xiella, Valkyrie ------ -+------- |...<| ##+.......| |....| # |.......+## |....| ### |.......|##### ---+-- # |.......| ### ----- # ### |.......| # |>..| # # |.......| ##+...+ # ### --------- |...| # ##### da..| # ### |.@.| --+--- ### |...| |....+#### ----- |....| ## |....+ |....| ------ Lev 2 Gp 195 Hp 2(16) Ep 1(1) Ac 7 Str 15 Exp 1/0 Your inventory Weapons a - a +1 long sword. d - a flail. Armor b - a +2 shield (being worn). Comestibles c - a food ration. Potions h - a swirly potion. i - an ebony potion. Gems f - 2 blue gems. Latest messages Restoring old save file... Hello xiella, welcome back to NetHack! Be careful! New moon tonight. What do you want to write with [- ad or ?*]? You write in the dust with your fingers. What do you want to write on the floor here? You hit the acid blob. You are splashed by the acid blob's acid! You hit the acid blob. You are splashed by the acid blob's acid! You miss the acid blob. You hit the acid blob. You are splashed by the acid blob's acid! You miss the acid blob. You hit the acid blob. You are splashed by the acid blob's acid! Your shield corrodes! Valkyrie is about to die. You miss the acid blob. (12x) You hit the acid blob. You miss the acid blob. You hit the acid blob. You are splashed by the acid blob's acid! You die ... xiella, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie xiella... You died on dungeon level 2 with 276 points, and 195 pieces of gold, after 669 moves. killer: acid blob You were level 1 with a maximum of 16 hit points when you died.