xiella, Archeologist ----- |...| |...| #+...+# ----------- #|...|# |...{.....| #|...|@ |..(......| #|...|## |......>..| ### ###-+--- ---+-----+- # ### ## ### # ### # # # # ### # ## ##%# -+--- -+---+----## #+...| |........+#######|...| |........|# |...| |........+ |<..| ---------- ----- Lev 1 Gp 67 Hp 2(12) Ep 1(1) Ac 7 Str 13 Exp 1/9 Your inventory Armor a - a +0 studded leather armor (being worn). Comestibles d - 5 food rations. h - a dead acid blob. Potions b - an ebony potion. c - a yellow potion. Tools e - a pick-axe. Latest messages You write in the dust with your fingers. What do you want to write on the floor here? Unknown command ' '. (2x) You hit the acid blob. You are splashed by the acid blob's acid! Unknown command ' '. (3x) You miss the acid blob. You hit the acid blob. You are splashed by the acid blob's acid! You miss the acid blob. (2x) You hear some noises. You miss the acid blob. (3x) You hit the acid blob. You are splashed by the acid blob's acid! You miss the acid blob. You hit the acid blob. You miss the acid blob. You hit the acid blob. You miss the acid blob. You destroy the acid blob! h - a dead acid blob. What do you want to eat [dh or ?*]? Unknown command '^['. (2x) What do you want to throw [*]? In what direction? A pick-axe hits the ceiling, then falls back on top of your head. e - a pick-axe. What do you want to eat [dh or ?*]? Ecch -- that must have been poisonous! you died xiella, Archeologist Goodbye Archeologist xiella... You died on dungeon level 1 with 147 points, and 67 pieces of gold, after 218 moves. killer: poisonous corpse You were level 1 with a maximum of 12 hit points when you died.