FIQ, Valkyrie ---------------- +..............| |..............+# |..............|# |.<............|# ----------------# # # @ DH# -- ##%% #)#| #)## # Lev 21 Gp 7650 Hp 14(125) Ep 88(100) Ac -2 Str 18/97 Exp 14/50449 8574 Your inventory Weapons a - a blessed +6 long sword named Excalibur (weapon in hand). Armor b - a +3 shield named Icipt,Gc,P1939,S4 (being worn). F - a +1 elven cloak (being worn). G - a +0 splint mail (being worn). Comestibles m - a cream pie. n - 2 cloves of garlic. q - a tripe ration. E - a fortune cookie. H - 5 food rations. Spellbooks T - a spellbook of cure sickness. Wands d - a wand of fire. f - a wand of polymorph named 0:0. r - a wand of create monster. v - a wand of digging. z - a wand called cancel/makeinvis. Q - a wand of undead turning (4). V - a wand of sleep (0). Rings t - a +1 ring of increase damage. w - a ring of searching. N - a ring of searching. U - an iron ring. Z - a ring of regeneration. Potions J - a potion called full of awe. Tools o - a whistle. Gems c - an aquamarine stone. l - a green gem. s - 2 green gems. I - 2 agate stones. Latest messages You are no longer ill. The dragon hits! (2x) The dragon misses. # Cast which spell [a-c ?]: You feel a fair bit better. The dragon misses. The dragon hits! The dragon misses. # Cast which spell [a-c ?]: You feel a fair bit better. The dragon breathes fire! The blaze of fire hits you! Your potion of confusion boils and explodes! You feel somewhat dizzy. One of your potions called full of awe boils and explodes! The blaze of fire bounces! What do you want to write with [- adfrvzQV or ?*]? You write in the dust with your fingers. What do you want to write on the floor here? The blaze of fire hits you! The blaze of fire bounces! (2x) Valkyrie, your life force is running out. # Cast which spell [a-c ?]: You feel a fair bit better. The blaze of fire hits you! One of your scrolls catches fire! you died FIQ, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie FIQ... You died on dungeon level 21 with 65503 points, and 7650 pieces of gold, after 8574 moves. killer: blaze of fire You were level 14 with a maximum of 125 hit points when you died.