Klaak, chaotic female vampiric Wizard #################################---------------- ----- #------ #|......{.......| ##....| #|....| ----------.######...............| # |..>| ------- #|....| #..........|# #|.........<....|###########....| |.{...| ##....| #|..........# #---#-------.----# # ----- |....%.###[#|%...| #|.........|############################## |.....|#####%....| ##.........|# ### ---%--- ------ #------..---# # %# ############################## ### # # ### # ## # #############################################[##################### ----- # --------.-- # ##--.--.-# # # -.-.- |....## |(........|######|.....|# # **#### ##....| |.{.| |..oo.o....######......|############# ## #` |.{.| |...| |..@......|### |.....| -.-.-*# # |...| |....#####...........# ------- |<..%# .. #....| ----- #----###---- |...| .. |...| ##################################....| ..| ----- ----- -- [Klaak the Thaumaturge] St:8 Dx:14 Co:18 In:18 Wi:12 Ch:10 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:6 $:0 HP:0(82) Pw:89(138) AC:4 Xp:9/3359 Wt:748/700 T:6514 Burdened Latest messages # What do you want to sacrifice? [uGJ or ?*] Your sacrifice is consumed in a burst of flame! You have a feeling of reconciliation. Your movements are only slowed slightly by your load. The iguana misses. Unknown command '^J'. The magic-absorbing blade stuns the iguana! You kill the iguana! The Uruk-hai wields a crude short sword {30}! Do you want to change into a jackal? [yn] (n) In what direction? The sleep ray hits the Uruk-hai. (3x) The magic-absorbing blade scares the Uruk-hai! You kill the Uruk-hai! The Uruk-hai hits! In what direction? The sleep ray hits the Uruk-hai. The sleep ray bounces! The sleep ray hits the Uruk-hai. The sleep ray hits you! The Uruk-hai hits! (4x) The combat suddenly awakens you. In what direction? The sleep ray hits the Uruk-hai. The sleep ray bounces! The sleep ray hits the Uruk-hai. The sleep ray hits you! The Uruk-hai hits! (17x) You die... Your inventory Weapons a - a blessed rustproof [+1] athame named Magicbane [Magicbane] (weapon in hand) {10} h - an uncursed [+0] crude dagger [orcish] {10} o - an [uncursed +0] dagger {10} t - a blessed +1 quarterstaff {40}* M - 10 uncursed [+0] darts {10} Q - 7 uncursed [+0] daggers {70} R - 8 uncursed [+0] runed arrows [elven] {8} S - a blessed [+0] runed bow [elven] {30} T - an [uncursed +0] runed broadsword [elven] {70} U - an [uncursed +0] runed broadsword [elven] {70} V - an [uncursed +0] runed dagger [elven] {10} W - an [uncursed +0] spear {30} Armor m - an uncursed +0 crested helmet [helmet] (being worn) {30} q - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) {10}* C - an [uncursed] +2 pair of high boots (being worn) {20} Comestibles s - an [uncursed] pancake {2} u - an [uncursed very rotten] drained rock mole corpse {24} v - an uncursed tripe ration {10} w - an uncursed slime mold {5} G - an [uncursed very rotten] drained newt corpse {8} Y - 2 [uncursed] food rations {40} Scrolls c - an [uncursed] scroll labeled ELBIB YLOH [of food detection] {5} D - a cursed scroll labeled THARR [of teleportation] {5} Potions p - an uncursed viscous potion [of full healing] {20} Rings d - an uncursed ring of shock resistance {3}* e - an uncursed ring of polymorph control (on right hand) {3}* B - an uncursed jade ring [of polymorph] {3} Wands A - an uncursed wand called cancellation, teleportation, or make invisible [of teleportation (0:7)] {7} H - an uncursed wand of light [0:12] {7} N - an uncursed wand of striking [0:2] {7} Tools f - an uncursed [+0] pick-axe {100} k - 6 [uncursed wax] candles {12} l - a [blessed wax] candle {2} n - an uncursed blindfold {2}* r - an uncursed [+0] unicorn horn {20} x - an uncursed looking glass [mirror] {13} y - an uncursed lock pick {4} X - an uncursed partly used [tallow] candle {10} Gems z - 3 uncursed blue gems [worthless glass] {3} E - 2 [uncursed] green gems [worthless glass] {2} F - an [uncursed] violet gem [worthless glass] {1} O - an uncursed green gem [worthless glass] {1} P - an uncursed violet gem [worthless glass] {1} Final Attributes You were piously aligned. Hunger level was 560. Your alignment was 42 / 42. Monster difficulty range was 1 - 7. Level difficulty was 6. You were level-drain resistant. You were magic-protected. You could fly. You could survive without air. You regenerated. You had polymorph control. You were a werejackal. Your luck was zero. You are dead. Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail Memory a - force bolt 1 attack 0% 68% b - sleep 1 enchantment 0% 71% c - cure blindness 2 healing 6% 68% Vanquished creatures a leather golem a spotted jelly 9 leprechauns (11 created) a horse 3 Green-elves 2 lizards a dwarf lord a blue jelly a gray unicorn a raven a plains centaur an imp a wood nymph (2 created) a water nymph (3 created) a mountain nymph 3 Uruk-hai (6 created) 3 rock piercers (4 created) 2 rock moles a woodchuck a pony 2 yellow lights a shrieker 2 gnome lords a kobold mummy a gray ooze (2 created) an elf zombie a straw golem a wax golem a giant ant a little dog 4 floating eyes (5 created) a kitten (3 created) 5 dwarves 3 homunculi a kobold lord 8 rothes 3 rabid rats 2 giant bats 3 orc zombies a wererat a werejackal 5 iguanas 2 killer bees a gas spore 4 manes 9 giant rats a cave spider 2 green molds a red mold 9 gnomes 8 jackals a fox a kobold a goblin 3 sewer rats 2 grid bugs 2 bats 9 lichens a kobold zombie 9 newts 151 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You used a wielded weapon 201 times. You read items or engraved 100 times. You put on armor 12 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You changed form 1 time. You used no wishes. You engraved Elbereth 103 times. You never encountered a bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] quarterstaff [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Skilled] enchantment spells [Skilled] Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 6 Level 2: a general store, a fountain Level 3: a delicatessen store Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines Level 5: [oracle] many fountains Level 6: <- You were here an altar to Anhur, many fountains Game information Seed: 1682769153 Started: 2015-03-24 13:23:16 Ended: 2015-03-24 14:07:23 Play time: PT00:08:02 Goodbye Klaak the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 6 with 8842 points, and 0 pieces of gold, after 6514 moves. Killer: Uruk-hai, while sleeping You were level 9 with a maximum of 82 hit points when you died. You didn't beat your previous score of 29893 points. 1 1625182 qq-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 279 [280] 2 1587496 qq-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu defied the Gods and escaped the dungeon . 377 [377] 3 1307710 qq-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 173 [197] 53 30495 tacticalos-Ran-Gno-Fem-Neu died in The Quest on level 13 [max 18]. Killed by a Grey-elf. - [74] 54 29939 mathninja-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu choked on his food in The Dungeons of Doom on level 12 [max 13]. Choked on a stone giant corpse. 57 [89] *55 29893 Klaak-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 8 [max 9]. Killed by a Woodland-elf. - [100] * 8842 Klaak-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 6. Killed by an Uruk-hai, while sleeping. - [82] 56 29848 Adine-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 6 [max 9]. Killed by a priest of Offler. - [82] 57 28238 blargius-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 11. Killed by a bolt of lightning. - [115]