Barmaley, neutral male human Tourist -------- |.......##### |......| # |....... ## -.-.---- # # ############################# # # ` # ### -.----- ##### ...^..| ##### ------ ------- %.....| --+---- #################### -...(.........| .<.-##########|.@...| # ### | ...| #|...x..## .). #|.....| $..| #|.....+ .| #------- -- [Barmaley the Sightseer] St:13 Dx:11 Co:17 In:10 Wi:9 Ch:14 Neutral S:1145 Dungeons of Doom:5 $:1078 HP:24(24) Pw:2(2) AC:10 Xp:3/79 Wt:541/800 T:848 Weak Latest messages The sewer rat bites! You miss the sewer rat. The sewer rat bites! In what direction? You kill the sewer rat! In what direction? You kill the sewer rat! In what direction? a - an uncursed +2 dart (in quiver) {43}. a - an uncursed +2 dart (in quiver) {44}. 3 gold pieces. The door opens. (2x) Hit points restored. You are beginning to feel hungry. A little dart shoots out at you! You are hit by a little dart. Do you really want to step into that dart trap? [yn] (n) The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The grid bug bites! You get zapped! You kill the grid bug! The grid bug bites! You get zapped! You are beginning to feel weak. 49 gold pieces. This door is locked. Unlock it with an uncursed credit card {1}? [yn] (n) # Really quit? [yes/no] Your inventory Amulets o - an [uncursed] circular amulet [of ESP] {20} Weapons a - 44 uncursed +2 darts (in quiver) {44}* s - a [blessed +1] runed dagger [elven] {10} Armor h - an uncursed +0 Hawaiian shirt (being worn) {5}* r - an [uncursed +0] leather armor {150} Comestibles b - 8 uncursed food rations {160}* c - an uncursed [stale] egg {1}* d - an uncursed pancake {2}* k - an [uncursed] cram ration {15} m - an [uncursed] food ration {20} p - an [uncursed] ananas {5} Scrolls f - 3 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping {15}* g - a blessed scroll of magic mapping {5}* t - an [uncursed] stamped scroll [of mail] {5} Potions e - 2 uncursed potions of extra healing {40}* q - an [uncursed] greasy potion [of booze] {20} Tools i - an uncursed expensive camera (0:70) {12}* j - an uncursed credit card {1}* Final Attributes You were fervently aligned. Hunger level was 45. Your alignment was 12 / 14. Monster difficulty range was 0 - 4. Level difficulty was 5. Your luck was zero. You survived. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures 2 coyotes (4 created) a hobbit 2 large kobolds (7 created) 2 giant rats 2 jackals 4 sewer rats a grid bug (3 created) a newt 15 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You were an atheist. You went without food. You were illiterate. You never hit with a wielded weapon. You put on armor 1 time. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never engraved Elbereth. You never encountered a bones level. You never used any Sokoban shortcuts. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dart [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 5 Level 1: (#P,nymph) a sink Level 2: a fountain Level 3: a fountain Level 4: a fountain Level 5: <- You were here Game information Seed: 1007745411 Started: 2016-02-09 23:13:43 Ended: 2016-02-09 23:18:01 Play time: PT00:03:38 Aloha Barmaley the Tourist... You quit in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 5 with 1145 points, and 1078 pieces of gold, after 848 moves. Killer: quit You were level 3 with a maximum of 24 hit points when you quit. You reached the 86th place on the top 100 list. 1 949812 rail-Pri-Hum-Mal-Law died in Gehennom on level 29 [max 48]. Killed by brainlessness. 799 [826] 2 565636 mightydog-Arc-Dwa-Fem-Law turned to stone in Gehennom on level 37 [max 47]. Petrified by tasting cockatrice meat. 205 [242] 3 362785 tertium-Con-Hum-Mal-Cha died in One-eyed Sam's Market on level 22 [max 25]. Killed by One-eyed Sam, while helpless. - [286] 84 1373 nabek-Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 6. 43 [44] 85 1331 rail-Con-Hum-Fem-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 6. Killed by a gnome. - [53] *86 1145 Barmaley-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 5. 24 [24] 87 1115 Barmaley-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 4 [max 5]. Killed by a bolt of fire. - [55] 88 1009 Klaak-Wiz-Vam-Fem-Cha quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 4. 42 [42]