Sabrejon, chaotic male elven Wizard


[Sabrejon the Thaumaturge]  St:4 Dx:11 Co:16 In:19 Wi:10 Ch:10  Chaotic
Gnomish Mines:10 $:1065 HP:0(60) Pw:83(95) AC:6  Xp:7/1002 T:1481 Hungry   Burd

Latest messages
  The spell hits the gnome!
  You kill the gnome!
  You have a little trouble lifting j - a candle.
  The gnome lord wields a crossbow!
  You have a little trouble lifting o - a red gem.
  The gnome lord shoots 2 crossbow bolts!
  You are almost hit by the 1st crossbow bolt.
  You are almost hit by the 2nd crossbow bolt.
  Unknown command ' '.
  You fall down the stairs.
  You kill the gnome!
  The dwarf throws a dagger!
  You are hit by a dagger.
  You have a little trouble lifting r - a dagger.
  You hit the gnome.
  The gnome hits!
  You hit the gnome.
  The gnome hits!
  You miss the gnome.
  You are beginning to feel hungry.
  You hit the gnome.
  The gnome hits!
  You kill the gnome!
  The dwarf hits!
  The gnome wields a crossbow!
  You see here a partly used candle (lit).
  You have a little trouble lifting s - a partly used candle (lit).
  The gnome shoots 2 crossbow bolts!
  You are hit by the 1st crossbow bolt!
  You die...

Your inventory
  a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands)*
  i - a [blessed +2] dagger
  r - an [uncursed +0] dagger
  G - an uncursed [+0] elven dagger
  J - 8 uncursed [+0] daggers (in quiver)
  b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)*
  W - an uncursed +0 studded leather armor (being worn)
  d - an [uncursed] food ration
  p - an uncursed slime mold
  e - an [uncursed] scroll labeled READ ME [of remove curse]
  g - a [blessed] scroll of create monster
  w - an uncursed scroll labeled VELOX NEB [of light]
  f - 2 uncursed potions of water*
  h - an uncursed potion of extra healing*
  c - an uncursed wand of sleep (0:7)*
  y - an uncursed wand of digging [0:8]
  j - 3 [uncursed tallow] candles
  l - an [uncursed] key [skeleton key]
  m - an [uncursed] partly used [wax] candle (lit)
  s - an [uncursed] partly used [tallow] candle (lit)
  x - an uncursed [oil] lamp
  F - an uncursed frost horn [0:6]
  L - an uncursed [+0] pick-axe
  k - an [uncursed] white gem [opal]
  n - an [uncursed] violet gem [amethyst]
  o - an [uncursed] red gem [worthless glass]
  q - an uncursed orange gem [worthless glass]
  H - an uncursed blue gem [worthless glass]
  K - an uncursed black gem [worthless glass]
  N - an uncursed red gem [worthless glass]

Final Attributes
  You were devoutly aligned.
  Hunger level was 145.
  Your alignment was 17 / 17.
  Monster difficulty range was 1 - 8.
  Level difficulty was 10.
  You were sleep resistant.
  You were magic-protected.
  You saw invisible.
  You had infravision.
  Your luck was zero.
  You are dead.

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail  Memory
  a - force bolt             1    attack         0%    93%
  b - detect food            2    divination    37%    93%

Vanquished creatures
  6 gnome lords (13 created)
  a gnomish wizard (4 created)
  2 giant ants
  6 dwarves (15 created)
  2 hobbits (6 created)
  37 gnomes (79 created)
  2 garter snakes (3 created)
  a gnome zombie
  2 jackals
  2 foxes
  a kobold (2 created)
  a goblin
  4 sewer rats
  3 grid bugs
  a kobold zombie
  3 newts
  74 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You used a wielded weapon 73 times.
  You read items or engraved 1 time.
  You put on armor 4 times.
  You never genocided any monsters.
  You never polymorphed an object.
  You never changed form.
  You used no wishes.
  You never engraved Elbereth.
  You never encountered a bones level.
  You never used any Sokoban shortcuts.

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    quarterstaff       [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    attack spells      [Basic]
    enchantment spells [Basic]

Dungeon overview
  The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 2
     Level 2:
        a fountain
        Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
  The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 10
     Level 6: [minetn]
        a general store, a temple, some fountains
     Level 10: [minend] <- You were here

Game information
  Started: 2013-12-05 19:53:11
  Ended:   2013-12-05 21:45:11
  Play time: PT00:08:51

Goodbye Sabrejon the Wizard...
You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 10 with 2823 points,
and 1065 pieces of gold, after 1481 moves.
Killer: a crossbow bolt
You were level 7 with a maximum of 60 hit points when you died.

You didn't beat your previous score of 11535 points.

  1     486751  percy11-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu died in Sheol on level 49. 
                Killed by the wrath of Moloch.                        232 [280]
  2     177358  jente-Con-Hum-Fem-Cha died in Fort Ludios [max 23]. 
                Killed by a death ray.                                 89  [91]
  3     166844  jente-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha died in Sokoban on level 7
                [max 21].  Killed by Mr. Eight-fingered Inniscrone,
                the shopkeeper.                                         - [116]

 27      12378  blargius-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha quit in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 8 [max 12].                                      50  [71]
 28      12152  jente-Con-Hum-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 8 [max 9].  Killed by a jaguar.                   -  [82]
*29      11535  Sabrejon-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on          
                level 7 [max 9].  Killed by a gnome king.               -  [59]
*         2823  Sabrejon-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on          
                level 10.  Killed by a crossbow bolt.                   -  [60]
 30      10728  Fenlort-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 7 [max 8].  Killed by an ettin mummy.          -  [44]
 31      10535  jente-Pri-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 6 [max 9].  Killed by an owlbear.                 -  [51]