spontiff, neutral male gnomish Healer

                   ---------                      |...^....|
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   |....-##########|(...^..|#######....b.#        -----.----#         #-....|
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   |....-##      ##...(....|#     #..^(.|#                          #  |....|
   |....| #      ##-.-------#      ------#                        ###  |....|
   |....|           ########################################    ###    ------
   ------                                    # ------------|-   #
                                              #-....[)...(..| ###

Spontiff the Rhizotomist     St:25 Dx:8 Co:16 In:12 Wi:18 Ch:17  Neutral S:354
Dlvl:7  $:0  HP:0(47) Pw:1(10) AC:-1 Xp:1/1 T:19611 Overtaxed

Latest messages
  The large dog bites the iguana. (2x)
  The iguana is killed!
  The large dog eats an iguana corpse.
  You hear someone counting money.
  The large dog drops a looking glass.
  You hear some noises.
  The large dog is frozen by the floating eye's gaze!
  The homunculus bites!
  The homunculus misses. (3x)
  The homunculus bites! (2x)
  The homunculus misses.
  You fall down the stairs.
  Something is written here in the dust.
  You read: "|  e?  n".
  The homunculus misses.
  The homunculus bites! (2x)
  You are put to sleep by the homunculus!
  You wake up.
  The homunculus bites! (3x)
  You don't have enough stamina to move.
  The homunculus misses.
  The homunculus just misses!
  The homunculus misses.
  The homunculus bites!
  The homunculus misses.
  The homunculus bites!
  You don't have enough stamina to move.
  The homunculus misses. (3x)
  The homunculus bites! (2x)
  You die...

Your inventory
  G - a blessed +0 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn)
  f - an uncursed greased bag called sack [sack]

  Contents of the sack:
  1718 gold pieces
  a blessed [+1] silver saber
  an uncursed +0 dwarvish mithril-coat
  an uncursed +0 pair of boots called water walking [water walking]
  an uncursed greased +0 cloak of protection
  an uncursed greased +0 hard hat [dwarvish iron helm]
  an uncursed +1 pair of leather gloves
  a blessed +1 leather armor
  an uncursed +0 cloak of protection
  an uncursed +0 cornuthaum
  a cursed [-2] pair of boots called mud 50z [speed]
  an uncursed tripe ration
  2 uncursed apples
  5 blessed eucalyptus leaves
  4 uncursed food rations
  an uncursed scroll called PRIRUT 100z [of confuse monster]
  an uncursed scroll called ETAOIN 300z [of punishment]
  2 uncursed scrolls called THARR 100z [of teleportations]
  3 uncursed scrolls called earth [of earths]
  an uncursed scroll called PHOL 200z [of taming]
  an uncursed scroll called enchant weapon [of enchant weapon]
  an uncursed scroll called light [of light]
  a cursed scroll called light [of light]
  an uncursed scroll called identify [of identify]
  a blessed spellbook of healing
  an uncursed spellbook called stapled 3 [of charm monster]
  an uncursed spellbook called plaid 3 [of cure sickness]
  an uncursed spellbook called dark green 2 [of magic missile]
  an uncursed spellbook of light
  a blessed spellbook of stone to flesh
  a blessed spellbook of extra healing
  an uncursed spellbook called light green 2 [of create monster]
  a blessed potion of paralysis
  2 uncursed potions of paralysis
  2 uncursed potions called bubbly 150z [of gain energies]
  a blessed potion called bubbly 150z [of gain energy]
  2 uncursed potions called gooey 100z [of hallucinations]
  an uncursed potion called puce 250z [of acid]
  2 uncursed potions called ruby 200z [of speeds]
  an uncursed potion called greasy 150z [of monster detection]
  2 uncursed potions called soapy 100z [of restore abilities]
  an uncursed potion called muddy (juice / si) [of fruit juice]
  an uncursed potion called orange 150/200z [of enlightenment]
  2 uncursed potions called icy 300z [of gain levels]
  a blessed potion called icy 300z [of gain level]
  an uncursed potion called sickness [of sickness]
  3 uncursed potions called steamy 100z [of sleepings]
  2 uncursed potions called emerald 300z [of gain abilities]
  an uncursed potion called brown 100z [of confusion]
  3 uncursed potions called booze [of boozes]
  an uncursed potion of blindness
  6 uncursed potions called object detection [of object detections]
  2 cursed potions called object detection [of object detections]
  5 uncursed potions called water [of waters]
  2 uncursed potions called dark green (juice / si) [of see invisibles]
  a cursed potion called booze [of booze]
  an uncursed potion of extra healing
  an uncursed potion of full healing
  a cursed potion of extra healing
  2 blessed potions called water [of holy water]
  2 uncursed potions of healing
  a cursed [-4] ring called agate 150z [of increase damage stone]
  an uncursed ring called citrine 150z [of shock resistance stone]
  an uncursed ring called jet 100z [of stealth stone]
  an uncursed ring called conflict [of conflict]
  an uncursed ring called obsidian 200z [of searching stone]
  an uncursed ring called chrysoberyl 100z [of protection from shape changers stone]
  an uncursed ring called tiger eye 300z [of polymorph stone]
  an uncursed wand called jeweled 200z named CANCEL? [of create monster stone] [0:11]
  an uncursed wand of sleep (0:6)
  a cursed wand of fire [0:4]
  an uncursed wand called rusty 150z [of undead turning] [0:4]
  an uncursed wand called cedar 150z [of make invisible] [0:5]
  an uncursed wand called octagonal 150z [of magic missile] [0:4]
  an uncursed wand of striking [0:2]
  an uncursed wand called oak 175z [of lightning] [0:5]
  an uncursed wand of striking [0:6]
  a blessed wand of fire [0:5]
  an uncursed [+0] pick-axe
  an uncursed can of grease [0:16]
  an uncursed leash
  an uncursed lamp called oil [oil]
  an uncursed blindfold named Po Ty
  an uncursed rusty stethoscope
  an uncursed key [skeleton key]
  an uncursed glass orb [crystal ball] [0:2]
  7 uncursed candles [tallow]
  an uncursed leash
  an uncursed blue gem [worthless glass]
  an uncursed violet gem [worthless glass]
  2 uncursed orange gems [agate stones]
  2 uncursed black gems [worthless pieces of black glass]
  an uncursed red gem [jasper stone]
  4 uncursed white gems [worthless pieces of white glass]
  an uncursed green gem [jade stone]
  an uncursed red gem [worthless glass]
  an uncursed blue gem [fluorite stone]
  4 uncursed green gems [worthless pieces of green glass]
  an uncursed yellow gem [worthless glass]

