motm, lawful female human Valkyrie ----------- ##-.....`...| -------------- ##|....>.....############.............| ####--#--------# |...)........| ----------- ####################### -------------- |.........| # ### % # |..........## # # ### |.........| # # |.........| # ### |.........| # # ----------- ----- # ### |...| # # -----------|- |....######----------- ######-..fc.......| |...| # #........*.# # |.)@........| |...+## |.........| #####|..f........| |...| |.........|# # l-........<..| ----- |.........|### -----+------- |..........# -----------# [Motm the Woman-at-arms] St:15 Dx:14 Co:18 In:8 Wi:12 Ch:7 Lawful Dungeons of Doom:8 $:442 HP:67(75) Pw:36(36) AC:-5 Exp:10 T:9194 Burdened Latest messages The elf zombie turns to flee! You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. The large cat bites the elf zombie. The elf zombie misses the large cat. You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. The large cat bites the elf zombie. The elf zombie misses the large cat. You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. (2x) The large cat bites the elf zombie. The elf zombie turns to flee! The large cat bites the elf zombie. The elf zombie is destroyed! You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. (11x) The chickatrice turns to flee! Pick an object. c a cockatrice (chickatrice) [seen: normal vision, telepathy] The dagger hits the leprechaun. (3x) The leprechaun turns to flee! The dagger hits the leprechaun. The large cat bites the leprechaun. The leprechaun hits the large cat. You see here an uncursed dagger. (2x) The large cat picks up an uncursed dagger. You see here an uncursed dagger. The chickatrice misses. (2x) You miss the chickatrice. The housecat picks up an uncursed dagger. You hit the chickatrice. You turn to stone... You die... Your inventory Amulets e - an uncursed amulet of ESP (being worn) Weapons a - the blessed rustproof +1 Excalibur* f - an uncursed +0 dagger* h - an [uncursed +0] elven dagger t - 2 [uncursed +0] elven spears K - an [uncursed +0] dwarvish spear W - an uncursed [+0] dagger (in quiver) Armor c - an uncursed +3 small shield (being worn)* v - an uncursed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) E - a [blessed] rusty +1 pair of iron shoes (being worn) S - a blessed +1 elven cloak (being worn) Y - an uncursed +0 elven mithril-coat (being worn) Z - an [uncursed +0] elven shield Comestibles n - 5 [uncursed] food rations q - an [uncursed] tripe ration A - an uncursed candy bar U - an [uncursed] lichen corpse V - an [uncursed] cram ration X - an uncursed partly eaten food ration* Scrolls k - an uncursed scroll of remove curse B - an [uncursed] scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA [of food detection] J - an [uncursed] scroll of remove curse Potions p - an uncursed potion of invisibility r - 2 blessed potions called holy water [of holy water] z - an uncursed potion of extra healing C - an uncursed potion of monster detection D - an uncursed potion of gain ability H - an [uncursed] milky potion [of sickness] M - an [uncursed] dark potion [of full healing] N - an [uncursed] milky potion [of sickness] P - an [uncursed] milky potion [of sickness] Q - an [uncursed] slimy potion [of booze] R - a [blessed] milky potion [of sickness] Rings j - an [uncursed] +2 ring of gain constitution (on right hand) s - a [cursed] citrine ring [of teleportation] u - a [cursed] topaz ring [of sustain ability] Wands b - an [uncursed] wand called sleep [of sleep (0:3)] l - an [uncursed] wand of secret door detection [0:10] Tools g - an uncursed tin whistle w - a [cursed oil] lamp x - a [blessed oil] lamp y - an uncursed [oil] lamp F - an uncursed key [skeleton key] G - 2 blessed [tallow] candles I - an uncursed partly used [tallow] candle O - an uncursed towel Final Attributes You were piously aligned. Hunger level was 681. Your alignment was 55 / 55. Monster difficulty range was 1 - 9. Level difficulty was 8. You were cold resistant. You were poison resistant. You were telepathic. You were stealthy. You were fast. Your luck was zero. You are dead. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures an arctic fern 2 small mimics (3 created) 2 shocking spheres an elf mummy a leather golem a crocodile 3 giant beetles 2 winter wolf cubs (5 created) a lynx a gremlin a leprechaun (3 created) an orc-captain a giant spider 2 scorpions an ice vortex 2 orc mummies a dwarf mummy a brown pudding a rust monster an owlbear a yeti a gold golem (2 created) a Green-elf (4 created) 2 lizards (3 created) a chickatrice (4 created) a dog a jaguar 2 dwarf lords a raven 4 gnome mummies 3 apes (4 created) 2 human zombies a rope golem 6 Woodland-elves 2 soldier ants (4 created) a snow ant a bugbear a quasit 3 rock piercers (4 created) a pony 2 violet fungi (3 created) 4 gnome lords (5 created) 3 gnomish wizards (4 created) 2 kobold mummies 2 elf zombies a ghoul 6 giant ants (10 created) a little dog (2 created) 4 kittens 8 dwarves 2 kobold shamans 4 hill orcs a rothe a centipede a giant bat a monkey 7 orc zombies (8 created) a wererat (2 created) 4 iguanas (5 created) 2 killer bees 2 hobbits (3 created) 2 large kobolds a hobgoblin 2 giant rats (3 created) 4 cave spiders a green mold 37 gnomes (40 created) 11 garter snakes a gnome zombie 3 geckos 40 arctic fern spores 55 blazing fern spores (56 created) 63 swamp fern spores (64 created) 8 jackals (10 created) 2 foxes a kobold 2 goblins 3 sewer rats 9 grid bugs (11 created) 3 bats 7 lichens (11 created) 2 kobold zombies (3 created) 5 newts 384 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You used a wielded weapon 332 times. You read items or engraved 365 times. You put on armor 40 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You engraved Elbereth 313 times. You never encountered a bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] long sword [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 8 Level 3: Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines Level 4: a general store, a fountain Level 5: an altar to Tyr, a fountain Level 7: a potion shop, some fountains Level 8: <- You were here The Gnomish Mines: levels 4 to 7 Level 7: [minetn] many shops, a temple, some fountains Game information Seed: 3894014216 Started: 2015-04-25 16:38:27 Ended: 2015-04-26 19:13:46 Play time: PT00:36:39 Farvel motm the Valkyrie... You turned to stone in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 8 with 17138 points, and 442 pieces of gold, after 9194 moves. Killer: chickatrice You were level 10 with a maximum of 75 hit points when you turned to stone. You made the top ten list! No Points Name Hp [max] * 1 17138 motm-Val-Hum-Fem-Law turned to stone in The Dungeons of Doom on level 8. Petrified by a chickatrice. 67 [75] 2 8062 motm-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in Sokoban on level 5 [max 7]. Killed by a soldier ant. - [81] 3 6837 mightydog-Con-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 4 [max 6]. Killed by a snow ant. - [70]