autbree, chaotic female human Rogue --------- |.......|-- ...)---.|.-- -....)-- |.....| |.)...-- ---...| |..@...| |..-- -......| ---- -.-- .. -- [Autbree the Cutpurse] St:17 Dx:13 Co:13 In:10 Wi:12 Ch:10 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:3 $:0 HP:0(32) Pw:21(21) AC:5 Exp:5 T:1252 Elbereth Latest messages You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. You are hit by an arrow! The gnome just misses! The arrow hits the gnome! The gnome is killed! You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. Unknown command ' '. The gnome turns to flee! (4x) Unknown command ' '. You miss the gnome. You strike the gnome from behind! You kill the gnome! You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust. The arrow misses the dwarf. You are almost hit by an arrow. The arrow misses the dwarf. You are hit by an arrow. The gnome lord turns to flee! (2x) The dwarf turns to flee! The gnome lord picks up a bow. The gnome lord picks up 6 arrows. The gnome lord turns to flee! The gnome turns to flee! The gnome lord turns to flee! The gnome lord picks up an orange gem. The gnome lord picks up an arrow. The gnome turns to flee! The gnome lord turns to flee! You are hit by an arrow! You die... Your inventory Weapons p - an uncursed [+0] silver saber (weapon in hand) Armor c - an uncursed +1 leather armor (being worn)* h - an [uncursed] +1 iron skull cap [orcish helm] (being worn) Final Attributes You were devoutly aligned. Hunger level was 352. Your alignment was 16 / 16. Monster difficulty range was 0 - 4. Level difficulty was 3. You were stealthy. You were unlucky (-1). You are dead. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a shrieker (2 created) a little dog a dwarf (2 created) an acid blob 2 coyotes a brown mold 2 red molds 6 gnomes (10 created) a gnome zombie 3 geckos (4 created) a kobold 6 goblins 2 sewer rats (3 created) 3 grid bugs 2 lichens a kobold zombie 3 newts 37 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You used a wielded weapon 35 times. You read items or engraved 13 times. You put on armor 2 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You engraved Elbereth 29 times. You never encountered a bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] short sword [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 2 Level 1: (vault) a fountain Level 2: an altar Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines The Gnomish Mines: Level 3: <- You were here Game information Seed: 2089760405 Started: 2015-06-30 20:10:49 Ended: 2015-06-30 20:35:17 Play time: PT00:07:41 Goodbye autbree the Rogue... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 3 with 722 points, and 0 pieces of gold, after 1252 moves. Killer: an arrow You were level 5 with a maximum of 32 hit points when you died. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 2303186 jente-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 369 [558] 2 1973902 tertium-Cav-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 607 [610] 3 1880848 mrob-Con-Hum-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 274 [344] 99 15252 WuX-Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha died in Sokoban on level 8 [max 9]. Killed by a warg. - [63] 100 14954 lance-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 6. Killed by an exploding wand. - [85] * 722 autbree-Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 3. Killed by an arrow. - [32]