Howler, lawful female human Valkyrie ---- |).|----- |..-|...-- |-%.|*...| ----- |.*)).|..| --.%.------......---------^-.------ ....%...............--.|.....------- ---. ----.....--.................^....(.--------------..- ---(..--.- ---......)..%-----.............|...| --)....| --.......%...--|...---------.....---- |.....| |......I.....||.--- ----........| --.....--- ---......I@...----- --.|.........--- ----....).... |........II...| |..............---- --............---.--..|.....)*--- --..--............--- |.....^......-|...|-----........| ----|..............| --...........--.--- |-.......| --.....--.......| ---............| |.......-- ---......|---....-- --.....------- --.....-- .--.%......| --...| --....| ---.--- |))......--- --..| ------ --- |.)|.----- ---- ------ [Howler the Fighter] St:18/03 Dx:15 Co:17 In:9 Wi:8 Ch:9 Lawful Gnomish Mines:6 $:666 HP:0(70) Pw:16(16) AC:3 Exp:8 T:3438 Blind Latest messages You are almost hit by a knife. You are hit by an elven dagger. The barrow wight wields a long sword! You miss the barrow wight. The barrow wight swings her long sword. The barrow wight misses. The air crackles around the barrow wight. The barrow wight hits! The barrow wight swings her long sword. The barrow wight hits! The barrow wight points at you, then curses. The barrow wight hits! You destroy the barrow wight! There are several objects here. You are momentarily blinded by a flash of light! Wait! There's something there you can't see! It hits! (2x) It misses. It hits! It misses. (2x) You produce a strange whistling sound. It hits! It just misses! You hear some noises. You kill it! It hits! (2x) It bites! It misses. It hits! You die... Your inventory Weapons a - the blessed rustproof +1 Excalibur (weapon in hand)* b - an uncursed +0 dagger* e - an uncursed [+0] orcish dagger Armor c - an uncursed +3 small shield (being worn)* f - an [uncursed +0] dwarvish cloak n - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) E - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn) M - an uncursed +0 dwarvish cloak (being worn) Y - a [cursed +0] dwarvish cloak Z - an [uncursed +0] pair of iron shoes Comestibles d - 6 uncursed food rations* Scrolls h - an [uncursed] scroll labeled ELAM EBOW [of identify] Potions g - an uncursed greasy potion [of sleeping] i - an uncursed black potion [of restore ability] l - an [uncursed] dark potion [of object detection] q - an uncursed sparkling potion [of extra healing] x - a blessed sky blue potion [of speed] F - an uncursed viscous potion [of see invisible] Rings j - an uncursed gold ring [of stealth] (on right hand) s - an uncursed +1 ring of gain intelligence y - an uncursed jet ring [of free action] (on left hand) W - a [cursed] emerald ring [of polymorph] Wands k - an uncursed cedar wand [of secret door detection (0:12)] A - an uncursed brass wand [of digging (0:5)] H - an uncursed brass wand [of digging (0:8)] Tools G - 3 uncursed [tallow] candles L - an uncursed magic whistle Q - 18 uncursed [wax] candles U - an [uncursed] blindfold Gems o - an uncursed black gem [worthless glass] t - an uncursed yellowish brown gem [worthless glass] B - an uncursed green gem [jade] N - an uncursed blue gem [worthless glass] O - an uncursed green gem [worthless glass] V - an [uncursed] white gem [dilithium crystal] Final Attributes You were piously aligned. Hunger level was 649. Your alignment was 27 / 27. Monster difficulty range was 1 - 7. Level difficulty was 6. You were cold resistant. You were level-drain resistant. You were blinded. You had automatic searching. You were stealthy. You were fast. You had free action. Your luck was zero. You are dead. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a wolf a giant spider a blue jelly a raven 2 human zombies a fire ant a bugbear an Uruk-hai (5 created) a woodchuck a pony (2 created) 2 shriekers 4 gnome lords a barrow wight a ghoul a wax golem 3 giant ants a little dog (2 created) a floating eye 3 dwarves (5 created) a homunculus 2 centipedes 2 orc zombies 2 dwarf zombies an iguana (2 created) an acid blob a gas spore a hobbit (3 created) a large kobold 4 giant rats a yellow mold (2 created) 2 green molds 23 gnomes (27 created) 2 gnome zombies 3 geckos (4 created) 8 jackals a kobold 2 goblins (3 created) 2 sewer rats a grid bug (3 created) 9 lichens a kobold zombie (2 created) 2 newts 101 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You were illiterate. You used a wielded weapon 89 times. You put on armor 9 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never engraved Elbereth. You never encountered a bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] long sword [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 5 Level 1: a fountain, a sink Level 3: (neutral alter) an altar Level 4: (Gnomish Mines Stairway) Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines Level 5: [oracle] (Oracle) many fountains The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 6 Level 6: <- You were here Game information Seed: -988435029 Started: 2014-10-15 22:06:23 Ended: 2014-10-15 23:07:51 Play time: PT00:10:40 Farvel Howler the Valkyrie... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 6 with 5202 points, and 666 pieces of gold, after 3438 moves. Killer: Woodland-elf You were level 8 with a maximum of 70 hit points when you died. You didn't beat your previous score of 6704 points. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 14386 k80-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law was poisoned in The Gnomish Mines on level 10. Poisoned by a rotted horse corpse. 49 [97] 2 14253 Howler-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 12. Killed by an air elemental. - [78] 3 7712 Howler-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 11. Killed by a mumak. - [103] * 4 6704 Howler-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 10. Killed by a dagger. - [85] * 5202 Howler-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 6. Killed by a Woodland-elf. - [70] 5 6548 pokepoke2-Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 9. Killed by an energy vortex. - [78] 6 5012 Skalmold-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 5 [max 6]. Killed by a rothe. - [46]