Mortuis, lawful female human Valkyrie
           --...------ .                                                       
        ----- --...---                ----                                     
               ---...------------    ....(.                                    
                ................--- ........ ....                              
                .----------.---%.................--     --                     
                          |--............)........|    ..                      
                        ---............%......   ..                            

[Mortuis the Baluchitherium]  St:18/** Dx:13 Co:18 In:10 Wi:4 Ch:9  Lawful
Gnomish Mines:13 $:215 HP:62(62) Pw:39(39) AC:5  HD:14 T:12659 Satiated

Latest messages

You hit the giant mimic.
You kill the giant mimic!
What do you want to wield? [- abpuAHQ or ?*]
a - the blessed rustproof +1 Excalibur (weapon in hand).
The gnome picks up a dagger.
You see here a giant mimic corpse.
You step onto a polymorph trap!
You feel a change coming over you.
You turn into a baluchitherium!
You break out of your armor!
Your cloak tears apart!
You can no longer hold your shield!
Your helmet falls to the floor!
Your boots are pushed off your feet!
You find you must drop your weapon!
a - the blessed rustproof +1 Excalibur.
Z - an uncursed rusty +0 dwarvish iron helm.
J - an uncursed rusty +0 pair of iron shoes.
c - an uncursed rotted +3 small shield.
There is nothing here to pick up.
i - a potion of levitation.
You stumble into a spider web!
You tear through a web!
Pick an object.
A an angelic being (peaceful Aleax)
You see here a yellowish brown gem.
j - a yellowish brown gem.
You hit the cockatrice.
You turn to stone...
You die...

Your inventory


z - an uncursed amulet of reflection (being worn)


a - the blessed rustproof +1 Excalibur*
b - an uncursed +0 dagger*
A - a blessed [+0] elven dagger
H - an uncursed [+0] dagger
Q - 2 uncursed [+0] elven daggers


c - an uncursed rotted +3 small shield*
d - an uncursed [+1] pair of boots called elf? [elven]
J - an uncursed rusty +0 pair of iron shoes
Z - an uncursed rusty +0 dwarvish iron helm


y - an uncursed lembas wafer
X - 4 uncursed food rations


g - 2 [uncursed] scrolls called id [of identify]
W - an [uncursed] scroll labeled LOREM IPSUM [of stinking cloud]


i - a [blessed] potion of levitation


o - an uncursed ring called cA [of shock resistance]
G - a cursed [-1] ring of adornment
O - a cursed ivory ring [of teleport control]


f - an uncursed wand of striking [0:2]
h - an uncursed wand of digging [0:7]
q - an uncursed wand called bV [of teleportation (0:4)]
v - an uncursed wand of lightning [1:0]
w - an uncursed wand of cold [0:5]
D - an uncursed wand of striking [0:0]
F - an uncursed wand called secret doors? [of secret door detection (0:13)]
N - an [uncursed] wand of cold [0:4]


k - an uncursed lock pick
l - a cursed [magic] lamp called magic (lit)
p - an uncursed [+0] pick-axe (alternate weapon; not wielded)
s - an uncursed stethoscope
t - an uncursed towel
u - an uncursed [+0] unicorn horn


j - an [uncursed] yellowish brown gem [worthless glass]
C - an uncursed gray stone [luckstone]
R - an uncursed gray stone [flint]

Final Attributes

Spells known in the end


Vanquished creatures

360 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges

Your skills at the end

Fighting Skills
Weapon Skills
long sword[Expert]
Spellcasting Skills

Dungeon overview

Game information

Seed: 3548540731
Started: 2015-05-20 15:05:00
Ended: 2015-05-21 14:13:40
Play time: PT00:43:56


Farvel Mortuis the Valkyrie...
You turned to stone in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 13 with 27838 points,
and 215 pieces of gold, after 12659 moves.
Killer: cockatrice
You were level 11 with a maximum of 104 hit points when you turned to stone.
You reached the 15th place on the top 100 list.
 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1     122390  Klaak-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha died in One-eyed Sam's Market
                on level 24 [max 26].  Killed by One-eyed Sam.          -  [87]
  2     118502  Klaak-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha quit in The Ruins of Moria on
                level 13 [max 20].                                    110 [110]
  3     107424  motm-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Quest on level 17
                [max 16].  Killed by a death ray.                     108 [120]

 13      31668  wumpusant-Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Quest on level
                17 [max 16].  Killed by a rock troll.                   - [130]
 14      29190  Sabrejon-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 17 [max 22].  Killed by a couatl, while
                praying.                                                -  [71]
*15      27838  Mortuis-Val-Hum-Fem-Law turned to stone in The                 
*               Gnomish Mines on level 13.  Petrified by a                     
                cockatrice.                                            35 [104]
 16      23550  motm-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in Sokoban on level 7
                [max 11].  Killed by a giant beetle, while paralyzed
                by a monster.                                           - [104]
 17      23155  mightydog-Con-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines
                on level 10.  Killed by an air elemental.               -  [89]