spork, lawful male human Archeologist
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[Spork the Field Worker] St:13 Dx:9 Co:13 In:15 Wi:18 Ch:8 Lawful
Dungeons of Doom:3 $:0 HP:0(35) Pw:33(33) AC:10 Exp:5 T:2483
Latest messages
She stole an uncursed +0 leather jacket.
a - an uncursed +2 bullwhip.
Q - a crossbow.
U - 9 crossbow bolts.
P - 14 darts.
Z - a +0 cloak of invisibility.
N - a +0 cloak of protection.
c - a blessed +0 fedora.
W - a hooded cloak.
j - a +1 iron skull cap.
X - a pair of hard shoes.
K - an egg.
e - 2 uncursed food rations.
r - 2 fortune cookies.
t - a pear.
q - a tripe ration.
i - a balsa wand.
R - an ebony wand.
T - a wand of enlightenment.
S - a wand of teleportation.
H - a blindfold.
Y - a credit card.
s - an uncursed sack.
o - a stethoscope.
d - a red gem.
g - an uncursed touchstone.
f - a white gem.
The water moccasin bites! (2x)
The water moccasin's bite was poisoned!
You die...
Your inventory
a - an uncursed +2 bullwhip*
D - a cursed very rusty [-1] long sword (weapon in hand)
P - 14 [uncursed +0] darts
Q - a [blessed +1] crossbow
U - 9 [uncursed +0] crossbow bolts
c - a blessed +0 fedora*
j - an [uncursed] +1 iron skull cap [orcish helm]
N - an [uncursed] +0 cloak of protection
W - an [uncursed +0] hooded cloak [dwarvish]
X - an [uncursed +0] pair of hard shoes [iron]
Z - an [uncursed] +0 cloak of invisibility
e - 2 uncursed food rations*
q - an [uncursed] tripe ration
r - 2 [uncursed] fortune cookies
t - an [uncursed] pear
K - an [uncursed stale] egg
i - an [uncursed] balsa wand [of cancellation (0:3)]
R - an [uncursed] ebony wand [of secret door detection (0:14)]
S - an [uncursed] wand of teleportation [0:6]
T - an [uncursed] wand of enlightenment [0:13]
o - an [uncursed] stethoscope
s - an uncursed sack*
H - an [uncursed] blindfold
Y - an [uncursed] credit card
d - an [uncursed] red gem [worthless glass]
f - an [uncursed] white gem [fluorite]
g - an uncursed touchstone*
Contents of the sack:
Final Attributes
- You were piously aligned.
- Hunger level was 713.
- Your alignment was 21 / 22.
- Monster difficulty range was 0 - 4.
- Level difficulty was 3.
- You were stealthy.
- You were fast.
- You were lucky (1).
- You are dead.
You didn't know any spells.
Vanquished creatures
48 creatures vanquished.
Voluntary challenges
- You were an atheist.
- You were illiterate.
- You used a wielded weapon 48 times.
- You put on armor 10 times.
- You never genocided any monsters.
- You never polymorphed an object.
- You never changed form.
- You used no wishes.
- You never engraved Elbereth.
- You never encountered a bones level.
- You never used any Sokoban shortcuts.
Your skills at the end
Fighting Skills |
(none) |
Weapon Skills |
pick-axe | [Basic] |
sling | [Basic] |
whip | [Basic] |
Spellcasting Skills |
(none) |
Dungeon overview
- The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 4
- Level 1:
- a fountain
- Level 2:
- a fountain
- Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
- Level 3: <- You were here
- a general store, a fountain
- Level 4:
- a general store
Game information
Seed: 55521549
Started: 2017-01-12 13:51:39
Ended: 2017-01-12 14:14:44
Play time: PT00:12:18
Goodbye spork the Archeologist...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 3 with 839 points,
and 187 pieces of gold, after 2483 moves.
Killer: water moccasin
You were level 5 with a maximum of 35 hit points when you died.
1 2416289 mightydog-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to
demigoddess-hood. 508 [657]
2 2105442 tertium-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 750 [750]
3 1873670 Zeglect-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 247 [271]
99 34967 rail-Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on
level 10 [max 11]. Killed by a gas spore's
explosion. - [136]
100 33701 Alsetar3d-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines
on level 6 [max 10]. Killed by a priestess of Odin,
while paralyzed by a monster. - [106]