edmu52c, chaotic male elven Wizard

                               --.--.---            ----
                        ---   --.......|           --..|
              ---      -..    |........--          |...|
             --.-- .-.-.>     --........--        --...--
       --    |...| |....--    --.........|        |.....----      --
   -----.-    -..---.....|    |....|.....|--  --- |........|    ...--
   |......-- --.........- -----..----..---.---|..--........-- ......|
   |.......--|.........----.--..-- |...||....||......G.G............|
  --........--..........|....)------.--- ....|  -...b.@........-
  |..................)...............|   -...-- ----.....---   |
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   |.....................|         ---  |......|    |..f|
   --....................-------  --.---|......-- ---.---
    ----......---..............|  |...|.|.......| |..--
       -..`..-- |......-------.--- -............---..|
      -.....-----.....--    |....---................--
     |......| |.....<.|     |.......................|
     --.--..| |.......|     --....----.---.|........|
      -- ---- ---.--.--      ---.--  --- ----..--..--
                ------         ---          --------

Edmu52c the Thaumaturge   St:12 Dx:11 Co:16 In:19 Wi:11 Ch:9  Chaotic
Gnomish Mines:4  $:420 HP:0(41) Pw:16(67) AC:9  Exp:7 T:3441

Latest messages
  The spell misses the dwarf.
  The kitten bites the dwarf.
  The dwarf is killed!
  The gnome shoots an arrow!
  You are almost hit by an arrow.
  The housecat eats a dwarf corpse.
  Unknown command ' '.
  Pick an object.
  b       a blob (acid blob)
  In what direction? 
  The spell misses the acid blob.
  In what direction? 
  The spell misses the acid blob.
  You aren't sure you're doing this the right way...
  You miss the gnome.
  The gnome swings his bow.
  The gnome hits!
  You miss the gnome.
  You aren't sure you're doing this the right way...
  You miss the gnome.
  The gnome swings his bow.
  The gnome hits!
  You aren't sure you're doing this the right way...
  You miss the gnome.
  You aren't sure you're doing this the right way...
  You hit the gnome.
  The gnome lord hits!
  The gnome swings his bow.
  The gnome hits!
  You die...

Your inventory
  a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff
  B - 10 blessed +5 darts
  D - an uncursed +0 orcish dagger (weapon in hand)
  S - 4 uncursed +0 daggers
  W - an uncursed +0 elven dagger
  b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)
  E - an uncursed +0 orcish helm
  U - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes
  p - 2 uncursed eggs
  q - 2 uncursed tripe rations
  r - 4 uncursed food rations
  X - an uncursed potion of full healing
  d - an uncursed ring of warning
  e - an uncursed ring of teleport control
  T - a blessed +4 ring of gain intelligence
  c - an uncursed wand of make invisible (0:7)
  n - an uncursed bugle
  C - an uncursed skeleton key
  V - an uncursed +0 pick-axe

Final Attributes
  You were piously aligned.
  You were sleep resistant.
  You were magic-protected.
  You saw invisible.
  You were telepathic.
  You had infravision.
  You are dead.

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail
  a - force bolt             1    attack         0%
  b - healing                1    healing        0%
  c - detect monsters        1    divination     0%
  d - drain life             2    attack         0%

Vanquished creatures
  a small mimic
  a leprechaun
  2 fog clouds
  a yellow light
  a giant ant
  3 floating eyes
  2 dwarves
  a homunculus
  a kobold shaman
  a rabid rat
  a giant bat
  2 iguanas
  2 coyotes
  a gas spore
  2 hobbits
  8 manes
  a yellow mold
  11 gnomes
  a garter snake
  3 geckos
  7 jackals
  2 foxes
  a kobold
  2 goblins
  3 sewer rats
  4 grid bugs
  4 bats
  3 lichens
  2 kobold zombies
  3 newts
  77 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You never genocided any monsters.
  You never polymorphed an object.
  You never changed form.
  You used no wishes.
  You engraved Elbereth 4 times.

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    quarterstaff       [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    attack spells      [Basic]
    enchantment spells [Basic]

Game information
  Started: 2010-11-13 05:40:16
  Ended:   2010-11-13 06:00:49
  Play time: PT00:20:32

Goodbye edmu52c the Wizard...
You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 4 with 2510 points,
and 420 pieces of gold, after 3441 moves.
Killer: gnome
You were level 7 with a maximum of 41 hit points when you died.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    2328592  spontiff-Val-Dwa-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood.    430 [433]
  2    1970464  Kwirq-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.       391 [402]
  3    1740028  spontiff-Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.    303 [303]

 99      11932  mra-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 10.  Killed by a yeti.                            -  [60]
 100      11925  mitsilvan-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 7 [max 8].  Killed by a bolt of fire.     -  [80]
*         2510  edmu52c-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on           
                level 4 [max 5].  Killed by a gnome.                    -  [41]