elenmirie1, Wizard q# @ ---------------- # |..............| # |..............+# # |..............|# # ##+..............|# ## # ----------------# #------- ### # #+.....| # # |.....+### ### |.....| #-+------------- ------- #+.............| |.............| |....<........| --------------- Lev 1 Gp 31 Hp 2(15) Ep 2(2) Ac 9 Str 16 Exp 1/0 Your inventory Armor a - a +0 elven cloak (being worn). Comestibles k - a food ration. Scrolls g - 2 scrolls labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA. h - a scroll labeled PRIRUTSENIE. Wands b - an aluminium wand. c - a marble wand. Rings d - a granite ring. e - a black onyx ring. Tools j - a magic marker. Latest messages The acid blob is killed! You add the spell to your books. What do you want to drink [f or ?*]? Oh wow! Everything looks so cosmic! k - a food ration. There is nothing here to pick up. 31 gold pieces. l - a yellow potion. What do you want to drink [l or ?*]? Wow! This makes you feel great! Call a yellow potion: You miss the nymph. The snake misses. The hobgoblin misses. The minotaur misses. The demon misses. The ettin misses. The gelatinous cube hits! The xorn misses. The freezing sphere hits! The bat misses. The gnome misses. The giant hits! The wraith hits! Wizard is about to die. The umber hulk misses. The jaguar misses. The hobgoblin misses. The zombie hits! You die ... elenmirie1, Wizard Goodbye Wizard elenmirie1... You died on dungeon level 1 with 88 points, and 31 pieces of gold, after 142 moves. killer: gnome You were level 1 with a maximum of 15 hit points when you died.