scumlord, chaotic female elven Priestess
              ------- #        -#-------#--#   # |..>|                         
              |.....-###       |!!!!!!!!!!!.# ###-...|                         
              |.....|#         #!!!!!!!!!!!.|# # --.--                         
              |..<.^|          |!!!!!!!!!!!.@-###                              
              ----+--          |!!!!!!!!!!!.|#                                 

[Scumlord the Aspirant]      St:12 Dx:11 Co:14 In:8 Wi:20 Ch:10  Chaotic
Dungeons of Doom:2  $:82 HP:0(13) Pw:9(9) AC:7  Exp:1 T:333

Latest messages

The grid bug just misses!
You kill the grid bug!
The grid bug bites!
You hit the grid bug.
The grid bug bites!
You kill the grid bug!
You see here an uncursed newt corpse.
Pick an object.
# iron bars or a tree or a dead tree or a corridor or a lit corridor or a sink or a cloud (iron bars)
You hear a door open.
The kobold misses.
You kill the kobold!
You see here an uncursed food ration.
m - an uncursed food ration.
9 gold pieces.
Something is written here in the dust.
You read: "Closed for inventory".
Unknown command '^J'.
This door is locked.
In what direction?
This door is locked.
In what direction?
As you kick the door, it crashes open!
"How dare you break my door?"
Ossipewsk zaps a quartz wand!
The magic missile hits you!
Ossipewsk zaps a wand of magic missile!
The magic missile hits you!
You die...

Your inventory


a - a blessed +1 club (alternate weapon; not wielded)*


b - an uncursed +0 robe (being worn)*
c - an uncursed +0 small shield (being worn)*


e - an uncursed clove of garlic*
f - an uncursed sprig of wolfsbane*
m - an uncursed food ration


k - an uncursed scroll labeled ACHAT SHTAYIM SHALOSH [of light]


g - an uncursed spellbook of create monster*
h - an uncursed spellbook of light*
l - an uncursed chartreuse spellbook [of jumping]


d - 4 potions of holy water*


i - an uncursed magic marker (0:47)*
j - an uncursed bugle*

Final Attributes

Spells known in the end

create monsterclerical0%99%

Vanquished creatures

7 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges

Your skills at the end

Fighting Skills
Weapon Skills
Spellcasting Skills
clerical spells[Basic]

Dungeon overview

Game information

Seed: 1050281802
Started: 2015-06-23 04:34:54
Ended: 2015-06-23 05:03:19
Play time: PT00:05:00


Goodbye scumlord the Priestess...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 2 with 90 points,
and 0 pieces of gold, after 333 moves.
Killer: magic missile
You were level 1 with a maximum of 13 hit points when you died.
 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    2303186  jente-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood.       369 [558]
  2    1973902  tertium-Cav-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.     607 [610]
  3    1880848  mrob-Con-Hum-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.        274 [344]

 99      11139  Dins-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 6.  Killed by a rabid rat, while frozen by a
                monster's gaze.                                         -  [81]
 100      11049  greeter-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 10.  Killed by an invisible stalker, while
                praying.                                                - [103]
*           90  scumlord-Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom          
                on level 2.  Killed by a magic missile.                 -  [13]