cstaub67, Wizard # # # # # # ----------+- ------------- -+--+----+-- | | | { | |..........| | | | | |..........| | | | | |$.........| | | | | |.........d| #+ | | | +.........@| ###| | ------- --+------+--- |.........<| # -------+---- |> | ######## ---+--+----- # # | | ### # #### # # | +############################### ### ### # # ### ## | | ############### # #-+-+-# --+-+--- | +##### -----+--- ----+-+-- # ##+ |# | | ------- # | +# | +##### --+-- ##| |# | | ##+ |####+ | # | +####| |# | | | | | | ###| |# | +# | | | | ---+----- #+ +# ----- -------- --------- # ----- Lev 1 Gp 0 Hp 15(15) Ep 1(1) Ac 8 Str 16 Exp 1/0 Your inventory Armor a - a +1 elven cloak (being worn). Spellbooks k - a parchment spellbook. Wands b - a wand of digging. c - a wand of digging. Rings d - an ivory ring. e - a black onyx ring. Latest messages As you read the scroll, it disappears. Your elven cloak glows green for a moment. Call a scroll labeled HACKEM MUCHE: What do you want to read [- j or ?*]? As you read the scroll, it disappears. You have a strange feeling for a moment, then it passes. Call a scroll labeled VE FORBRYDERNE: What do you want to read [- or ?*]? That is a silly thing to read. What do you want to drink [fg or ?*]? This tastes like fruit juice. What do you want to drink [g or ?*]? You are suddenly moving much faster. Unknown command 'Z'. What do you want to zap [bc or ?*]? (5x) # spell: unknown command. # boo: unknown command. # book: unknown command. What do you want to read [- or ?*]? That is a silly thing to read. What do you want to read [- or ?*]? That is a silly thing to read. What do you want to read [- or ?*]? That is a silly thing to read. What do you want to read [- or ?*]? That is a silly thing to read. Really quit? cstaub67, Wizard Goodbye Wizard cstaub67... You quit on dungeon level 1 with 90 points, and 0 pieces of gold, after 10 moves. killer: quit You were level 1 with a maximum of 15 hit points when you quit.