xiella, Wizard ---------- |........| |........| |........| |.....<..| -----+---- -----------+- |......@....| |...........| |...........| ------------- Lev 2 Gp 120 Hp 3(15) Ep 4(4) Ac 8 Str 16 Exp 1/5 697 Your inventory Armor a - a +1 elven cloak (being worn). Scrolls h - a scroll labeled PRIRUTSENIE. i - a scroll called enchant armor. j - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER. l - 2 scrolls labeled VENZAR BORGAVVE. Wands b - a wand of magic missile. c - a wand called teleportation. Rings d - a copper ring. e - a ring called levitation. Potions f - a puce potion. g - a glowing potion. Latest messages Unknown command ' '. (2x) What do you want to zap [bc or ?*]? Unknown command '^['. (2x) You hear some noises in the distance. What do you want to write with [- bc or ?*]? You write in the dust with your fingers. What do you want to write on the floor here? What do you want to zap [bc or ?*]? In what direction? The magic missile hits the homunculus. The magic missile bounces! Unknown command ';'. Unknown command '^['. Something is written here in the dust. You read: "Elbereth". You see no objects here. What do you want to zap [bc or ?*]? In what direction? You destroy the homunculus! The magic missile bounces! The magic missile hits you! What do you want to write with [- bc or ?*]? You write in the dust with your fingers. You wipe out the message that was written here. What do you want to write on the floor here? What do you want to zap [bc or ?*]? In what direction? The magic missile bounces! The magic missile hits you! you died xiella, Wizard Goodbye Wizard xiella... You died on dungeon level 2 with 238 points, and 120 pieces of gold, after 697 moves. killer: magic missile You were level 1 with a maximum of 15 hit points when you died.