autbree, chaotic female human Rogue ----- |... --.. -- --... -- |.---...- --... ---.......| |.....^....G...>.-- |.................-- -- ---*...........@| -- ---.--.|.|@| -- ------- [Autbree the Pilferer] St:7 Dx:18 Co:17 In:12 Wi:13 Ch:8 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:10 $:0 HP:0(78) Pw:48(48) AC:10 Exp:10 T:12789 Satiated Burdened Latest messages ; a sea monster (electric eel) [seen: normal vision, telepathy] Unknown command ' '. You are momentarily blinded by a flash of light! Unknown command ' '. It explodes! You seem unaffected by it. It hits! You hear a ripping sound. What do you want to use or apply? [bekqstzBGMV or ?*] Improvise? [yn] (n) You start playing the fire horn. You produce a frightful, grave sound. You hear rumbling in the distance. You hit the sergeant. The sergeant hits! You hit the sergeant. (2x) The sergeant hits! You miss the sergeant. The sergeant hits! You hit the sergeant. The sergeant hits! You hear rumbling in the distance. You hit the sergeant. The sergeant hits! You can see again. You hear rumbling in the distance. (2x) You hit the sergeant. The sergeant swings her flail. The sergeant hits! You die... Your inventory Amulets v - an uncursed amulet of ESP (being worn) Weapons n - an uncursed [+0] long sword (weapon in hand) Armor x - an [uncursed +0] pair of riding gloves [leather] I - an [uncursed +0] slippery cloak [oilskin] Wands q - an [uncursed] wand of light [0:13] t - an [uncursed] wand of enlightenment [0:12] B - an [uncursed] wand of digging [0:7] G - an [uncursed] walnut wand [of slow monster (0:7)] V - a blessed wand of fire [0:5] Tools b - an [uncursed] bag called holding [of holding] e - an uncursed lock pick* k - an uncursed towel s - an uncursed sack* M - an uncursed fire horn [0:0] Gems z - a cursed loadstone Contents of the bag of holding: 2210 gold pieces an [uncursed] tripe ration a cursed scroll labeled EIRIS SAZUN IDISI [of enchant armor] an [uncursed] scroll labeled EIRIS SAZUN IDISI [of enchant armor] a [cursed] scroll labeled EIRIS SAZUN IDISI [of enchant armor] an [uncursed] scroll labeled VAS CORP BET MANI [of genocide] an [uncursed] scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA [of earth] a [cursed] scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA [of earth] 2 [uncursed] scrolls of create monster 2 [cursed] scrolls of identify a blessed scroll of light an [uncursed] scroll of magic mapping 3 [uncursed] scrolls of teleportation an [uncursed] amber potion [of gain ability] a [blessed] brown potion [of full healing] an [uncursed] brown potion [of full healing] 2 [uncursed] clear potions [of water] a [blessed] pink potion [of fruit juice] 2 [uncursed] potions called bozze [of booze] a blessed potion of invisibility a [cursed] white potion [of healing] an [uncursed] black onyx ring [of free action] an [uncursed -1] chrysoberyl ring [of protection] an [uncursed] ridged ring [of conflict] The sack is empty. Final Attributes You were piously aligned. Hunger level was 1500. Your alignment was 73 / 73. Monster difficulty range was 1 - 10. Level difficulty was 10. You were cold resistant. You were sleep resistant. You were telepathic. You had automatic searching. You were stealthy. You were fast. Your luck was zero. You are dead. Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail Memory a - detect monsters 1 divination 40% 49% b - create monster 2 clerical 56% 58% c - detect food 2 divination 56% 58% Vanquished creatures a minotaur a baluchitherium (0 created) 2 large mimics a stalker a sergeant (3 created) 4 small mimics an ettin mummy a gelatinous cube a freezing sphere a flaming sphere 2 shocking spheres an elf mummy a human mummy a leather golem a crocodile (2 created) a giant beetle a wolf a winter wolf cub a leprechaun (3 created) a giant spider (3 created) a black light 3 dwarf mummies (4 created) a rust monster 2 lizards a dog a dingo 2 jaguars (3 created) a dwarf lord (4 created) a dust vortex a raven (3 created) 2 gnome mummies (3 created) a snake 2 human zombies a rope golem a Woodland-elf (3 created) a soldier ant 3 snow ants (4 created) a water nymph (2 created) 8 Mordor orcs (12 created) 3 rock piercers (8 created) a rock mole a woodchuck 2 ponies a yellow light (2 created) 3 shriekers (4 created) a violet fungus 5 gnome lords (12 created) 3 gnomish wizards (4 created) 5 kobold mummies a black naga hatchling a guardian naga hatchling 2 white naga hatchlings 3 gray oozes a barrow wight 2 elf zombies (3 created) 4 ghouls (3 created) a wax golem 7 giant ants (11 created) 6 floating eyes (9 created) 2 kittens (5 created) 13 dwarves (22 created) a kobold lord 10 hill orcs (11 created) 12 rothes (16 created) a rabid rat 2 centipedes 3 giant bats (4 created) a monkey 6 dwarf zombies 3 iguanas (5 created) 11 killer bees (14 created) 2 acid blobs (3 created) a coyote 4 gas spores (5 created) 5 hobbits (7 created) 2 large kobolds (4 created) 3 hobgoblins (5 created) 7 giant rats 2 yellow molds a green mold a red mold 56 gnomes (83 created) 6 garter snakes (13 created) 3 gnome zombies 5 geckos 7 jackals 6 foxes (5 created) 3 kobolds 6 goblins (7 created) 9 sewer rats 4 grid bugs (5 created) 3 bats 5 lichens 4 kobold zombies 4 newts 326 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You used a wielded weapon 503 times. You read items or engraved 246 times. You put on armor 19 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You changed form 1 time. You used no wishes. You engraved Elbereth 430 times. You encountered 1 bones level. You used Sokoban shortcuts 2 times. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Expert] short sword [Basic] long sword [Skilled] Spellcasting Skills (none) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 8 Level 1: (vampire) an altar to Kos Level 2: a general store Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines Level 3: a general store Level 5: (vault) a general store, a fountain Level 6: a scroll shop, some fountains Level 7: [oracle] many fountains Level 8: a fountain, a sink Stairs up to Sokoban, level 7 The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 11 Level 5: [minetn] many shops, a temple, some fountains Level 10: <- You were here Level 11: [minend] some fountains Game information Seed: 2827978639 Started: 2015-08-10 00:30:25 Ended: 2015-08-14 00:39:39 Play time: PT00:56:49 Goodbye autbree the Rogue... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 10 with 25215 points, and 2210 pieces of gold, after 12789 moves. Killer: sergeant You were level 10 with a maximum of 78 hit points when you died. You reached the 83rd place on the top 100 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 2303186 jente-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 369 [558] 2 1973902 tertium-Cav-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 607 [610] 3 1880848 mrob-Con-Hum-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 274 [344] 81 26646 elenmirie-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 9 [max 13]. Killed by a leocrotta. - [110] 82 25351 mightydog-Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 9. Killed by an ape, while praying. - [80] *83 25215 autbree-Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 10 [max 11]. Killed by a sergeant. - [78] 84 25132 tertium-Cav-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 9 [max 11]. Killed by a mumak. - [81] 85 25075 aarong815-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law turned to stone in The Dungeons of Doom on level 10 [max 13]. Petrified by a sergeant. 26 [69]