cstaub67, Valkyrie ------ ------ |....| |...<| |....| |....| ##+....| #+....| # --+--- #------ -------------### # #### ##+...........|# # # # |...........|# # # # ### |...........|# -+-+--------# ##### # |...........+# |..........+# -+-+-- ### ------------- |..........| |@H..| # |..........| |....+#### |..........| |....| |..........| |....| ------------ ------ Lev 4 Gp 505 Hp 4(42) Ep 10(10) Ac 6 Str 13 Exp 5/113 Your inventory Weapons a - a -1 long sword (weapon in hand). j - a long sword. r - a partisan. Armor b - a +0 shield (being worn). e - a +0 studded leather armor (being worn). k - a shield. Comestibles c - 2 food rations. l - a food ration. t - a tripe ration. E - a fortune cookie. Spellbooks d - an orange spellbook. q - a glowing spellbook. Wands i - a zinc wand. p - a balsa wand. s - an oak wand. Rings o - an ivory ring (on left hand). B - a copper ring. Potions g - a puce potion. m - an ebony potion. n - a pink potion. Gems y - a red gem. Latest messages You see here a dead homunculus. There is a dead homunculus here; eat it? [ny] Ecch -- that must have been poisonous! Valkyrie, your life force is running out. You finished eating the dead homunculus. Unknown command ' '. (3x) You see here a fortune cookie. 146 gold pieces. Pickup: ON. E - a fortune cookie. You miss the floating eye. You are frozen by the floating eye's gaze! The hobgoblin hits the floating eye. The floating eye is killed! The hobgoblin misses. The hobgoblin hits! (2x) The hobgoblin misses. The hobgoblin hits! The hobgoblin misses. The hobgoblin hits! The hobgoblin misses. (2x) The hobgoblin hits! The hobgoblin misses. The hobgoblin hits! The hobgoblin misses. The hobgoblin hits! Valkyrie, your life force is running out. The hobgoblin misses. (2x) The hobgoblin hits! You die ... cstaub67, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie cstaub67... You died on dungeon level 4 with 1117 points, and 505 pieces of gold, after 1494 moves. killer: hobgoblin You were level 5 with a maximum of 42 hit points when you died.