xiella, Archeologist --------- |.......| k.......| |k......| ##########@.k.....| |k......| |.....k.| --------- Lev 6 Gp 366 Hp 4(12) Ep 1(1) Ac 6 Str 10 Exp 1/0 697 Your inventory Weapons m - a mace (weapon in hand). Armor a - a +0 studded leather armor (being worn). k - a +0 helmet (being worn). Comestibles d - 3 food rations. Wands i - a wand called striking. Rings h - a wire ring named c (on right hand). Potions b - a sky blue potion. c - a white potion. l - a brown potion. Tools e - a pick-axe. j - a whistle. Latest messages Something is written here in the dust. You read: "Elb??e??". What do you want to write with [- im or ?*]? You write in the dust with your fingers. You wipe out the message that was written here. What do you want to write on the floor here? You are beginning to feel hungry. You are beginning to feel weak. What do you want to write with [- im or ?*]? You write in the dust with your fingers. What do you want to write on the floor here? Unknown command ' '. (2x) What do you want to eat [d or ?*]? That food really hit the spot! You finished eating the food ration. Something is written here in the dust. You read: "E??ere?h". The killer bee hits! The bee's sting was poisoned! What do you want to write with [- im or ?*]? You write in the dust with your fingers. What do you want to write on the floor here? Something is written here in the dust. You read: "E??e? ?h". The killer bee misses. The killer bee hits! (2x) The killer bee misses. The bee's sting was poisoned! The killer bee hits! You die ... xiella, Archeologist Goodbye Archeologist xiella... You died on dungeon level 6 with 630 points, and 366 pieces of gold, after 697 moves. killer: killer bee You were level 1 with a maximum of 12 hit points when you died.