FIQ, Valkyrie -------------- | | --------- | | +.......| | | |.......| | | # # |......@| | +######## ### #|.......P# ----+--------- # #####################---------# ####### # ### ## ######## # ###### # ### ### # #### # # ----+-----# ###--+------- | +# ##+ < | | | ###| | | + #+ | ---------- --------+- Lev 21 Gp 1533 Hp 19(67) Ep 37(37) Ac 1 Str 3 Exp 10/5092 Your inventory Weapons a - a +0 long sword named Excalibur (weapon in hand). Armor b - a +0 shield named SInv,cold,pois (being worn). j - a +0 pair of gloves named c (being worn). z - a +0 elfin chain mail (being worn). A - a +0 elven cloak (being worn). I - a +0 helmet (being worn). Comestibles c - 3 food rations. Scrolls y - a scroll of teleportation. H - a scroll of blank paper. V - a scroll of amnesia. Wands d - a wand of digging. l - a wand of light. P - a wand called striking. W - a wand called make invisible. Rings p - a shining ring. x - a granite ring. B - a ruby ring. G - a topaz ring. O - a ruby ring. R - an ivory ring. Potions q - a potion of sickness. K - a potion of confusion. M - a potion of speed. Gems k - 2 gems called dilithium. E - 2 red gems. J - a green gem. S - a green gem. Latest messages In what direction? The purple worm misses. The purple worm hits! You miss the purple worm. The purple worm misses. (2x) You hit the purple worm! The purple worm hits! (2x) You hit the purple worm! The purple worm hits! (2x) You miss the purple worm. The purple worm misses. (2x) # : unknown command. # engrave: unknown command. What do you want to write with [- adlPW or ?*]? You write in the dust with your fingers. What do you want to write on the floor here? The purple worm hits! 43 gold pieces. There is nothing here to pick up. # : unknown command. You collapse under your load. The purple worm misses. The purple worm hits! What do you want to zap [dlPW or ?*]? Nothing Happens. The purple worm hits! (2x) You die ... FIQ, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie FIQ... You died on dungeon level 21 with 21506 points, and 1533 pieces of gold, after 6231 moves. killer: purple worm You were level 10 with a maximum of 67 hit points when you died.