xiella, Archeologist ------- ----------- |.....| |a.hi.....+ |.....+############@GOLG.....| |.....| |H.J......+ |.....| ----------- |.....| |..<..| ------- Lev 2 Gp 49 Hp 7(16) Ep 4(4) Ac 7 Str 12 Exp 2/10 Your inventory Weapons i - 10 shurikens. Armor a - a +0 studded leather armor (being worn). Potions b - a swirly potion. c - a white potion. h - a sky blue potion. Tools e - a pick-axe (weapon in hand). Gems g - a dark gem. Latest messages Unknown command ' '. You miss the floating eye. Unknown command ' '. (2x) What do you want to eat [j or ?*]? You feel sick. You finished eating the dead floating eye. Unknown command ' '. The dart hits the floating eye. The hobgoblin hits! Unknown command ';'. You hit the floating eye. You are frozen by the floating eye's gaze! The dart hits the floating eye. The hobgoblin misses. The dart hits the floating eye. The hobgoblin misses. The dart misses the floating eye. You are almost hit by a dart! The hobgoblin hits! The dart hits the floating eye. The floating eye is killed! The hobgoblin misses. The dart hits the jackal. The jackal is killed! The hobgoblin misses. The dart misses the gnome. You are almost hit by a dart! The gnome misses. The hobgoblin hits! You die ... xiella, Archeologist Goodbye Archeologist xiella... You died on dungeon level 2 with 185 points, and 49 pieces of gold, after 2085 moves. killer: hobgoblin You were level 2 with a maximum of 16 hit points when you died.