Final Attributes
  You were piously aligned.
  You were poison resistant.
  You saw invisible.
  You were telepathic.
  You were clairvoyant.
  You had infravision.
  You were protected.
  You are dead.

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail
  a - healing                1    healing        0%
  b - extra healing          3    healing       64%
  c - stone to flesh         3    healing       76%
  d - light                  1    divination    26%

Vanquished creatures
  2 watch captains
  a large mimic
  4 small mimics
  3 watchmen
  a wood nymph
  5 water nymphs
  4 mountain nymphs
  a rock piercer
  a pony
  a fog cloud
  11 shriekers
  3 gnome lords
  a giant ant
  5 little dogs
  a floating eye
  2 kittens
  8 dwarves
  4 homunculi
  3 kobold lords
  2 rothes
  2 giant bats
  an orc zombie
  5 dwarf zombies
  a wererat
  2 werejackals
  6 iguanas
  6 killer bees
  7 acid blobs
  11 coyotes
  3 gas spores
  16 hobbits
  4 manes
  8 large kobolds
  3 hobgoblins
  12 giant rats
  8 cave spiders
  6 brown molds
  6 yellow molds
  3 green molds
  7 red molds
  10 gnomes
  6 garter snakes
  6 gnome zombies
  22 geckos
  48 jackals
  4 foxes
  7 kobolds
  14 goblins
  8 sewer rats
  33 grid bugs
  6 bats
  25 lichens
  7 kobold zombies
  23 newts
  400 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You never genocided any monsters.
  You never polymorphed an object.
  You never changed form.
  You used no wishes.
  You engraved Elbereth 12 times.

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    knife              [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    healing spells     [Basic]

Dungeon overview
  The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 8
     Level 1: (Temporary Stash)
        a fountain
     Level 2:
        Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
     Level 3:
        a potion shop, a fountain
     Level 4:
        a general store, a fountain
     Level 5: [oracle]
        many fountains
     Level 6:
        a fountain
        Stairs up to Sokoban, level 5
     Level 7: [nymph] <- You were here
     Level 8:
        a fountain
        Stairs up to Town, level 7
  The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 6
     Level 5: [minetn]
        many shops, a temple, some fountains, many trees
  Town: levels 3 to 7
     Level 6:
        a potion shop
     Level 7:
        an armor shop

Game information
  Started: 2011-05-09 20:20:08
  Ended:   2011-05-10 12:09:32
  Play time: PT07:36:56

Goodbye spontiff the Healer...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 7 with 354 points,
and 1718 pieces of gold, after 19611 moves.
Killer: homunculus
You were level 1 with a maximum of 47 hit points when you died.

You didn't beat your previous score of 117212 points.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    2328592  spontiff-Val-Dwa-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood.    430 [433]
  2    1970464  Kwirq-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.       391 [402]
  3    1740028  spontiff-Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.    303 [303]

 62     126990  mra-Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 24.  Killed by a jabberwock.                      - [159]
 63     120521  mra-Rog-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Quest on level 16
                [max 25].  Killed by an arch-lich, while fainted from
                lack of food.                                           - [123]
*64     117212  spontiff-Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu choked on his food in The             
                Quest on level 14.  Choked on a sirrush corpse.       140 [140]
*          354  spontiff-Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom          
                on level 7 [max 8].  Killed by a homunculus.            -  [47]
 65     116597  mra-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in One-eyed Sam's Market on
                level 24.  Killed by Mr. One-eyed Sam, the
                shopkeeper.                                             -  [17]
 66     110428  jannis-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 22.  Killed by a fire elemental.               - [104]