cstaub67, Valkyrie ------------- |...........| |...........| |...........| |...........| #+...........| ----- #---------+--- |...+## ------ #### # |...| # #|....+# # # |...| ###|....|###### # #### ----- #+....+####@ --------+----- ## -+--+---------- |....| # |............| # -----# |.............| |....| ##+............+######|...|####+.............| ------ |............| ##|...+# #+.............| -------------- ##+.<.|# --------------- #-----# ## Lev 4 Gp 147 Hp 23(42) Ep 12(12) Ac 6 Str 10 Exp 5/121 Your inventory Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand). Armor b - a +3 shield (being worn). Comestibles i - a tripe ration. Scrolls m - a scroll labeled KIRJE. Wands o - a wand of light. Potions f - a white potion. Tools n - a whistle. Gems e - a yellowish brown gem. h - 2 blue gems. l - a green gem. Latest messages You miss the rock mole. The rock mole misses. You miss the rock mole. (4x) The rock mole hits! You miss the rock mole. (2x) The rock mole misses. You miss the rock mole. The rock mole misses. You miss the rock mole. The rock mole misses. You miss the rock mole. (2x) You hit the rock mole! You destroy the rock mole! The homunculus misses. m - a scroll labeled KIRJE. You miss the homunculus. The homunculus misses. You miss the homunculus. The homunculus hits! You destroy the homunculus! n - a whistle. What do you want to use or apply [n or ?*]? You produce a high whistling sound. You miss the nymph. The nymph stole 2 food rations. o - a tin wand. What do you want to zap [o or ?*]? The light here seems better now. What do you want to zap [o or ?*]? Really quit? cstaub67, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie cstaub67... You quit on dungeon level 4 with 841 points, and 147 pieces of gold, after 596 moves. killer: quit You were level 5 with a maximum of 42 hit points when you quit.