spontiff, chaotic female vampiric Wizard

   ----------        -------
   |........|        |.....-##                      `################
   |........|       #......|                                       -.----
   ------.---     ###|.....-#               -----                  |....|
         #        #  -------#               |...-### ----------    |....|
         #      ###         #               |...|  # |........|    |....|
         #      #           #               |.&)|  ##.........|####.....|
         #    ###           #               --@--    |........|#   ------
         #    #             #                 %      -.-----.--#     #
         #  ###             #                 ###     ##    ##########
         ## #             ###                   #      #          ##
     -----.-#             #------   ########### #      ##### #######  ##
     |.....|#             #|.....########-----.-.----     -|-|-----|---.-
     |.....|#             #.....|       #|^........<|     |........>....|
     |.....|#              |.....########...........|    #..............|
     |....||#              |....|      ##|..........|  ###|.............|
     |.....-#              |....-########------------  #  ---------------
     |.....|               ------       `###############

Spontiff the Evoker       St:12 Dx:16 Co:12 In:18 Wi:9 Ch:11  Chaotic S:520
Dlvl:1  $:316 HP:0(15) Pw:29(29) AC:9  Xp:2/29 T:1067

Latest messages
  Your stomach feels content.
  Where do you want to travel to?
  (For instructions type a ?)
  Hit points restored.
  Where do you want to travel to?
  (For instructions type a ?)
  You kill the jackal!
  You see here a jackal corpse.
  There is a jackal corpse here; eat it? [ynq] (n) 
  You drain the blood from the jackal corpse.
  Unknown command ' '.
  Where do you want to travel to?
  (For instructions type a ?)
  Where do you want to travel to?
  (For instructions type a ?)
  You hear bubbling water.
  Drink from the fountain? [yn] (n) 
  You unleash a water demon!
  The fountain dries up!
  You miss the water demon. (2x)
  The water demon hits! (2x)
  The water demon bites!
  Unknown command ' '.
  The newt bites!
  You hit the newt.
  You bite the newt.
  You kill the newt!
  The water demon hits! (2x)
  The water demon bites!
  You die...

Your inventory
  a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands)
  q - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)
  c - an uncursed scroll of remove curse
  i - an uncursed scroll of teleportation
  k - an uncursed scroll of magic mapping
  s - an [uncursed] scroll labeled PHOL ENDE WODAN [of light]
  l - a blessed spellbook of force bolt
  n - an uncursed spellbook of cure blindness
  f - an uncursed potion of see invisible
  g - an uncursed potion of invisibility
  L - an uncursed +1 ring of adornment
  R - an uncursed ring of warning
  j - an uncursed wand of light (0:11)
  N - an [uncursed] wand called striking [of striking] [0:6]
  m - an uncursed magic marker (0:20)
  p - an [uncursed] white gem [worthless glass]

Final Attributes
  You were devoutly aligned.
  You were level-drain resistant.
  You were magic-protected.
  You could fly.
  You could survive without air.
  You regenerated.
  You are dead.

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail
  a - force bolt             1    attack         0%
  b - cure blindness         2    healing       62%

Vanquished creatures
  a kitten
  a jackal
  a kobold
  2 goblins
  2 sewer rats
  3 grid bugs
  a lichen
  5 newts
  16 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You were illiterate.
  You never genocided any monsters.
  You never polymorphed an object.
  You never changed form.
  You used no wishes.
  You never engraved Elbereth.

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    quarterstaff       [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    attack spells      [Basic]
    enchantment spells [Basic]

Dungeon overview
  The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 3
     Level 1: <- You were here
     Level 2:
        a fountain
        Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines

Game information
  Started: 2011-10-15 11:02:27
  Ended:   2011-10-15 11:09:44
  Play time: PT00:07:16

Goodbye spontiff the Wizard...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 1 with 489 points,
and 316 pieces of gold, after 1067 moves.
Killer: water demon
You were level 2 with a maximum of 15 hit points when you died.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    2328592  spontiff-Val-Dwa-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood.    430 [433]
  2    1970464  Kwirq-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.       391 [402]
  3    1740028  spontiff-Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.    303 [303]

 99      78010  Adeon-Pri-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 24.  Burned by molten lava.                       -  [73]
 100      78001  Bunnyh-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 7 [max 15].  Killed by a priest of Thoth, while
                sleeping.                                               -  [97]
*          489  spontiff-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom          
                on level 1 [max 3].  Killed by a water demon.           -  [15]