - [104]
97 53676 spork-Arc-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Quest on level 18
[max 14]. Killed by the Minion of Huhetotl. - [90]