FIQ, Valkyrie ---------- +........+ |........| |........| ####+........| OE##|........+ ### @ +.....<..| # # ---------- ######################### Lev 3 Gp 76 Hp 7(41) Ep 13(13) Ac 3 Str 18 Exp 5/148 Satiated Your inventory Weapons a - a -3 long sword named Excalibur (weapon in hand). g - a sling. Armor b - a +3 shield (being worn). j - a +0 studded leather armor (being worn). Comestibles c - a food ration. d - a tripe ration. n - a carrot. q - a tin named spinach?. Wands o - a wand of sleep. Rings h - an engagement ring (on right hand). Potions s - a yellow potion. Latest messages You begin to transcribe the spell. You add the spell to your books. Do you want to name an individual object? [ny] What do you want to name [a-dghjnoqs or ?*]? What do you want to name a tin? # You get the felling the gods are angry... but nothing appears to happen. You finished your prayer. You hit the floating eye. You are frozen by the floating eye's gaze! You can move again. You hit the floating eye. You miss the floating eye. You are frozen by the floating eye's gaze! The giant ant misses. The giant ant hits! The giant ant misses. The orc hits! The orc misses. (2x) The orc hits! The orc misses. The orc hits! The orc misses. (4x) The orc hits! The orc misses. (4x) The orc hits! (2x) The orc misses. The orc hits! You die ... FIQ, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie FIQ... You died on dungeon level 3 with 841 points, and 76 pieces of gold, after 1320 moves. killer: orc You were level 5 with a maximum of 41 hit points when you died.