xiella, Archeologist -+----O-+- |d.......| |.Z......| |..@.....| |........| ---------- Lev 3 Gp 170 Hp 3(12) Ep 1(1) Ac 7 Str 12 Exp 1/0 Your inventory Armor a - a +0 studded leather armor (being worn). Comestibles d - 3 food rations. j - a slice of pizza. Spellbooks k - a silver spellbook. Potions b - a brilliant blue potion. c - a ruby potion. Tools e - a pick-axe (weapon in hand). i - a whistle. Latest messages What do you want to use or apply [ei or ?*]? In what direction do you want to dig? [>] You hit yourself with your own pick-axe. Unknown command ' '. (2x) What do you want to use or apply [ei or ?*]? In what direction do you want to dig? [>] You hit yourself with your own pick-axe. What do you want to use or apply [ei or ?*]? You don't have that object. What do you want to use or apply [ei or ?*]? In what direction do you want to dig? [>] You hit yourself with your own pick-axe. What do you want to use or apply [ei or ?*]? In what direction do you want to dig? [>] You hit yourself with your own pick-axe. The zombie misses. Unknown command ';'. You miss the zombie. The zombie misses. The little dog misses the zombie. You hit the zombie. You miss the zombie. The zombie misses. The little dog misses the zombie. You miss the zombie. The zombie hits! The little dog hits the zombie. You hit the zombie. The zombie hits! You die ... xiella, Archeologist Goodbye Archeologist xiella... You died on dungeon level 3 with 303 points, and 170 pieces of gold, after 156 moves. killer: zombie You were level 1 with a maximum of 12 hit points when you died.