spontiff, neutral male gnomish Healer

               ----                                  --- ---
 -----        --..--- (#         ##*#*             ---.---^----
--...--      --.....|*##*        #**...-           |........|.--          ----
|.....--     |.(.........---      *.....---      ---...........|          |..|
--.....|     |-<.[.........-- -----.....|.--     |.............|----     --..|
 |....-|     |.........%....---............-------.-.........---|..|     |...|
 --....|    --..^...^.........................................| |..|   ---.---
  --.|.|    |..........  |..-...........(.------.|.....---.--.---..|   |...|
   |.|--    --..---...|  --................--  |.|-.|.-- ---|......|   |.---
   |.--      ----|...--   --................|  |.|-----   ---..`--.|   |.|
  --..|        ---...-     ---..............-  |.|        |......|.--- |.|
 --...------   |.....        |..............   |.|        |..........| |.|
 |.....--..-----.--.|      ---...[..--*...-   --.--       ---........--|.|
 |...............||.|   * --.).--...| ##..-   |...|         |..-----...|.|
--..|.--.----------.|    #|....|-...| --...-- |..@-         ----   ---.|.|
|...|-----      --..|   **.-.--|....---.....| |-..k                  |...---
--.--           |...|   ###--- |..........^.---.-...                 --....|
 ---            |...----`...--.--...................                  |....|
                --...>....................*.........                  ---..|
                 --------.--.....---..|.--.--..--.-                     |..|
                                   ----------------                     ----

[Spontiff the Rhizotomist]   St:10 Dx:8 Co:17 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17  Neutral S:2724
Gnomish Mines:3  $:4103 HP:22(22) Pw:7(7) AC:0  Xp:1/0 T:6483

Latest messages
  Hit points restored.
  With great effort you move the boulder.
  The large cat bites the sewer rat.
  The sewer rat is killed!
  The large cat bites the sewer rat.
  The sewer rat misses the large cat.
  The large cat bites the sewer rat.
  The sewer rat is killed!
  You see here a sewer rat corpse.
  The large cat eats a sewer rat corpse.
  You displaced your large cat.
  You hear some noises.
  What do you want to use or apply? [kswzSZ or ?*] 
  In what direction? 
  Status of the large cat (neutral):  Level 9  HP 72(72)  AC 4, tame.
  You hear some noises.
  What do you want to use or apply? [kswzSZ or ?*] 
  In what direction? 
  Status of the large cat (neutral):  Level 9  HP 72(72)  AC 4, tame.
  What do you want to use or apply? [kswzSZ or ?*] 
  In what direction? 
  Status of the large cat (neutral):  Level 9  HP 72(72)  AC 4, tame.
  Where do you want to travel to?
  (For instructions type a ?)
  You are beginning to feel hungry.
  What do you want to eat? [npyX or ?*] 
  This lembas wafer is delicious!
  You finish eating the lembas wafer.
  You feel violent!
  Do you want to quit? [yn] (n) 

Your inventory
  A - an [uncursed] oval amulet named !c [versus poison]
  d - a [blessed] +1 leather armor (being worn)
  g - an uncursed +1 pair of leather gloves (being worn)
  h - an [uncursed] +0 orcish helm (being worn)
  q - an [uncursed] +0 dwarvish cloak (being worn)
  r - an [uncursed] +0 large shield (being worn)
  v - an [uncursed] +0 pair of hard shoes [iron] (being worn)
  n - 5 [uncursed] food rations
  p - 2 [uncursed] tripe rations
  y - 6 uncursed apples
  c - 4 uncursed potions of extra healing
  l - 2 [uncursed] potions called water named UNC [of water]
  S - an [uncursed] wand of sleep [0:7]
  Z - an uncursed wand of sleep (0:4)
  k - an [uncursed] key [skeleton key]
  s - an uncursed stethoscope
  w - an [uncursed] frost horn named empty [0:0]
  z - an [uncursed] leash

Final Attributes
  You were piously aligned.
  Hunger level was 926.
  Your alignment was 23 / 42.
  Monster difficulty range was 0 - 2.
  Level difficulty was 3.
  You were poison resistant.
  You had infravision.
  Your luck was zero.
  You survived.

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail
  a - healing                1    healing       88%
  b - extra healing          3    healing      100%
  c - stone to flesh         3    healing      100%

Vanquished creatures
  a small mimic
  2 shriekers
  2 dwarves
  a wererat
  an iguana
  2 coyotes
  2 gas spores
  5 hobbits (6 created)
  a giant rat
  a brown mold (2 created)
  2 yellow molds (3 created)
  2 red molds (3 created)
  3 gnomes
  a gnome zombie
  3 geckos
  20 jackals
  2 foxes
  3 kobolds (5 created)
  7 goblins (8 created)
  7 sewer rats
  15 grid bugs (17 created)
  3 bats
  13 lichens (20 created)
  3 kobold zombies (4 created)
  25 newts (27 created)
  127 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You pretended to be a pacifist.
  You were illiterate.
  You killed 1 creature.
  You never hit with a wielded weapon.
  You put on armor 15 times.
  You never genocided any monsters.
  You never polymorphed an object.
  You never changed form.
  You used no wishes.
  You never engraved Elbereth.
  You never encountered a bones level.
  You never used any Sokoban shortcuts.

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    knife              [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    healing spells     [Basic]

Dungeon overview
  The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 5
     Level 2:
        a general store
        Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
     Level 4:
        some fountains
  The Gnomish Mines:
     Level 3: <- You were here

Game information
  Started: 2013-03-23 19:37:55
  Ended:   2013-03-23 22:41:49
  Play time: PT00:33:00

Goodbye spontiff the Healer...
You quit in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 3 with 2724 points,
and 4103 pieces of gold, after 6483 moves.
Killer: quit after an act of violence
You were level 1 with a maximum of 22 hit points when you quit.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    2328122  davez-Val-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood.   383 [383]
  2    2093626  davez-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.       238 [238]
  3    2078672  Vis-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.         431 [443]

 99      19824  jefkin-Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 10.  Killed by a minotaur.                        -  [59]
 100      19545  zarthra-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 11.  Killed by a hallucinogen-distorted
                tengu.                                                  -  [98]
*         2724  spontiff-Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu quit in The Gnomish Mines on          
                level 3 [max 5] after an act of violence.              22  [22]