FIQ, Tourist ---+----+------- +..<..d........| |...@..........| |..............| |..............| ---------------- Lev 1 Gp 178 Hp 8(10) Ep 1(1) Ac 10 Str 12 Exp 1/0 Satiated Your inventory Weapons h - 33 +2 darts (weapon in hand). Comestibles a - 7 food rations. d - a fortune cookie. e - a pancake. Potions f - 2 potions of extra healing. Tools g - an expensive camera. Latest messages Hello FIQ, welcome to NetHack! Be careful! New moon tonight. You hit the leprechaun. The leprechaun misses. The leprechaun hits! Your purse feels lighter. What do you want to eat [abcde or ?*]? That apple was delicious! What do you want to eat [acde or ?*]? That carrot was delicious! What do you want to eat [ade or ?*]? That pancake was delicious! You finished eating the pancake. What do you want to eat [ade or ?*]? Blecch! Rotten food! The little dog suddenly falls asleep! You finished eating the food ration. What do you want to eat [ade or ?*]? You choke over your food. You die... FIQ, Tourist Goodbye Tourist FIQ... You choked on dungeon level 1 with 50 points, and 178 pieces of gold, after 12 moves. killer: choked You were level 1 with a maximum of 10 hit points when you choked.