muahdib, chaotic male human Wizard ---------------- #####################............{...## ---------------- ------- # --------- |.<............| # |.......i.)...)| |.....|### |.......-#########---------------- ########...............| |......# |.......| #############@q###########---------------- |.....|#####|....>..| |.....| |.......| |.[...| |.......| ------- |.......| --------- [Muahdib the Thaumaturge] St:16 Dx:12 Co:15 In:18 Wi:12 Ch:10 Chaotic S:8649 Dungeons of Doom:9 $:1847 HP:0(57) Pw:77(77) AC:5 Xp:8/1516 Wt:1097/825 T:14799 Burdened Latest messages The large dog bites the gecko. The gecko is killed! The large dog eats a gecko corpse {10}. You displaced your large cat. Magic energy restored. You displaced your large cat. You hear some noises. (2x) You displaced your large cat. The owlbear hits! (2x) [HP-24=33] The owlbear hits! (2x) The owlbear grabs you! [HP-17=16] You write "Elbereth" with your fingers into the dust. The owlbear hits! (2x) You are being crushed. [HP-12=4] As you read the scroll, it disappears. You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. [HP+1=5] Count: 99 [HP+1=6] [HP+1=7] [HP+1=8] [HP+1=9] You hear some noises in the distance. You stop waiting. The leocrotta hits! The leocrotta bites! You die... Your inventory Weapons a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands) {40}* Armor b - a blessed +0 cloak of invisibility {10} w - an uncursed +0 pair of gauntlets of dexterity (being worn) {10} y - an uncursed +0 pair of padded gloves [leather] {10} z - a blessed +0 cloak of magic resistance {10} A - an [uncursed] +0 cloak of displacement (being worn) {10} E - a [blessed] +3 pair of combat boots [water walking] {20} K - an [uncursed] +0 studded leather armor (being worn) {200} Comestibles i - an uncursed clove of garlic {1} t - an uncursed lembas wafer {5} L - 3 uncursed cream pies {30} T - 2 uncursed pancakes {4} V - an uncursed lichen corpse {20} Z - an uncursed fortune cookie {1} Scrolls k - a blessed scroll of confuse monster {5}* q - an [uncursed] scroll labeled SODALG [of destroy armor] {5} r - an uncursed scroll labeled VELOX NEB [of light] {5} u - an uncursed scroll labeled ANDOVA BEGARIN [of earth] {5} B - a [cursed] scroll labeled ANDOVA BEGARIN [of earth] {5} H - an [uncursed] scroll labeled ANDOVA BEGARIN [of earth] {5} M - 2 [uncursed] scrolls labeled LOREM IPSUM [of enchant armor] {10} X - an uncursed scroll labeled ZELGO MER [of create monster] {5} Spellbooks l - a blessed spellbook of force bolt {50}* m - an uncursed spellbook of magic missile {50}* o - an [uncursed] spellbook of detect unseen {50} N - an [uncursed] spellbook of slow monster {50} Potions f - an uncursed potion of object detection {20}* g - an uncursed potion of healing {20}* h - 2 uncursed potions of restore ability {40}* s - a blessed squishy potion [of confusion] {20} v - an uncursed orange potion [of sickness] {20} x - 2 [uncursed] potions of object detection {40} C - 2 cursed murky potions [of fruit juice] {40} F - a cursed ruby potion [of levitation] {20} G - an uncursed greasy potion [of speed] {20} J - an [uncursed] brown potion [of extra healing] {20} Q - a blessed clear potion [of holy water] {20} R - a blessed murky potion [of fruit juice] {20} S - a [cursed] potion of object detection {20} U - 2 uncursed murky potions [of fruit juice] {40} W - an uncursed yellow potion [of gain level] {20} Y - 2 uncursed white potions [of booze] {40} Rings d - an uncursed +1 ring of gain intelligence {3}* e - an uncursed ring of poison resistance {3}* Wands c - an uncursed wand of slow monster (0:6) {7}* p - an uncursed alabaster wand [of cancellation (0:6)] {7} D - an [uncursed] mahogany wand [of make invisible (0:4)] {7} I - an [uncursed] long wand [of lightning (0:4)] {7} O - an [uncursed] mahogany wand [of make invisible (0:6)] {7} Tools n - an uncursed blindfold {2}* Final Attributes You were piously aligned. Hunger level was 345. Your alignment was 81 / 83. Monster difficulty range was 1 - 8. Level difficulty was 9. You were poison resistant. You were telepathic. You were displaced. Your luck was zero. You are dead. Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail Memory a - force bolt 1 attack 0% 27% b - magic missile 2 attack 0% 27% c - slow monster 2 enchantment 0% 60% d - detect unseen 3 divination 77% 71% Vanquished creatures a giant mimic (3 created) 4 small mimics (5 created) 3 gelatinous cubes (4 created) a freezing sphere a large cat (0 created) a tiger an incubus 4 quivering blobs a wolf 2 leprechauns (6 created) an iron piercer (2 created) a giant spider (2 created) a horse a gnome king 3 dwarf mummies (5 created) a yeti 2 lizards (3 created) a dog a dingo a jaguar a dust vortex 4 ravens 2 plains centaurs (3 created) a gnome mummy a snake (2 created) 4 human zombies (7 created) a rope golem 4 fire ants a snow ant 7 bugbears an imp (4 created) 3 wood nymphs (5 created) 2 water nymphs (4 created) a mountain nymph (2 created) 4 Mordor orcs an orc shaman a rock piercer (4 created) a rock mole (3 created) a woodchuck 2 fog clouds (4 created) a yellow light (2 created) a shrieker (2 created) 3 violet fungi 2 gnome lords (3 created) 3 gnomish wizards a gray ooze a barrow wight an elf zombie a ghoul a straw golem 3 wax golems a little dog 4 floating eyes (9 created) a kitten (4 created) 2 dwarves (3 created) 3 homunculi (4 created) 3 kobold lords 9 hill orcs (11 created) 6 rothes (10 created) a rabid rat (2 created) 2 centipedes a monkey 4 orc zombies 2 dwarf zombies (4 created) 3 wererats (4 created) 4 iguanas (6 created) 2 killer bees (4 created) 7 acid blobs 3 coyotes 2 gas spores 2 manes (7 created) a large kobold 11 hobgoblins 3 giant rats 6 cave spiders (9 created) 3 green molds (4 created) 2 red molds 4 gnomes 7 garter snakes (9 created) 4 gnome zombies (8 created) 7 geckos (13 created) 17 jackals (21 created) 2 foxes (3 created) 4 kobolds (5 created) 3 goblins (4 created) 8 grid bugs (12 created) 4 lichens (8 created) 3 kobold zombies (4 created) 8 newts 252 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You used a wielded weapon 13 times. You read items or engraved 222 times. You put on armor 30 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You engraved Elbereth 262 times. You never encountered a bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills quarterstaff [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Expert] enchantment spells [Basic] Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 9 Level 2: an armor shop, a fountain Level 3: an altar to Anhur Level 4: a delicatessen store, a sink Level 5: some fountains, some sinks Level 6: [oracle] many fountains Level 7: Stairs up to Sokoban, level 6 Level 8: Stairs up to Town, level 7 Level 9: <- You were here a fountain Game information Seed: 2841118347 Started: 2017-03-01 10:00:59 Ended: 2017-03-01 16:35:42 Play time: PT00:22:16 Goodbye muahdib the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 9 with 8465 points, and 1847 pieces of gold, after 14799 moves. Killer: leocrotta You were level 8 with a maximum of 57 hit points when you died. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 2416289 mightydog-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 508 [657] 2 2105442 tertium-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 750 [750] 3 1873670 Zeglect-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 247 [271] 99 41171 rail-Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha died in Sokoban on level 5 [max 10]. Killed by a dwarf. - [74] 100 40907 vevais-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 16. Killed by a captain. - [131] * 8465 muahdib-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 9. Killed by a leocrotta. - [57]