Darlana, neutral female human Tourist --------- ------ |.......| |..... |.......| |.....$. ##%#####'.......| |.........@u######|.......| --------- #........| |.......| --------- [Darlana the Sightseer] St:8 Dx:11 Co:14 In:15 Wi:12 Ch:15 Neutral S:1296 Dungeons of Doom:13 $:574 HP:0(22) Pw:2(2) AC:10 Xp:3/53 Wt:582/600 T:902 Fainted Latest messages You fall through... What do you want to zap? [CG or ?*] In what direction? You dig a hole through the floor. You fall through... You faint from lack of food. You regain consciousness. The gecko bites! What do you want to zap? [CG or ?*] Nothing happens. The wand of digging turns to dust. You can't go down here. Unknown command ' '. In what direction? The dart hits the gecko. The gecko bites! In what direction? You kill the gecko! a - 2 uncursed +2 darts (in quiver) {39}. You see here a gecko corpse {10}. You faint from lack of food. The horse kicks! The horse bites! The horse kicks! The horse bites! The horse kicks! The horse bites! The horse kicks! The horse bites! You die... Your inventory Weapons a - 39 uncursed +2 darts (in quiver) {39}* d - an [uncursed +0] broadsword named Luck Blade [Luck Blade] {70} r - an [uncursed +0] crude dagger [orcish] {10} Armor i - an uncursed +0 Hawaiian shirt (being worn) {5}* p - an [uncursed +0] iron skull cap [orcish helm] {30} s - an [uncursed] burnt +0 cloak of displacement (being worn) {10} Comestibles b - 5 uncursed food rations {100}* c - 4 uncursed fortune cookies {4}* e - an uncursed apple {2}* n - 3 uncursed tripe rations {30}* t - 2 [blessed] tins [of lichen] {20} v - an [uncursed] tripe ration {10} A - an [uncursed] carrot {2} E - an [uncursed] food ration {20} Scrolls g - 2 blessed scrolls of magic mapping {10}* h - an uncursed scroll of magic mapping {5}* u - an [uncursed] scroll of magic mapping {5} y - an [uncursed] stamped scroll [of mail] {5} D - a [cursed] scroll labeled LOREM IPSUM [of destroy armor] {5} Spellbooks o - an [uncursed] copper spellbook [of remove curse] {50} Potions f - an uncursed potion of extra healing {20}* l - an [uncursed] yellow potion [of paralysis] {20} m - a [blessed] magenta potion [of sickness] {20} z - an [uncursed] smoky potion [of confusion] {20} H - an [uncursed] cloudy potion [of levitation] {20} I - an [uncursed] magenta potion [of sickness] {20} Wands C - an [uncursed] wand of secret door detection [0:13] {7} Tools j - an uncursed expensive camera (0:24) {12}* k - an uncursed credit card {1}* B - an [uncursed] key [skeleton key] {3} Gems F - an [uncursed] yellowish brown gem [worthless glass] {1} Final Attributes You were fervently aligned. Hunger level was -20. Your alignment was 11 / 14. Monster difficulty range was 2 - 8. Level difficulty was 13. You were displaced. You were lucky (3). You had extra luck. Bad luck timed out slowly for you. Good luck timed out slowly for you. You are dead. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures an acid blob a large kobold (2 created) a gecko (2 created) 4 jackals a fox 2 goblins (4 created) 2 grid bugs a lichen (3 created) 4 newts (5 created) 17 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You were an atheist. You went without food. You were illiterate. You never hit with a wielded weapon. You put on armor 2 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never engraved Elbereth. You encountered 1 bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dart [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 13 Level 4: some fountains Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines Level 8: a fountain Level 12: [nymph] a tree Level 13: <- You were here Game information Seed: 2703676033 Started: 2016-04-08 14:00:58 Ended: 2016-04-08 14:14:14 Play time: PT00:06:26 Aloha Darlana the Tourist... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 13 with 1250 points, and 574 pieces of gold, after 902 moves. Killer: horse, while fainted from lack of food You were level 3 with a maximum of 22 hit points when you died. You didn't beat your previous score of 33177 points. 1 1873670 Zeglect-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 247 [271] 2 1717348 rail-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 293 [490] 3 949812 rail-Pri-Hum-Mal-Law died in Gehennom on level 29 [max 48]. Killed by brainlessness. 799 [826] 45 34967 rail-Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 10 [max 11]. Killed by a gas spore's explosion. - [136] 46 33652 BlueOoze-Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 12. Killed by an air elemental. - [75] *47 33177 Darlana-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 21 [max 23]. 81 [81] * 1250 Darlana-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom * on level 13. Killed by a horse, while fainted from lack of food. - [22] 48 32635 rail-Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 10 [max 17]. Killed by a vampire lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze. - [97] 49 32288 fxenakis-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 8 [max 9]. Killed by a bolt of cold. - [99]