elenmirie1, Valkyrie ----------- ########+..<......| -------- # |.........| +.....d@## +.........| |......| |.........| |...L..+ ----------- |......| |......+ +......| -------- Lev 6 Gp 459 Hp 1(53) Ep 22(22) Ac -1 Str 18/59 Exp 6/287 Your inventory Weapons a - a blessed +4 long sword named Excalibur (weapon in hand). Armor b - a +3 shield (being worn). s - a +0 plate mail (being worn). Comestibles c - 2 food rations. z - a pancake. Scrolls p - a scroll of light. Wands q - a wand called slow monster. Rings g - a blackened ring. v - an iron ring. x - a diamond ring. Latest messages You finished eating the dead gnome. Yermak hits! Yermak misses. You hit Yermak! Yermak misses. Yermak hits! (2x) Yermak misses. Yermak hits! (2x) You hit Yermak! Yermak hits! (3x) Yermak misses. (2x) Yermak hits! You hit Yermak! Yermak hits! Yermak misses. (2x) Yermak hits! You miss Yermak. Yermak misses. Yermak hits! Yermak misses. (2x) You hit Yermak! Yermak misses. Yermak hits! Yermak misses. (2x) Valkyrie is about to die. # You feel the gods are pleased. Your long sword named Excalibur softly glows with a light blue aura. Yermak hits! You die ... elenmirie1, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie elenmirie1... You died on dungeon level 6 with 1902 points, and 459 pieces of gold, after 2185 moves. killer: large dog called Yermak You were level 6 with a maximum of 53 hit points when you died.